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06-14-2021, 04:31 PM
I hope no other female, experienced shooter, has to go through this experience.

“Today, I walked into Cabelas in Kalispell to look at a Sako S20 300 win mag that I’ve been thinking about purchasing. Upon handling it I noticed a few scratches on the bolt so before I invested $1600 I decided continue my shopping at near by stores and call around to Murdoch’s and Sportmans ski haus to see if they had that rifle in stock. No one did.

So about an hour after I first went into Cabelas I went back in to make the purchase. I walked up to the gun counter (mind you I was a top firearms sales woman for Bass Pro) I told the kid I’d like to purchase a rifle.

He asked which one, I said the Sako s20 300 win mag. His tone and demeanor changed. He said this guns for you? Yes. He said you shoot a 300 win mag? Yes ( I’ve shot Coastal black bear in Alaska, mountain lion, many deer and other big game. I come from a law enforcement-hunting guide family) The kid continued to pester me with the same questions asking why I needed a 300 win mag.

Then he went into the back gun room and a couple minutes later him and another gentleman David came out to further question me if this gun was for me (a petite woman), what I was going to shoot with a 300 win mag. Literally the same questions over and over.

At this point as a former Bass Pro Firearms sales associate I told them I did not appreciate being questioned in this manner. David told me he asks everyone all of these questions over and over ever time. I informed him I had never been questioned in this manner before when I purchased my shotgun or handgun from them. The conversation went on in a very demeaning way towards me until David told me to go stand by the ffl computer and took my license to another part of the store.

At this point my infant was screaming on my hip while I was trying to make a final decision which scope I was going to invest in to mount on the Sako.

Minutes later the Manager- Chad Kim came to tell me they could not sell me the rifle. His men thought my knowledge was too “Scripted”. I was absolutely appalled that they made the decision to deny me, a law abiding, never a parking ticket, previous firearm dealer, big game hunting young American female a high powered hunting rifle without even talking to me to understand I had just been in an hour earlier handling the firearm, done my research and am already very knowledgeable about all things guns, ammo and hunting.

They made the assumption I feel because I was a woman, alone, dressed very nicely that I couldn’t possibly know enough about guns to be specific about the rifle I wanted. Infuriating and incredibly disappointing in the lack of personable customer service from the first 2 salesman who treated me like an idiot. Chad and I had a long talk which ended with me sobbing in tears with my baby on my hip screaming being kindly escorted out of Cabelas by Chad.

Appalling, this is America and that was discrimination if I’ve ever seen it. First experience for me and I pray sharing this story will save another innocent woman from being demeaned and mistreated by what used to be a well respected outdoors retailer.”

That’s absolutely disheartening, disgusting, outrageous, demeaning and discriminating!!! Shame on you Cabelas.

06-14-2021, 04:47 PM
Hard to believe that a manager of a Cabela's in Montana could be that stupid. But, we are in the golden age of stupidity in America. Sad.

That said, what was the source of this story? I looked up the store info and the Manager is listed as being a Jeff Friesen. Also no results of a web search for the incident.

06-14-2021, 04:50 PM
Most of the people at my local Cabelas (Buda, TX) don’t know which end of the rifle to put against their shoulder! I’ve had many run-ins with them over the years and I only go there when I absolutely have to!

06-14-2021, 04:58 PM
That sounds absolutely AWFUL. The only thing that comes to mind that could have been in play is that they were worried about a straw purchase or something. But, even then they could have been MUCH more tactful. You should take this to upper management and voice your concerns.

06-14-2021, 05:04 PM
Because the story is in quotes I assume that @waksupi is repeating it. It does seem odd for a retailer to elect not to sell a rifle to a buyer, even a buyer with a baby.

06-14-2021, 05:15 PM
Sad times we live in, sorry you had this problem. Corporate should be involved with this and heads should roll.


06-14-2021, 05:18 PM
My wife- petite little thing marathoner very fit, carries and shoots a .357 a Ruger SP101. When ever it’s discussed or she’s buying ammo- some idiot sales clerk or some dork at the range will
Say something “you shoot .357?” “Is it loaded with 38’s” “can you handle.357?” “Are you sure you want 357?” On and on sure she trains with 38 and plinks with wadd cutter loads- cost mostly but of course they are more pleasant to shoot for an extended session.
In fact she can and does handle .357 well, so does our 17 year old daughter, my wife did not come from a hunting family - two uncles that may go to deer camp get drunk and shoot a deer if all the stars align every few years. But she did read some Ruark as a girl and took use enough gun to heart.
The thing she really can’t stand is at the range especially indoors - every Joe Tom and Brian want to give her a few pointers or show her “how to shoot” . Her respite usually- front sight, front sight , firm grip, trigger control , all shots inside 8.5x11, like the upper thoracic cavity of a man!
She’s married to a firearms instructor, she’s sat through a dozen of my classes and watched 100s on video . Shot several guns years ago when we moved in together picked a few she liked, took my cpl class- played and carried those few until the clear winner emerged, sold the others and bought lots of defensive ammo. Came to her conclusions of what works for her and fits the mission like any other rational human would do.
If she was ever treated this way at a gun counter I’d have it all over YouTube so fast and before the view counter got to 50 on the phone with a civil rights lawyer- here in MI we have a fantastic one - Mr Steve Letho cause the best way to stamp out this ignorance legally is make it cost them a lot of money.

06-14-2021, 05:52 PM
I was in the Cabela's in Wichita yesterday, that place has changed a lot for the worse since the Bass Pro take over. They don't sell used guns anymore which was 99% of why I ever went in there.

Mal Paso
06-14-2021, 06:03 PM
It isn't Cabelas any more. Hasn't been since they sold.

06-14-2021, 06:03 PM
most of the individuals that I have had some contact with know very little about firearms much less who can really handle one.

06-14-2021, 06:08 PM
Now if they refused to bake her a cake for her same sex marriage she would have a lawsuit. But seriously, like said above, most clerks at big box stores don’t know what end of a gun goes bang. A manager should be trained better and be able to access the situation without slandering a customer or falling for a straw sale. I just am not sure that the story is all true, but in 2021 nothing would surprise me.

06-14-2021, 06:11 PM
There is a large Cabelas store in Post Falls, Idaho that used to sell used firearms. Last couple of times I was in that store, there were no used firearms on display. At the time I thought that they just didn't have any because of all the panic buying of guns and components. This post makes me think that they have had a policy change. Anyone know for sure?

06-14-2021, 06:15 PM
I don't care much for Bass Pro at all. The only reason I go there at all is they are about the only place that used to have powder and primers.

06-14-2021, 06:29 PM
Wow, I'm speechless. I suggest just shop online and you'd probably save a few bucks doing it. I understand a lot of people are cautious about purchasing sight unseen but at least you won't be subjected to such behavior.

06-14-2021, 06:31 PM
Also another good reason to patronize a local gun shop.

Gator 45/70
06-14-2021, 06:34 PM
Man,Those 2 behind the counter makes me shudder to think non-discriminating Liberals have taken over at Cabelas?

06-14-2021, 06:49 PM
is it just me or do any others think this might deserve a trip to a powerful sue lawyers office and before long you might be owning some of those bush planes hanging in the stores and a few overgrown fish tanks and empty the pockets a bit from the bass pro empire.
just plain wrong how you were treated.

06-14-2021, 07:20 PM
Sounds about right for cabelas I'm near the gainesville location and they act like they are doing you a favor just to acknowledge your presents let alone wait on you. I spent 3 hours on the road round trip to buy a antique 1894 marlin rifle from the short pump location only to have the butt hole library manager Mr. chandler sell it out from under me when I went to get a case for it. He knew I was purchasing it I told him to start the paper work I've got to get a carrying case for it. When I came back with the case and asked for the paper work I was told "tough luck bub somebody beat you to it". When I complained to the supposed store manager about his behavior and what he had done she didn't want to hear it and didn't give a you know what. The general attitude I have experienced since the buy out has been don't bother me leave your money on the counter and get out. I used to enjoy driving up to the hamburg pa. location a couple of times a year but its just as bad as gainesvile and short pump.

06-14-2021, 07:20 PM
Also another good reason to patronize a local gun shop.


06-14-2021, 07:32 PM
This is very disheartening of true. I was just in the cabelas in Buda and the outpost in Waco not much on the shelves and I’ve never dealt with the gun counter folks I would hope that they wouldn’t treat my wife that way. Especially since I have expressed a want for a 300WM as of late. But most of our purchasing is through and old vg6 member owned LGS in a small town right down the road that always has good prices.
I feel if a woman knows what she wants in a firearm and doesn’t honestly seem winked by all means MAKE THE SALE.

06-14-2021, 07:53 PM
Here's the only link that I can find.


Not on FB so others might have to post details.

country gent
06-14-2021, 07:55 PM
It could be handled much differently and much more tactfully. Actually Ive seen the opposite more times where the salesman pushes the person into more gun than they want. AS to the straw purchase Most salesman let the form 4473 questions determine this.

I do think a formal complaint should be filed not with the store but with Bass Pro / Cabellas corporate head quarters since the manager and 2 sales man had a chance to do what was right.

Big Tom
06-14-2021, 08:10 PM
I would reach out to their corporate office and complain about it.

06-14-2021, 08:21 PM
Not taking their side but the hassle the lady received was about straw purchases. His men thought my knowledge was too “Scripted”.

I got fooled about a month ago by a lady that really knew her stuff. One of the guns was used in a murder within a week. She is currently in jail and we are working the BATFE. We get straw purchase attempts weekly. The joys of being located by a major urban center.

Always the same. Two or three hoodrat's check what available and within an hour a single mid-20's to mid-30 white woman comes in to purchase. Maybe a third of the time she will have a under five kid in tow. Always pays in cash.

Again not defending Cabela's but they have very strict corporate policies on straw purchase suspicions and they void sales on delay's if the system doesn't approve within three business days.

06-14-2021, 08:49 PM
I live halfway between a Cabelas and a Bass Pro just 30 min in either direction. I have never bought a firearm or major purchase at either, not even a rod or reel. A son and DIL continue to give me gift cards for one or the other and the last one was used for thin sock liners - the only thing in the store I needed. Have to nicely give them a hint to stop.

A couple years ago I gave my grandson my old 30-30 and stopped at the Cabelas looking for a box of 30 cal flat nose to load some for him to try as I had been shooting cast in it. Not only did they not have any in stock there wasn't even a slot for them. The 30 cal bullet selection was the same you would see for open country shooting out west. Last time I checked New England was mostly woods hunting. And in MA we can't mail order components so it is a different market you think they would capitalize on...they don't get it!

06-14-2021, 09:27 PM
Hard to believe that a manager of a Cabela's in Montana could be that stupid. But, we are in the golden age of stupidity in America. Sad.

That said, what was the source of this story? I looked up the store info and the Manager is listed as being a Jeff Friesen. Also no results of a web search for the incident.

She's pretty well known around here. Directly from one of her family members. I think the guy she is talking about is the manager for the gun area. I've heard a lot of other stories about odd service at that store.

06-14-2021, 11:08 PM
No ill intent to the OP - but I find this story pretty tough to swallow. My 19 year old daughter (5'5", around 130#) purchased a kindly used 300 WSM from that very Cabela's / Bass Pro a month or so ago. She said that they were all very kind and even gave her a box of factory ammunition and mounted her scope choice. I agree with the other respondents that mentioned a slight odour of straw purchase by the salesman
I will be in Kalispell this weekend, I'll swing by and run this story by the manager.

(Disclosure - not a fan of what happened to Cabela's, my wife is a Nebraskan and Sidney basically got raped by that takeover).

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06-14-2021, 11:18 PM
In a situation like this I immediately document the entire incident, date, time, names & titles and a complete but brief narrative. Look on line for the corporate directory and email the narrative to a VP, hopefully of customer service or HR. I’d make a point of describing how upset the incident left you. And how often you have spent $$ at the store. 9 times out 10 the VP will hand it off to an associate and copy you on the exchange.
The store manager will definitely hear about it and take some flak. I’d email the same VP back a week later if you don’t get a meaningful apology or to thank him if things go your way.

06-14-2021, 11:51 PM
I'm really sorry you had to go through all that. I find big box stores have their own rules that they go by. Wal mart requires a driver's license to buy ammo. Was in there one day and a woman and her son were wanting to buy air gun pellets. Woman at the register tells the lady she needs her drivers license. Woman says it's the law. I cracked up and asked what do they do with the DL information. Clerk couldn't answer that question. And why do you need the DL info for air gun pellets. Lady say's it's the law. Told the clerk, not it's not. Then she says it's Walmarts law. I then told the clerk I routinley buy ammo and no DL info is recorded. So most salespeople know less about what they are selling than the knowledgeable person on the other side of the counter. Way less. I watched as a clerl at walmart routinely messed up the 4473 I was filling out as he was going to retire and didn't want to be responsible for ok on the 4473. Called the manager and told him what was going on and that I was in their store food shopping every week. And didn't appreciate the run around from the clerk. The manager got another authorized clerk and took 20 minutes to process the sale. I'd definitely call corporate management and make an issue of this and post on every website the OP belongs to. She did not deserve to be treated that way. Frank

06-15-2021, 01:01 AM
Seems like a former top firearms sales woman for Bass Pro would still have contacts, or know how or who in corp. to get some satisfaction. That might help more than crying on facebook.

06-15-2021, 01:11 AM
Seems like a former top firearms sales woman for Bass Pro would still have contacts, or know how or who in corp. to get some satisfaction. That might help more than crying on facebook.

You would think she would also know the cooperate policy on suspected straw purchases. Interest in how the story stands up after cwtebay runs this by the manager.

06-15-2021, 03:50 AM
You could be right or you could be shooting. I'd have said it was a gift for my husband and had the idiots carry it to my car for me.

06-15-2021, 06:30 AM
You could be right or you could be shooting. I'd have said it was a gift for my husband and had the idiots carry it to my car for me. That is a straw man purchase. In those instances, you buy the gun for yourself and answer the 4473 honestly.

06-15-2021, 06:49 AM
That is a straw man purchase. In those instances, you buy the gun for yourself and answer the 4473 honestly.

Buying a gun to give as a gift is not a straw purchase. You are buying the gun for yourself to give as a gift, no problems on the 4473. If the gift is intended for a prohibited person then you have problems making an illegal transfer to that person and if you bought the “gift” with their money and/or at their direction then you’re across the line.

One lawful possessor buying a gun to give as a gift to a lawful possessor is not an issue, but it confuses people who strive to be extra cautious.

I believe that there is an ATF FAQ on this somewhere.

06-15-2021, 07:12 AM
I will not shop either Cabela's or Bass Pro....ever again. Obviously I don't know if the story is true but, from my experience, I don't doubt it. No one knows anything about anything but them....except I've never been in either store where anyone could decipher proof marks. Their arrogance and condescension has at times been palpable. I have NEVER been treated SO RUDELY at any place of business, save possibly one Sears store, as those two have treated me. Gratefully, there isn't a "local" store of either stripe within 100 miles of me.

06-15-2021, 08:04 AM
I don't know about you. But if it was me, Cabella's aka Bass Pro would get no more of my money, ever, for anything.

Go find yourself an online seller who won't ask stupid questions. And probably save some cash to boot.

Best of luck to ya!

If you got the Cojones to pull the trigger, by all means go for it.

06-15-2021, 08:34 AM
is it just me or do any others think this might deserve a trip to a powerful sue lawyers office and before long you might be owning some of those bush planes hanging in the stores and a few overgrown fish tanks and empty the pockets a bit from the bass pro empire.
just plain wrong how you were treated.

Nope just you.....sue them, good answer for hurting someone's feelings...kids these days want to sue for anything. A 3rd hand story, don't get too wound-up over it.

06-15-2021, 08:46 AM
It boils down to a lazy clerk using what little knowledge his pea brain has to get out of doing his job. We're talking about a 300 mag not a ar or a glock. Over the years I've worked at several gun shops including the 2nd largest in the state and if this is a real occurrence that clerk and his buddy should have been sent packing.

06-15-2021, 08:58 AM
Buying a gun to give as a gift is not a straw purchase. You are buying the gun for yourself to give as a gift, no problems on the 4473. If the gift is intended for a prohibited person then you have problems making an illegal transfer to that person and if you bought the “gift” with their money and/or at their direction then you’re across the line.

I stand corrected.

Form 4473 instructions further explain that a person is the actual transferee/buyer if he/she is:
purchasing or acquiring the firearm for him/herself, such as:
redeeming the firearm from pawn, retrieving it from consignment or firearm raffle winner or legitimately purchasing the firearm as a bona fide gift for a third party. A gift is not bona fide if another person offered or gave the person completing this form money, service(s), or item(s) of value to acquire the firearm for him/her, or if the other person is prohibited by law from receiving or possessing the firearm.

My sons girlfriend went into Academy to buy my son a firearm a year ago and they would not sell it to her because she said that she was buying it for her boyfriend as a Christmas present.

At a gun shop in the North end of Peoria, Illinois, the owner regaled me with stories of hood rats coming in with a girlfriend where they directed the girlfriend as to what gun to look at and hold. Obvious straw man intent. He ended up banning anyone that looked like a hood rat.

My company gives us star awards that we can use for gift cards. Last year, I turned in a bunch of them for Bass Pro cards and picked up a couple of nice compact 9mm and 40S&W pistols. My wife reminded me of "No more guns" until I explained that I only paid $100.00 out of pocket for them.

06-15-2021, 09:05 AM
I think in my life ive bought like 5 new guns 2 were from bass pro and only because they were on some super clearance sale. 2 were gifts to my daughter when she turned 16 and 21, we went together to the store. but the best deal and customer service was from buds gun shop. they will beat anyone else price and all you got to do is ask and show them the competitions price.
maybe some of these suggestions will help the op but in no way should she have to put up with the treatment she receive when trying to spend her hard earned money
geez they didn't even let here complete the forms and do background check.
how many of you folks would put up with the same kind of treatment to yourself or loved one.

06-15-2021, 09:07 AM
I never buy from Cabellas, or BassPro. I think of them as "boutique" sporting goods stores with unrealistic prices.

06-15-2021, 09:18 AM
If it smells like a straw purchase they aren't going to touch it, more hassle than it is worth for them.

06-15-2021, 09:27 AM
I unfortunately bought a small tractor from cabelas just before they sold off. 5 year warranty. 3 months after purchase, I got a letter from their corporate office stating they were discontinuing the tractor line, but would be there for warranty and service and if needed handle obtaining service if their centers closed. about 6 months after that they were sold and as a result Bass Pro denied ANY responsibility for ANY parts and service on these machines. Luckily I've only had minor issues except for gas tank cracking due to defective plastic weld, and at the last minute the service mgr for old cabelas got me a replacement, that I had to install.
I've bought two guns from Cabelas, but I'll never buy another from Bass Pro, nor anything else if I can get it from another store. They Really left a bad taste in my mouth.

Story sounds somewhat fishy, but quite possibly true. The staff is not what it was under cabelas

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06-15-2021, 10:02 AM
I unfortunately bought a small tractor from cabelas just before they sold off. 5 year warranty. 3 months after purchase, I got a letter from their corporate office stating they were discontinuing the tractor line, but would be there for warranty and service and if needed handle obtaining service if their centers closed. about 6 months after that they were sold and as a result Bass Pro denied ANY responsibility for ANY parts and service on these machines. Luckily I've only had minor issues except for gas tank cracking due to defective plastic weld, and at the last minute the service mgr for old cabelas got me a replacement, that I had to install.
I've bought two guns from Cabelas, but I'll never buy another from Bass Pro, nor anything else if I can get it from another store. They Really left a bad taste in my mouth.

Story sounds somewhat fishy, but quite possibly true. The staff is not what it was under cabelas

Kalispell, MT Blue city in a red state. Yes, things have changed greatly in "what America use to be" but it is a cultural shift! Cabela's is not the sporting goods 'goto' store it used to be, hasn't been for at least 30 years. Just another 'big box' store and conglomerate looking for profit, and the quality of it's inventory is sad. OH and Kalispell has been the destination for over 40 years for ...... (fill in as you like)!

Rick Hodges
06-15-2021, 10:34 AM
Cabela's started going south when the brother's went public. The Bass Pro buyout sure didn't help at all.

Savvy Jack
06-15-2021, 12:02 PM
If it smells like a straw purchase they aren't going to touch it, more hassle than it is worth for them.

All I can think about is "Baby Daddy"....and a hoax story.

However, my wife was treated in a similar way once at a gun store in Valdosta, Ga. some years ago. I poked my chest out and they changed their tune.

06-15-2021, 12:15 PM
I was in the Cabela's in Wichita yesterday, that place has changed a lot for the worse since the Bass Pro take over. They don't sell used guns anymore which was 99% of why I ever went in there.I was going to say Cabelas isn't Cabelas anymore, and quite possibly Bass Pro deserves a good part of the blame.

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06-15-2021, 12:31 PM
Purchasing as a gift is 100% legal providing you are using your own money and the gift recipient is not a prohibited person.

Again not taking Cabela's side but any doubt the sales person has on a firearm sale is enough to LEGALLY stop the sale. I have been asked a couple of times for "the cheapest gun powerful enough to kill a people". That ended the discussion and of course no sale.

Lot of reasons I know longer go to Cabela's, however, this is not one of them.


Wait, isn’t it illegal to purchase a firearm for someone else? Wouldn’t that be a straw purchase?

Not necessarily. Let me explain…

On the Form 4473, the paperwork for purchasing a firearm from a gun dealer, a purchaser must truthfully answer question 11a (along with the rest of the form, of course) which asks whether the person filling out the form is the actual purchaser:

“Are you the actual transferee/buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form? Warning: You are not the actual transferee/buyer if you are acquiring the firearm(s) on behalf of another person. If you are not the actual transferee/buyer, the licensee cannot transfer the firearm(s) to you. . . “

As you may know, a straw purchase is when someone fills out the 4473 for someone else who is actually purchasing the firearm. This is most common when the actual purchaser can’t pass the background check because they are a prohibited person. The prohibited person gets someone, often a significant other, to go into the gun store and pretend like they are the actual purchaser so that the firearm can be purchased for the prohibited person. This is a serious crime!

06-15-2021, 01:04 PM
https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-06-17/dealers-choice-gun-store-owners-can-deny-anyone-they-want#:~:text=%E2%80%9CAs%20private%20business%20ow ners%2C%20%5BFederal%20Firearms%20License%20holder s%5D,owner%20would%20refuse%20a%20sale%20and%20ale rt%20authorities.

Dealer's Choice: Gun Store Owners Can Deny Anyone They Want
People who pass background checks still face de facto gun control hurdle.

By Steven Nelson

June 17, 2016, at 5:29 p.m.

U.S. News & World Report
Dealer's Choice: Gun Store Owners Can Deny Anyone They Want

Congressional Democrats appear as unlikely as ever to pass new gun control legislation after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, but gun store owners say there’s one effective and easy-to-hone tool that could stop future attacks: their gut.

Gun dealers tell U.S. News they can and do refuse to sell to people they have a bad feeling about and say that fellow gun store owners could help prevent lunatics and religious fanatics from acquiring the tools needed for mass murder.

Florida Gun Supply owner Andy Hallinan has been blunt about his claimed discretion. He has a sign on the door of his central Florida shop that says “Muslim Free Zone” and last year defeated a lawsuit that claimed illegal discrimination, with a federal judge finding opponents lacked standing.

Hallinan says he has not knowingly refused a sale to a Muslim – his aim is to discourage all Muslim shoppers, he says, so he won’t have to decide if they are jihadis – but he says that he has refused sales to white men who passed background checks.

He says two men with sagging pants wanted to buy inexpensive weapons at a gun show, but he overheard them talking about “all sorts of drama going down at their houses” and told them he would not sell to them.

“I said, ‘I’m sorry guys, I will not sell a firearm to you [because] I don’t believe a firearm should be permitted in your lifestyle,'” he says. “They got all bent out of shape and swore they would file lawsuits, but at the end of the day the ATF gives me the discretion to deny guns to whomever I please depending on whatever I feel is necessary.”

Hallinan says he’s willing to refuse sales to anyone who appears nervous or gives a poor indication of why they want the gun.

Ginger Colbrun, public affairs chief for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, says licensed gun dealers have broad discretion to deny sales, such as in instances where a buyer appears to exhibit erratic behavior.

“As private business owners, [Federal Firearms License holders] can and do use discretion in determining to whom they will or will not provide service,” Colbrun says.

Suspected straw purchases – in which one person illegally buys a gun for another person – are the most common reason a gun store owner would refuse a sale and alert authorities. But the reason can also be used as an excuse.

“I can refuse a gun sale for any reason whatsoever, I don’t even have to like the color shoes you have on and I can refuse a gun sale at that point, and I don’t have to disclose the reason,” says Tim Wolverton, owner of Downrange Sporting Goods in Jackson, Mississippi.

If a gun store owner wanted to discriminate against a customer named Muhammad, Wolverton says, they could simply say, “at that point I believe it’s a ‘straw purchase,’” though even that explanation is not required.

Sometimes, gun store owners save lives by acting on a hunch.

John Downs, the owner of Downs Bait & Guns in Logan, Ohio, was celebrated in March when he refused to sell a gun to a man who passed a required background check, citing a bad feeling. He called 911 when the man returned, and police said Downs likely prevented a mass shooting.

Downs says store owners can learn about the intentions of customers by talking with them, and he advises fellow arms dealers to be vigilant.

“Just by talking to the person you get a feel of what they’re going to do with a firearm – to a point,” he says.

Downs says the government should more closely vet people who have mental disorders or potential jihadi leanings, but that “common sense” can be a substitute in the meantime.

“I hate to say I’m racist, but when you have somebody of that descent and being a Muslim and stuff, what do they want that gun for? What are they doing?” he says.

In Florida, Lotus Gunworks co-owner Robert Abell said this week his store refused to sell body armor and ammunition to gunman Omar Mateen, who murdered 49 people Sunday at a nightclub, after his questions and demeanor raised red flags.

Abell said the store informed the FBI, but did not take down Mateen’s name.

Wolverton, who once jestfully banned sales to Democrats, says that’s one thing store owners can do better.

“I did let a few get out of here when I was new at it without taking their information,” Wolverton says about past suspicious customers. “At this point, I let them fill out the whole sheet and get their driver’s license and that’s the point at which I don’t make the sale.”

At some stores, however, there are few denials of people, but for the odd straw purchase suspect.

Christopher Cole, manager of Lou’s Firearms in New Jersey, says in six years he's only had to turn away a couple people suspected of buying guns for others. He says a large law enforcement clientele may serve as a deterrent.

Of course, no amount of gun control – legislative or discretionary – can prevent all gun homicides.

Hallinan says if gun stores somehow were able to block all sales to would-be killers, weapons still can be purchased illegally, though most street items are cheap handguns rather than more expensive semiautomatic weapons like the Sig Sauer MCX used by Mateen.

Mateen bought the guns he used in the massacre at the St. Lucie Shooting Center after passing a background check. At a press conference, store owner Ed Henson said, "If he hadn't purchased them from us, I'm sure he would have gotten them from another local gun store in the area.”

Hallinan strongly disagrees, saying that at his store he recently stalled a purchase of two AR-15 parts to a “little old lady.” She was buying them for her son, which would be legal as a gift but not if he gave her money to buy them.

He says the household was cleared by authorities before he made the sale and that he’s considering setting up an association to train gun sellers to spot potential troublemakers, who despite concern about radical Muslims are often mentally ill people.

Downs, the Ohio dealer, and other store owners say sale of an AR-15-type weapon would not earn much profit and that it’s not worth taking a risk and selling one to someone who may misuse it.

“Is $80 worth someone’s life or several people’s lives? I don’t think so,” he says.

06-15-2021, 01:22 PM
I don't know about you. But if it was me, Cabella's aka Bass Pro would get no more of my money, ever, for anything.

Go find yourself an online seller who won't ask stupid questions. And probably save some cash to boot.

Best of luck to ya!

If you got the Cojones to pull the trigger, by all means go for it.

Still has to go thru an FFL and if the FFL has any doubts the purchaser has three options. One pay for a the return shipping and transfer fee to return to the seller for a refund or turn it over to the shipped too FFL and take a 100% loss.

Never had to do it with a suspicion but have ran into it several times with NICS denials. With a denial you have a third option. Have the receiving FFL hold it while you appeal. If you win you can pick it up. If you lose the return time frame is normally long past and the receiving FFL is stuck in the middle. Legally I don't know what options are actually available, however, in the one case I am aware of the purchaser just walked away after losing the NICS appeal for a 100% lose and the receiving FFL kept the firearm.

06-15-2021, 01:33 PM
refuse sale because sale associate has bad feeling about someone? this should be illegal, being judged as guilty by a stranger with no evidence. a car can be used as a deadly weapon, when's the last time you heard of a used car salesman refusing to sell a car to someone cuz they had a bad feeling about them?

06-15-2021, 02:08 PM
The government is doing all it can to tell me what's good for me. I don't need any individual attempting to do the same thing....'cept the good Lord and my wife....:mrgreen:

06-15-2021, 02:21 PM
Got a question for a couple of you based on an actual case about thirty years ago. Friend of mine was working at a gun shop. Customer came in and asked for a gun capable of killing his wife. My friend had him complete the 4473 but refused the sale. As soon as the customer left he called the local PD. The PD went to talk to him but he had already killed his wife with a knife.

So my friend was wrong for refusing the sale?????????????

Same for the hoodrat that wanted to purchase a Glock from me. He held it sideways pointing it at his buddy making pew, pew, pew sounds as he simulated recoil. Told them both to leave the store based on unsafe firearm handling. Should I have sold to them??????????

Same for the ones that asked for the cheapest gun powerful enough to kill a person. Was I wrong to refuse those sales????????????

A gunshop that has it's FFL revoked is out of business. Becoming a supply center for the gangbangers is a good way to get your FFL revoked.

06-15-2021, 03:19 PM
I have ran into the good ole boy attitude towards women. I had dropped some cast 45acp boolits off at the LGS, owner is a friend and he found me 300 pounds of lead so I cast him some boolits. As I was standing there while he was on the phone this dude comes in, looks at the cast boolits and starts telling me I wouldn't know what to do with those, women don't reload etc... friend who owns the store gets off the phone and turns around and thanks me for casting the boolits and could I do one more run for him(I did 250 the first run) so he could share them with another good customer.

Dude who was talking down at me was standing their red faced, mouth hanging open... he turned around and stumbled out the door... friend started laughing and said good riddance, that dude is always talking down to women in the store.

Ran into it at the range too, I stopped at the pistol shelter to shoot and the local police department was there practicing. They were only using half so I asked if they would mind if I used the other half. Got a go ahead so I set up to shoot, hearing them talking low about how women can't shoot and this is going to be hilarious... "we should go hold her hand so she doesn't shot herself" etc etc... meanwhile they were lucky to be hitting 1 of 6 shots at 25 yards...

I proceeded to start shooting, ran the targets 4 times missing twice(6 flip down plates with a rope reset, so 22 hits out of 24 shots at 25 yards) then noticed it had gone quiet on the other side. They were all staring then started packing up. One of them came back later and apologized for how the other guys acted, then asked me for some pointers. I gave him some suggestions, he started hitting 50% and in 2 more years he was shooting competition. Police training teaches some really bad habits, like arms straight out instead of slightly relaxed and at your normal lock up point where you get really steady.

It is changing, I see this behavior mostly from the older guys, the range I am a member of has 2 women only days now each month, and Thursday nights are also women only. Gets us away form the jeering and condescending garbage. Lets us talk gear that works for us instead of being told no that is not for women, no way can you shoot that caliber... I got that on the rifle range one day when I had the Vepr out and was shooting 7.62x54r. Dude was telling me that was way to large of a caliber for a woman, I should be shooting 22lr on the 50 yard range(I was on the 300 yard). Another guy who slunk off after I started running the steel targets we have setup from 200 to 300 yards.

06-15-2021, 03:28 PM
I think that's a bit different when customer says he needs something that can kill his wife compared to someone wanting a hunting rifle taking about their previous hunts, family member hunting guides and such. maybe the sales associate should have asked the OP what grain bullets she's thinking of using and what velocity they expect from that caliber to see if maybe they might just know a thing or two about such rifle she's seeking instead of being judge and jury on the spot.
sales associate ignorance kind of reminds me of a time just about 20 years ago, went to chevy dealer for new truck. I was way past due for haircut, I was wearing old holey cut off jeans and a ripped tee shirt. no one would wait on me, finally they sent the ignorant new guy out to talk with me. they had truck I wanted on the front line I bought just about the most expensive 3/4 ton on the lot and paid them just about $40,000 in cash. the older salesmen there couldn't believe it.
you can't judge a book by the cover

there is a legal term that is something like
clear and present danger
a guy going to gun store asking for something capable of killing his wife I think surely does fit into that category .

06-15-2021, 03:47 PM
I think that's a bit different when customer says he needs something that can kill his wife compared to someone wanting a hunting rifle taking about their previous hunts, family member hunting guides and such. maybe the sales associate should have asked the OP what grain bullets she's thinking of using and what velocity they expect from that caliber to see if maybe they might just know a thing or two about such rifle she's seeking instead of being judge and jury on the spot.
sales associate ignorance kind of reminds me of a time just about 20 years ago, went to chevy dealer for new truck. I was way past due for haircut, I was wearing old holey cut off jeans and a ripped tee shirt. no one would wait on me, finally they sent the ignorant new guy out to talk with me. they had truck I wanted on the front line I bought just about the most expensive 3/4 ton on the lot and paid them just about $40,000 in cash. the older salesmen there couldn't believe it.
you can't judge a book by the cover

there is a legal term that is something like
clear and present danger
a guy going to gun store asking for something capable of killing his wife I think surely does fit into that category .

From post #24
Not taking their side but the hassle the lady received was about straw purchases. His men thought my knowledge was too “Scripted”.

I got fooled about a month ago by a lady that really knew her stuff. One of the guns was used in a murder within a week. She is currently in jail and we are working the BATFE. We get straw purchase attempts weekly. The joys of being located by a major urban center.

Always the same. Two or three hoodrat's check what available and within an hour a single mid-20's to mid-30 white woman comes in to purchase. Maybe a third of the time she will have a under five kid in tow. Always pays in cash.

This lady really knew her stuff. She did a multiple handgun purchase and had a carry permit. I sold her two handguns and I was unaware she had purchased a couple the day before. Multiple handgun sale have to be reported but the red flags went up when we discovered to multiples in two days so the BATFE multiple sales paper work was expedited. Within 10 days one of the firearms was recovered at a homicide scene. Don't know the deals of the murder but he booking info for the straw purchase in online. The BATFE request info but they don't give the FFL anymore than that.

If you seem scripted, unstable or unsafe you will not be purchasing a firearm from me but has the case above shows some will still get by. Same for when a couple comes in had one wants to purchase a gift for the the person standing next to them but doesn't want them doing the 4473 unless it's their underage child.


May a parent or guardian purchase firearms or ammunition as a gift for a juvenile (less than 18 years of age)?
Yes. However, persons less than 18 years of age may only receive and possess handguns with the written permission of a parent or guardian for limited purposes, e.g., employment, ranching, farming, target practice or hunting.

[18 U.S.C. 922(x)]

06-15-2021, 03:55 PM
as a gun seller I guess you have to be wise to look for red flags a prudent thing as business owner but the story the OP reports is quite a bit different.

06-15-2021, 04:01 PM
my wife is 5'9" and tips at 165 on the scale ....she owns 24 hand guns .....out of those she has 2 favorites , the S&W 500 magnum and the ruger blackhawk .45 colt.

she can hit a 8x10 paper at 20 yards most of the time.

oh and she can shoot either with one hand.

p.s. keep it to yourself about me spilling the beans on her weight.!:dung_hits_fan:

06-15-2021, 04:03 PM
as a gun seller I guess you have to be wise to look for red flags a prudent thing as business owner but the story the OP reports is quite a bit different.

Nope sounding scripted and coming back an hour later are two red flags. Just a guess but if she had completed the purchase on the first visit chances are good there would have been zero issues. We have cameras on the parking lot and a monitor to view them on from the gun counter. Its a independent store and not that large so it's easy to watch the people walk out and get the go ahead and or money from someone in the parking lot. The ends any sale possibility.

Minutes later the Manager- Chad Kim came to tell me they could not sell me the rifle. His men thought my knowledge was too “Scripted”. I was absolutely appalled that they made the decision to deny me, a law abiding, never a parking ticket, previous firearm dealer, big game hunting young American female a high powered hunting rifle without even talking to me to understand I had just been in an hour earlier handling the firearm, done my research and am already very knowledgeable about all things guns, ammo and hunting.

06-15-2021, 04:14 PM
Never boughta gun at Cabela's Bass Pro. I have bought Bricks of primers at both in the past. But I will not travel 0ver 165 miles round trip to get fleeced by either of them. I will travel that far to shop at Sportsman's Warehouse though.

06-15-2021, 04:38 PM
About 15 years ago I was visiting friends and family in Michigan. Went to a Gander Mountain store in Flint. In their used rack they had a fairly new Marlin 1895 Cowboy. I wanted it, but with a California drivers license they would not even talk to me. They wouldn't sell it to my 75 year olld cousin retired school teacher as a bithday present for me and they wouldn't talk about sending it to a California FFL. Once I returned to California I wrote an irate letter to Corp headquarters. I got a call from the store manager apologizing. Ask if the gun was still available and it was. Got it for about $50. cheaper than the rack price shipped to my FFL in Cal. Only explanation I got was that lots of dealers were spooked by ATF of potential straw purchases.

06-15-2021, 05:17 PM
Gun Control ...at the sales counter ... seems like it's working !
I bet there are no laws that say a gun dealer has to sell you a gun ... if he has any reason to think something might be amiss. And I bet that "has reason" can be mighty flimsey...like the buyer was a woman .
Probably all totaly legal under the eyes of our new laws !
They go to great length's to win ...and boy are they good at it !

06-15-2021, 06:42 PM
Bismarck ND Scheels accused me of trying to make a straw purchase. I know the law and vigorously challenged them, even tried right then to call the Fargo BATF but Friday afternoon there was nobody in the office. There are other stores but my favorite gun salesman worked there, have hunted pheasants with him, but I will never set foot in a Scheels store again. They won’t miss me but I will not miss them either. If they honestly thought I was making a straw purchase they are supposed to report me, but I think they knew better. I have a cousin who is a lawyer as well as a sister-in-law, brother and son, all lawyers, it would have been fun.

Gator 45/70
06-15-2021, 07:16 PM
I have ran into the good ole boy attitude towards women. I had dropped some cast 45acp boolits off at the LGS, owner is a friend and he found me 300 pounds of lead so I cast him some boolits. As I was standing there while he was on the phone this dude comes in, looks at the cast boolits and starts telling me I wouldn't know what to do with those, women don't reload etc... friend who owns the store gets off the phone and turns around and thanks me for casting the boolits and could I do one more run for him(I did 250 the first run) so he could share them with another good customer.

Dude who was talking down at me was standing their red faced, mouth hanging open... he turned around and stumbled out the door... friend started laughing and said good riddance, that dude is always talking down to women in the store.

Ran into it at the range too, I stopped at the pistol shelter to shoot and the local police department was there practicing. They were only using half so I asked if they would mind if I used the other half. Got a go ahead so I set up to shoot, hearing them talking low about how women can't shoot and this is going to be hilarious... "we should go hold her hand so she doesn't shot herself" etc etc... meanwhile they were lucky to be hitting 1 of 6 shots at 25 yards...

I proceeded to start shooting, ran the targets 4 times missing twice(6 flip down plates with a rope reset, so 22 hits out of 24 shots at 25 yards) then noticed it had gone quiet on the other side. They were all staring then started packing up. One of them came back later and apologized for how the other guys acted, then asked me for some pointers. I gave him some suggestions, he started hitting 50% and in 2 more years he was shooting competition. Police training teaches some really bad habits, like arms straight out instead of slightly relaxed and at your normal lock up point where you get really steady.

It is changing, I see this behavior mostly from the older guys, the range I am a member of has 2 women only days now each month, and Thursday nights are also women only. Gets us away form the jeering and condescending garbage. Lets us talk gear that works for us instead of being told no that is not for women, no way can you shoot that caliber... I got that on the rifle range one day when I had the Vepr out and was shooting 7.62x54r. Dude was telling me that was way to large of a caliber for a woman, I should be shooting 22lr on the 50 yard range(I was on the 300 yard). Another guy who slunk off after I started running the steel targets we have setup from 200 to 300 yards.

Down south we yell Bang that gong lady!!!
Dang that's good shoot'n!!!
Mighty fine shoot'n,Lady Wish I could do that well !!!
You live to far North to be apricated by ill-mannered slugs is the way I see it. Keep shooting !

06-15-2021, 09:07 PM
For those that didn’t know, Sportsman’s warehouse was recently purchased by the bass pro conglomerate as well. I no longer frequent big box stores for any reloading or shooting needs. I’ve been in an active boycott against Dicks sporting goods since about 2011 when they decided to remove all shooting/hunting equipment from their SOCAL stores. It’s going to be Mom and pop stores, pawn shop circuit, gun shows and internet sales from here on out.

06-15-2021, 10:11 PM
My Cabela's sad story was in South Edmonton, AB.
Back in 2016 or so, I needed to get some powder, primers, bullets, and other bits and bobs.
Guy at the gun counter was shining on a cute girl and ignored everyone else. I waited, normally there are several people working the gun/components desk. This time it was just him.
I had a basket with bullets and other stuff (heavy) but this guy was really trying to connect with this chick. Like speed dating but at work.
I overheard a bit of the conversation and it was irrelevant. I waited some more but it appeared this guy was going to be thinking with his other head and I retraced my footsteps and replaced everything back on the shelf and left.
Don't do much shopping there anymore. I took my business elsewhere. If there is a Cabela's manager reading this he/she should be very ashamed of hiring these guys. On the other hand Rustywoods, Wild West and P&D Enterprise's have a good rep. Maybe B-asspro killed the business.

06-15-2021, 10:39 PM
Went to a new in my area Gander RV place, they have guns and ammo. Asked the counter guy if they are going to sell reloading equipment, I could not believe the answer he gave me!!! "If we sold reloading equipment we could be sued if they made ammo with the equipment, and shot somebody."
I just left the store. I saw no sense in trying to talk to him, you can't fix stupid!!!!!
Did not mean to hijack the thread.

06-15-2021, 11:12 PM
Never boughta gun at Cabela's Bass Pro. I have bought Bricks of primers at both in the past. But I will not travel 0ver 165 miles round trip to get fleeced by either of them. I will travel that far to shop at Sportsman's Warehouse though.

Bad news! This happened this winter. Bass Pro/Cabela's bought Sportsman's Warehouse.


06-15-2021, 11:21 PM
Gun Control ...at the sales counter ... seems like it's working !
I bet there are no laws that say a gun dealer has to sell you a gun ... if he has any reason to think something might be amiss. And I bet that "has reason" can be mighty flimsey...like the buyer was a woman .
Probably all totaly legal under the eyes of our new laws !
They go to great length's to win ...and boy are they good at it !

I worked at a large sporting goods store in Glen Allen, VA in the mid 80s. Yeah, that’s the one. One night one of the cousins that ran the place for their uncle gets a call from a running buddy that says “My wife is headed up there to buy a gun. Don’t sell her one!” And hung up. He didn’t.

06-15-2021, 11:25 PM
I would have to drive over 90 miles to shop a Cabela's or Bass Pro, and that doesn't interest me. And reading these posts makes me glad I don't. We have two LGS's and I live close to Graf and Sons, so I'll go to one of those first.

06-16-2021, 12:01 PM
My local Cabela's (65 miles away) is Kalispell and they don't carry casting equipment. Also their prices went through the roof since the buy out. I didn't go to Bass Pro because of their too high prices and I don't go to Cabela's for the same reason. They rarely have anything I want which doesn't help.

06-16-2021, 01:12 PM
I’ve been in an active boycott against Dicks sporting goods since about 2011 when they decided to remove all shooting/hunting equipment from their SOCAL stores.

I was visiting my son last weekend, we stopped at a mall in Portland, Oregon, to purchase a couple of new shirts and ties for his wedding. We went into Dicks to look around, mostly to pass the time while my wife continued shopping. When asked about the hunting section we couldn't find, then about the fishing section that was nowhere to be seen, the answer was....."nope, we don't wish to offend other customers that enter from the mall". They were polite when telling us we could order online, but they don't have those sections in their store.
Maybe that's not their official policy, but that's what the sales person said and that's the way it is on 82nd avenue in Portland. And maybe it's just the rules of the mall. My son knew of a gun store on McLoughlin Avenue, we spent about an hour and a half in there, leaving my wife and his future bride at the mall.

Both parties were happy and had a pleasurable day.

Texas by God
06-16-2021, 02:17 PM
Any man who talks down to a woman didn't get whipped enough by either parent as a child IMO.

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

06-16-2021, 07:50 PM
Man,Those 2 behind the counter makes me shudder to think non-discriminating Liberals have taken over at Cabelas?
You and I can't refuse anyone service at our place of business ...
...it's called discrimination . But when the right want to refuse service in the case of selling firearms ... it's perfectly legal .
They have discovered gun control at the sales counter ... we don't think you should own a gun ... no sale . Your 2A rights are trashed ...easy and they will get away with it .
No court will touch it .

06-16-2021, 10:50 PM
How do we change that though?

06-16-2021, 10:57 PM
Vote with your dollars don't waste your time in that store again, that is what I do if I encounter bad service.

06-16-2021, 11:12 PM
You and I can't refuse anyone service at our place of business ...
...it's called discrimination . But when the right want to refuse service in the case of selling firearms ... it's perfectly legal .
They have discovered gun control at the sales counter ... we don't think you should own a gun ... no sale . Your 2A rights are trashed ...easy and they will get away with it .
No court will touch it .
You have the right to refuse service at a place of business.

06-16-2021, 11:27 PM
You and I can't refuse anyone service at our place of business ...
...it's called discrimination . But when the right want to refuse service in the case of selling firearms ... it's perfectly legal .
They have discovered gun control at the sales counter ... we don't think you should own a gun ... no sale . Your 2A rights are trashed ...easy and they will get away with it .
No court will touch it .
GaryI can (and do!) most assuredly refuse service at my business!!!
I'll close it the day I am told otherwise.

06-17-2021, 12:26 AM
There are other places to buy guns and gun stuff. You don't have to shop in a store that treats you wrong.

06-17-2021, 12:51 AM
Nearest Bass Pro is 10 miles, haven’t been there in 7 years and will be a lot longer before I return. No Cabelas within 100 miles of us and I’m not disappointed about that either. Dick’s Athletic Wear is right around the corner. The Barnes & Noble next to them sells more sporting goods.

06-17-2021, 02:51 AM
From post #24

This lady really knew her stuff. She did a multiple handgun purchase and had a carry permit. I sold her two handguns and I was unaware she had purchased a couple the day before. Multiple handgun sale have to be reported but the red flags went up when we discovered to multiples in two days so the BATFE multiple sales paper work was expedited. Within 10 days one of the firearms was recovered at a homicide scene. Don't know the deals of the murder but he booking info for the straw purchase in online. The BATFE request info but they don't give the FFL anymore than that.

If you seem scripted, unstable or unsafe you will not be purchasing a firearm from me but has the case above shows some will still get by. Same for when a couple comes in had one wants to purchase a gift for the the person standing next to them but doesn't want them doing the 4473 unless it's their underage child.


May a parent or guardian purchase firearms or ammunition as a gift for a juvenile (less than 18 years of age)?
Yes. However, persons less than 18 years of age may only receive and possess handguns with the written permission of a parent or guardian for limited purposes, e.g., employment, ranching, farming, target practice or hunting.

[18 U.S.C. 922(x)]

Just a follow-up on this for those that are interested.

Life isn't 100% black and white. If you believe it's a good idea to sell to people that appear to be scripted, unstable or unsafe I really don't know what to tell you other than you will see a lot more of what's laid out below. How is that good for anyone??????????????

I would love to see the pre 1968 days come back were JC Penny's and Sear's had 50 plus pages of guns in their catalog for mail order. Those days are not coming back. Not effectively policing are own will 100% guarantee the regulation forced on us will be a lot worse then we currently have.




https://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2021/06/16/straw-buys-n46597?fbclid=IwAR3ykXnxYI9z2LRM6STv3gpLTPoCA5iUBt QIwdvpMc7QJzZ_GUSblVV8BiQ

06-17-2021, 06:38 AM
This reminds me of the dimwit who asked me for proof of age....Im over 70 ,and the years havent been kind either. But ,it was his job,and he did it.......which gets around to the clerk.......big corporations dont give anyone under executive level any leeway in how company policy is carried out....go by the book or you are out the door...so why risk your job for a few cents comission....assuming they pay any comission..............Of course you may get the strange situation here where a shady character was able to buy 1000 handguns.....thats right ,all of our restrictive laws ,and a guy with a string of criminal convictions buys 1000 handguns!.....for something like tens of millions of dollars.

06-17-2021, 07:14 AM
It's like the ladies that ask me jokingly if I'm old enough to buy alcohol at the checkout. I always say I'm old enough to buy it, but not old enough to know better.

country gent
06-17-2021, 08:19 AM
I have seen some if this first hand at the nearest cabellas personally.

I went up there a few years ago they had their pedersoli 74 sharps long range in sale. Told the salesman what I wanted and asked how many they had in stock. asked to see 3 of them he asked if I was going to purhase 3 I told him no I wanted to select best wood fit finish and trigger. He informed me that they were all the exact same, But he did bring out 3 and we opened them up 2 were very plain straight grained walnut but the 3 had some very nice grain and colors it was fitted up nice with no blemishes and good trigger and finish. I Told him thats the one I wanted and started on the paper work. He then informed me that I had to buy a case to transport in Michigan, I informed him I was from Ohio ( he had my drivers license) and I had to comply with ohio law. We did go look at cases They had none in stock the rifle would fit in with the 34" barrel. Then it was a mandatory trigger lock. At this point I asked to see the manager another sales man came out and I again told him I would like to talk to the store manager. Buy now the check had came back good and approved. Finally got the manager there I told him what had transpired and the attempts to up the sales with a "mandatory" case and trigger lock. I then informed him if this was the case since they had no case it would fir in that the rifle would be staying as I wasnt waiting for a case to be ordered. He told the original salesman that the box would qualify as a case to transport home with and to get the sales done.

Second time was an rws air rifle Had to fill out 4473 and go thru background check on it then the same mandatory case and trigger lock purchase. I already had a trap, scope and bunch of pellets selected and on the counter.

06-17-2021, 08:30 AM
They required a 4473 for an air rifle?

06-17-2021, 11:39 AM
They required a 4473 for an air rifle?

Yes it's a attempt to put you off from making the purchase.

06-17-2021, 02:59 PM
Lady, you need to write and call the main office, relay that story and raise the ugly words, "sexual discrimination". I bet they give you that freakin' rifle. Those folks are lucky my daughter didn't have that experience. She's a physician so at least after she committed mayhem on the 3 of them she could have treated them.

Burnt Fingers
06-20-2021, 03:15 PM
I was visiting my son last weekend, we stopped at a mall in Portland, Oregon, to purchase a couple of new shirts and ties for his wedding. We went into Dicks to look around, mostly to pass the time while my wife continued shopping. When asked about the hunting section we couldn't find, then about the fishing section that was nowhere to be seen, the answer was....."nope, we don't wish to offend other customers that enter from the mall". They were polite when telling us we could order online, but they don't have those sections in their store.
Maybe that's not their official policy, but that's what the sales person said and that's the way it is on 82nd avenue in Portland. And maybe it's just the rules of the mall. My son knew of a gun store on McLoughlin Avenue, we spent about an hour and a half in there, leaving my wife and his future bride at the mall.

Both parties were happy and had a pleasurable day.

Northwest Armory??

Good place.

From many of the replies here it's apparent that many of ya have NEVER worked behind the gun counter and even when given the truth refuse to believe it.

As someone who spent nine years back there I too would find the circumstances given kind of suspect. The BATFE can and does do sting operations. The store can lose their FFL, the salesperson can face prison time.

06-20-2021, 03:40 PM
Is this true? I've found the local Cabelas to have some salesman and women behind the counter that had no idea what was going on but this was beyond the pale. Bass Pro I wanted some BP for my 43 Spanish and the guy behind the counter asked what for. ? He had to ask in case I was making pipe bombs or something. When I told him what I wanted it for he went and got me what I wanted. I won't buy a firearm from them. Did a couple of times through the Gun Vault online but new or used their prices are very high.

06-20-2021, 03:43 PM
Lady, you need to write and call the main office, relay that story and raise the ugly words, "sexual discrimination". I bet they give you that freakin' rifle. Those folks are lucky my daughter didn't have that experience. She's a physician so at least after she committed mayhem on the 3 of them she could have treated them.

I'd have no problem is I were working behind a counter and a female or male for that matter came in looking for a 300Win Mag in asking them if they had shot one before. This is because many people come in having read the online forums or whatever and just have to have "that" gun. If they told me they had shot one that would be the end of the discussion.

06-20-2021, 04:21 PM
Northwest Armory??

Good place.

From many of the replies here it's apparent that many of ya have NEVER worked behind the gun counter and even when given the truth refuse to believe it.

As someone who spent nine years back there I too would find the circumstances given kind of suspect. The BATFE can and does do sting operations. The store can lose their FFL, the salesperson can face prison time.

Spot on. The FFL holder has the LEGAL right to deny a sale for any reason period. No explanation required from the legal aspect. From the business side it does have ramification.

Bartenders are in a very similar situation. If they overserve they will be sued and lose their license and possible face criminals charges. Same for any FFL that ignores straw sale red flags.

I only work part time at a small shop. Started after my wife also retired due to to much together time.

Just yesterday two hoodrats came through and checked inventory for their shopping list. Watched them on the parking lot camera. They made a call and in about 20 minutes a 29 year old white chick showed up and briefly spoke to them. We could see the money transfer. She had a permit to carry and the NICS did go through but in those cases store policy is to state it was delayed and call the BATFE. The BATFE has the tapes and 4473 info.

06-21-2021, 11:04 AM
I'd have no problem is I were working behind a counter and a female or male for that matter came in looking for a 300Win Mag in asking them if they had shot one before. This is because many people come in having read the online forums or whatever and just have to have "that" gun. If they told me they had shot one that would be the end of the discussion.

I wouldn't be too hasty. A mother/daughter pair use a .375 H&H, the other a .416 Taylor in competitions in this area, and handle them just fine.

06-21-2021, 02:13 PM
I shoot .338 Lapua for long range fun... went into a store I don't normally go to and the counter idiot tried to tell me I needed .38 special, not .338 Lapua. I asked how that would fit in a rifle designed for 1 mile shots and he started to stutter...

AZ Pete
06-21-2021, 02:22 PM
I shoot .338 Lapua for long range fun... went into a store I don't normally go to and the counter idiot tried to tell me I needed .38 special, not .338 Lapua. I asked how that would fit in a rifle designed for 1 mile shots and he started to stutter...

Not a big surprise MaryB. I worked at Sportsman's Warehouse for a while, after I retired. Their management does not value outdoor experience, or product knowledge when hiring, just retail experience.

06-21-2021, 03:53 PM
I went in a bass pro with a friend, he has a Thompson Sub-machinegun. This was a few years ago and they had 45 acp on sale. The salesman heard us discussing the Tommy gun and proceeded to argue with us that Thompsons don't shoot 45 acp, they shoot 50 cal. Now, I never could get him to explain what 50 cal he meant. I got highly annoyed and demanded he explain what 50 cal, because any 50 cal handgun cartridge was developed around 70 years after the Thompson. And if he meant the 50 BMG, he was an imbecile. He never explained what 50 cal he meant. Again, I was younger and far more rude than I am currently. I told him to just shut up and bother someone else. I personally never had a good experience in bass pro, and more than once saw them treat women poorly.

I agree they have the right and a duty to not sell to a questionable customer. But I've seen them treat women as if they were just stupid and unable. The only places I've seen treat women worse in my experience is some mechanic and oil change dives.

06-21-2021, 09:37 PM
The Cabelas in Springfield, OR is no gem. I quit going there after watching them be rude to multiple people. In addition there reloading stock has become super limited. PRE COVID, it seemed to start after BassPro bought them.

06-21-2021, 09:57 PM
They required a 4473 for an air rifle?
I was at Cabela's the other day and we were looking at an 1858 Remington New Army Pietta. I was thinking about buying it for my son, who was looking at it and really wanting it. While talking to the salesperson he mentioned that I would have to fill out an 4473 to purchase it. I explained that this was blackpowder and did not need an 4473. He rolled his eyes and said he agreed and I shouldn't have to fill one out but that it was company policy. I left it sitting on the counter and just walked out the door.

06-22-2021, 02:16 AM
He rolled his eyes and said he agreed and I shouldn't have to fill one out but that it was company policy.

This "company policy" crap is getting old!

WalMart stopped selling pistol ammunition and AR and AK ammo due to "company policy". That has negatively affected me and millions of other shooters that used to depend on them for ammo.

Lots of corporations are now using "company policy" language to restrict American's Constitutional rights. Can't carry a firearm in a company vehicle when doing service work in a high-crime area. Can't bring up conservative values at work. Can't go mask-free even with a vaccine.

All "company policy". BS.

06-22-2021, 05:47 AM
In the past I had talk with a women in Cabelas and since she was working the gun part of the store because they move them around in different dept of the store. I ask her if they give her any training in firearms , she said no they ask each other and Google about the firearms that someone is looking to buy. That is the sad part , I also go to Scheels and they train the ones that works in the firearms part and dose not move them around like that . One of them told me also they go for training in there dept once a week also. For them to keep up to date on what they sell and what ever else they sell. Only once I had a problem with someone behind the counter in some years ago and that guy was not the one that was cashing me out. I had called ahead of time about some powder I needed it was 8 lbs jug and the firearms sale person said it will be up front for me to pick up . So when I went to pick it up the women took care of me no problem , there was this kid is what is best to say he was, shoot off his mouth to me that it was illegal to buy the 8lbs jug of powder and I told him if it was why dose the store sell it then . He said they do things like that . So I told him if he have a problem to take it up with upper management, he shut up and the women that was cashing me out laugh at him and he did said I he will take it up with upper management. The next time I walk in there he was not working there anymore .

Mal Paso
06-22-2021, 09:28 PM
Thought I'd check Cabelas for primers today and No More Online Sales.

Time to dump the Club Card.

So I got to thinking people are POed at Cabelas, maybe they have dies. Sure enough I found a RCBS Carbide Pistol Set with 10% off for being Tuesday, free shipping for being over $50 and $32 out the door with Cabelas Bucks. Lemons to Lemonade LOL.

06-23-2021, 02:43 AM
Thought I'd check Cabelas for primers today and No More Online Sales.

Time to dump the Club Card.

So I got to thinking people are POed at Cabelas, maybe they have dies. Sure enough I found a RCBS Carbide Pistol Set with 10% off for being Tuesday, free shipping for being over $50 and $32 out the door with Cabelas Bucks. Lemons to Lemonade LOL.

I bought a red dot sight from Cabela's because they had the going price for it, but gave me a 5% military discount. I am cheap.

06-24-2021, 12:58 AM
I quit Cabela’s about two years ago. Switched to Scheel’s. When they had anti-America, anti-freedom Capital One become their new Cabela’s club card purveyor, that was the last straw. When they had Dick Cabela sell out to the corporate interests, it wasn’t Cabela’s anymore anyway. Same with Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Switched to Scheel’s and never looked back. I will add that, as a family with young kids involved in a ton of sports, we spend A TON. Way more than I’d like.

Until people like us start waking up and spending our dollars exclusively in companies that support our values, the general trend will continue.

Cabela’s, Dick’s, and BassPro can go straight to Anti-American ****. Just my $.02


06-26-2021, 04:27 AM
I wouldn't be too hasty. A mother/daughter pair use a .375 H&H, the other a .416 Taylor in competitions in this area, and handle them just fine.

Oh no, I wouldn't refuse to sell her/him the rifle of their choice but just like a kid who comes into a motorcycle shop with a brand new license and wants a Hyabusa I'd make sure they knew what they were getting into if it looked to me like the person was not a frequent shooter. It doesn't do anyone any good for someone to come into a store, buy a gun because someone told them that's what they had to have and come back a week later to get rid of it and turn them off shooting for the rest of their lives.

I was in a LGS up north and 2 young men came in and told the guy they were going goose hunting and wanted shotguns. One settled on a Browning 10g. Salesman asked him if he was sure and he was so out the door it went. Salesman told me that gun would be back in a week or two and sure enough when I stopped by a few weeks later there it was in the used rack. He asked me if I wanted it and I said nope, my 20g does everything I need it to do.

I shoot .338 Lapua for long range fun... went into a store I don't normally go to and the counter idiot tried to tell me I needed .38 special, not .338 Lapua. I asked how that would fit in a rifle designed for 1 mile shots and he started to stutter...

I was in the Gander Mt and stopped a sale. Guy bought a 45ACP and the salesman handed him a box of 45GAP to go with it.

06-26-2021, 07:27 PM
I know what you mean about stopping a sale. I was at the Gainesville cabela's and the half whit clerk was telling the customer that he needed. 38 super for his air weight 38 special j frame. I intervened and got the customer the right ammo as the clerk disappeared.

06-26-2021, 07:48 PM
Well 45GAP will fit and fire from a 45acp , like shooting 40 s&w from a 10mm , I also have a 10 gauge it is fine for what it is for , heavy loads and reaching out , mine is a coyote gun , a load of number 2 or bb and they dont run far .

So I have watched this thread for the naysayers of the story and one said he would find out , but has not posted back yet .

I was asked for some 38 ammo once and was told special , it was a 38 super and he had some 38+p and was worried it was wrong for his older 1911 , I gave him the 38special for his single action 357 , and told him his 38super+p was fine as that is what his gun would shoot .

Do not have a local cabelas , have a sportsmans warehouse and will be curious to see what it devolves into .

06-26-2021, 07:51 PM
well after reading all this and putting my $0.02 in on the matter it just gives me justification not to patronize cabbalas or bass pro in the future unless they got a Jon boat on clearance at much lower cost than anywhere else. went to the local gun shops last week and one of em had plenty of guns, ammo, even a bunch of powder.
$250 for 8lb jugs. but they didnt have any of my favorites--- the old ugly lever actions that most folks wouldn't look twice at--- but what really got my attention were a few rifles set up on a countertop display one was a Barrett 50 and a 338 and some other long range precision rifle I didn't look closely at. Yup no need to ever go back to a brass pro or cabbalas for me

06-26-2021, 09:25 PM
I do go to BassPro for terminal fishing tackle (split rings, hooks, clips, etc...). I can buy it online but being able to see sizes in hand is sure nice.
Other than that or when my company gives me gift cards that I use to buy handguns (pisses them off to no end) I don't got here ever.

That all said... If they ever get small rifle primers, I'll sell out in a minute and run to them.

Mal Paso
06-26-2021, 10:27 PM
That all said... If they ever get small rifle primers, I'll sell out in a minute and run to them.

Yep, I'm a Range Rat. Got my $32 RCBS Carbide Pistol Dies in a couple days. They shipped from LA California. The old Cabelas had no presence in California.

06-27-2021, 04:13 PM
Well 45GAP will fit and fire from a 45acp , like shooting 40 s&w from a 10mm , I also have a 10 gauge it is fine for what it is for , heavy loads and reaching out , mine is a coyote gun , a load of number 2 or bb and they dont run far .

So I have watched this thread for the naysayers of the story and one said he would find out , but has not posted back yet .

I was asked for some 38 ammo once and was told special , it was a 38 super and he had some 38+p and was worried it was wrong for his older 1911 , I gave him the 38special for his single action 357 , and told him his 38super+p was fine as that is what his gun would shoot .

Do not have a local cabelas , have a sportsmans warehouse and will be curious to see what it devolves into .

Maybe but the headspace will be large so outside of a revolver using moon clips why do it when 45acp was on the shelves?

06-27-2021, 10:25 PM
Apologies all - I was mistaken about my weekend in Kalispell ( it's next Friday through Sunday - travel baseball with 3 boys playing, I get a bit lost at times). I called, however - a man named Ryan (Brian?) Answered and I ran the OP's post by him. He said that there was an employee meeting where that social media post was brought up. It was labelled as a potential straw purchase due to the purchaser's unfamiliarity with either the rifle's action or what the cartridge was capable of. I still plan on visiting with the store manager when I am there over Independence Day.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

06-28-2021, 05:23 PM
Maybe but the headspace will be large so outside of a revolver using moon clips why do it when 45acp was on the shelves?

Headspace , really ? I can load them and fire them just like some on here do with the 40s&w in a 10mm , I have seen 9mm fired out of a 40 s&w so headspace ? they are being held by the extractor or the 9mm would fall in to deep to fire , I am not advocating firing 45gap in a 45acp but they feed and fire just fine , I own both calibers so it was not hard to confirm .

As to the straw purchase , I do not see it in this case , say what they want they were jerks , I do not see high end large caliber hunting rifles as being high on a list for anyone to buy illegally so as to sell or pass on to others .

But I hold to a stricter view on what the founding fathers intended on ability to own or possess , you did your time you paid in full or you should not be free .