View Full Version : friendship

06-11-2021, 07:51 PM
do any of you guys go the shoot

06-12-2021, 08:27 AM
Started going in 1980. I camped and shot on the primitive side then got crazy about skeet and shot up there for a few years. I'd like to go and shoot skeet again, but it's incredibly expensive compared to the old days. Of course I'd have to build a few guns in order to have something to shoot while I was there. This will be the first shoot they have had since fall of 2019.

06-12-2021, 10:18 AM
I used to go for both spring and fall shoots for many years - usually my brother and I went and we would camp on the Primitive side and shoot Primitive events as well as the firing line - he liked to shoot on the shotgun range as well. Friendship is something that every BP shooter should experience even if the don't go to shoot. The sheep sheds and flea market to spend your money at - not to mention all of the good folks - if you leave without making new friends them it's your own fault. On year when we were camping Primitive, I took my fiddle along. After dark we would get a fire going and it was just so relaxing to just sit back and play - folks would wander by to stop and listen - a lot of good conversation - a great time.

Like I said - Friendship is a GREAT experience - beautiful country - wonderful people and if you've never been their, you really need to go. I haven't been there in a long time - had things come up like taking care of ill parents and after the passed, ny wife and I had other things come up. I no longer drive so don't go, but it's one thing I really miss - a lot of good memories though!

06-12-2021, 04:01 PM
I couldn't get there today. Waiting on the A/C guy to show up. Melting lead while I wait.
I will be there tomorrow

06-17-2021, 02:25 PM
I was at Camp Atterbury Sat for the long range match, it was brutally hot. Went to friendship Tues and shot some midrange on the Creedmoor targets. It was windy but fun nevertheless. There is a big difference between now and the heyday of Friendship back in the 70s,80,s and 90s. Back then there were vendors in almost every sheep shed and parking was sometimes at a premium but it was worth it.
