View Full Version : E-mail hacking

06-11-2021, 11:07 AM
Many of you are aware that the email addy that I had for over 30 years, was recently hacked. This morning I heard from PhilC a member here was also hacked. He also had his email addy for many years.
The purpose of this email is to remind us all to be real vigilant.

06-11-2021, 11:11 AM
I heard that a huge database of passwords was recently released by some jerks, might want tyo change your passwords.

06-11-2021, 12:25 PM
And turn on two-factor auth everywhere you can...

06-11-2021, 12:36 PM
I use password generators for most sites and a password manager.
Mine are often like... gfHS9v&#FPE47fPD

06-12-2021, 06:04 PM
Many of you are aware that the email addy that I had for over 30 years, was recently hacked. This morning I heard from PhilC a member here was also hacked. He also had his email addy for many years.
The purpose of this email is to remind us all to be real vigilant.
It was, and that account dated to 12.29.00, yes 2000. BUT, I beat them at their own game, swiftly addressed the issue and stopped them before it got worse. Bright side is I was actually able to restore my original account which is now protected with new, very secure passwords.

The worst part was the time it took to quarantine, systematically scrub, and restore with new passwords which also meant time on the phone with ISP tech support. All my new passwords are unique, long, gibberish utilizing several special characters that will be changed on a much more frequent basis. ;)