View Full Version : 41swiss. cases.

06-05-2021, 08:28 AM
if this has been covered please forgive me. I would like to know how to make and shoot converted center fire cases? bullet, smokeless powder load, cases used and what is entailed to make them. any and all info, will be greatly appreaciated. thanking you. toot.

John Boy
06-05-2021, 10:56 AM
Plenty of reading material ... https://www.google.com/search?q=how%20to%20make%2041%20swiss%20brass&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m.

06-07-2021, 03:44 AM
I have found 8mm Lebel cases are the best fit for my Vetterli.
348 just didn't work as well.
Expanding the neck has to be done is small increments.
I use the Lee die.
I've made different size expanders from different Lee expanders.
I go in 5 steps and don't get as many splits as before.
Got to anneal correctly.
Get it so the full length size die will kind of form the shoulder.
Then fire form.
Takes some work, but it's a fun rifle to shoot.

06-07-2021, 09:23 AM
thanks for the very helpful info.

06-07-2021, 09:26 AM
abunaitoo, do you trim the cases to legenth before you stare to expand them? and do you do it all in a LEE FL, sizer die? toot.

06-07-2021, 07:28 PM
I used 8mm lebel for my rifle , .348 brass needs turned down to fit the chamber .

I fire formed my cases , just cut so they are a bit long , add 8 grains of red dot , fill the rest of the case with a filler . I used oatmeal .
Point the rifle straight in the air and fire . .. instant formed case .

06-07-2021, 09:38 PM
Although 8mm Lebel makes a better fitting case, you can also use .45-70. I trim to 1.700, run thru .41 Swiss die, bell the neck, and they are ready to load. They will look like a snake that ate a pig, but they work just fine. If you want to really get fancy, wrap two layers of 1/8" wide electrical tape around base for first fireforming.

06-08-2021, 09:26 AM
upnorthwis. man that is the cat's a$$. that is info, that I never heard of and would have never thought of using? just how did you find out that this parent brass, 45/70 would work? just curious. I have many 45/70 cases with split necks that I am going to use. and the electrical tape is what I will use on the base. do you use a 300 GR, .430 lead cast bullet in them? what powder & grains? do they feed all right in the lifter, and chamber? will the extractor catch & extract them or do they have to be pushed out with a rod? I use 9 GRS. of UNIQUE, in mine. sorry for all the questions , but you have built a fire in me with info, that I have been seeking. thanking you, toot.

06-15-2021, 10:35 PM
Finally got back from Sioux City, IA. Shot in the CBA Military Nationals and won Big Bore with the M78 Swiss shooting the very same brass I talked about. I've had that rifle for 3 years now and it may have been the SwissRifles.com website that told me about using .45-70 brass, or it could have been here. Bullet used at 100 yards is the SAECO 429. 200 yard bullet is Accurate 43-330B. Both are cast out of 50/50 WW/Pb and sized .431. Powder is 24.5 gr. 5744 for #429. A couple more grains for the 43-330B. Neither of these will feed thru the lifter (way too long). Will work on that when I get closer to deer hunting season. Extraction: On rare occasions I have to use a rod to extract. Last weekend I fired 120 shots for score plus sighters. Had one failure to extract. Pic is a 2.192" 5 shot group at 100 yds.

06-16-2021, 07:33 AM
upnorthwis , so what did you have to do when they were to long for the lifter too bring them up to chamber? load them single shot / one at a time? BTW, that win gives you bragging rites!!if if a smaller / less stand out seated further into the case was done would they feed then ? less stand out?

06-16-2021, 10:29 AM
I bought this rifle to shoot paper in CBA matches. At this point I haven't even tried to put one in the magazine. But that time is coming one of these deer seasons. Years ago I realized that I had all these different calibers and decided to shoot a deer with as many as I could. I'm up to 24. Next in line is the .43 Mauser.

06-18-2021, 08:29 AM
after you trim the 45/70's to 1.700, will they chamber at that legenth or is there more trimming required? what is your over legenth with bullet ? thank you.

06-18-2021, 08:38 AM
I shot two, 45/70 trimmed to 1.700 th's, loaded them with 9 grains of UNIQUE and a 300 gr. .430 cast lead head. the first one the extractor would not extract it, knocked it out with the ramrod, no biggie. the second one extracted but would not eject, I had to remove the bolt, to get it out. have you experienced this occurrence?

06-19-2021, 03:24 PM
I just bought 8mm lebel cases that were already reformed to 41 swiss they have the 10.4x38R and the 10.4x42R from buffalo arms co. https://www.buffaloarms.com/10-4x42r-vetterli-center-fire-10-4x42r.html

06-19-2021, 03:30 PM
Plenty of reading material ... https://www.google.com/search?q=how%20to%20make%2041%20swiss%20brass&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m.

Ya know, I find these types of replies just totally unhelpful. I think anyone who finds a forum can do a simple google search but they come here for advice from experts and sometimes searching the forum doesn't bring desired results so what is the harm in making a new thread? I mean is server space so limited that we have to conserve on the amount of threads started? I don't wanna seem confrontational it just annoys me is all.

06-19-2021, 06:02 PM
Ya know, I find these types of replies just totally unhelpful.
Wouldn't that be up to the OP to decide?

06-20-2021, 04:04 PM
Wouldn't that be up to the OP to decide?

you really think the guy who started a thread for help appreciates being directed to a google search? It's just rude.

06-20-2021, 07:59 PM
Ask him.

06-21-2021, 07:47 AM
I for one would rather hear form members who have been there and done it, and are willing to share there experiences, than go and GOOGLE IT, for an answer, jmho.

06-22-2021, 11:21 AM
I shot two, 45/70 trimmed to 1.700 th's, loaded them with 9 grains of UNIQUE and a 300 gr. .430 cast lead head. the first one the extractor would not extract it, knocked it out with the ramrod, no biggie. the second one extracted but would not eject, I had to remove the bolt, to get it out. have you experienced this occurrence?

I rarely have them not extract from chamber. Have only used brass rod maybe every 50th round. They do however not eject, but are pulled out of chamber and lay of top of lifter where I just pick it out with fingers. To get this to happen, do not pull bolt all the way back. Leave it just short of actuating lifter. For the paper punching I'm doing, this is not a problem. After three years, only time I've had the bolt out was to convert to center-fire. If I were using it for hunting, I would use 8mm Lebel brass.

06-26-2021, 09:06 AM
upnorthwis, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to answer my questions. I was pulling the bolt all the way back fast & hard to get the lifter to work. I did not know that this was not necessary. now the rounds are extracting as stated. as I said it is a repurpose for all of my 45/70's that have split necks. again thank you so much . toot.

06-30-2021, 11:10 PM
I for one would rather hear form members who have been there and done it, and are willing to share there experiences, than go and GOOGLE IT, for an answer, jmho.
Just my experience, but if you find this thread later that search won't work and you won't have a clue what was meant. At least give a quick synopsis of what the article covers and then a link if we want more.

07-01-2021, 02:29 PM
??. it seems to be above my pay grade? jmho.