View Full Version : Ankle replacement

06-02-2021, 09:19 AM
Anyone out there have this done? My right ankle is toast and the options are fusion, replacement, or pain. So far the folks that I've corresponded with say replacement seems to be better. Down time is more than knee replacement, which I had done some years ago and that went exceptionally well. According to the saw bones my foot can't touch the floor for at least 2 weeks and 4 more weeks recovery. Just curious what other's experiences might have been if anyone has had this.


country gent
06-02-2021, 12:02 PM
Boz, What ever your decision Im keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. What you decide Im here for you

06-02-2021, 12:17 PM
I've heard an ankle is a tough one. As country gent stated, whichever option you choose i wish you the best.

Lloyd Smale
06-02-2021, 02:52 PM
had my right one done. It was a much tougher recovery then my hip replacement which by the way i see the doctor for tommarow to discuss doing the other one. Ankle took longer to heal and was more painful but DONT get a fusion. The way i was told if its fused thats it. You not only cant move it so you walk odd which puts stress on your hip, knee and even your back. I was told if they fuses and you have more trouble down the line they cant then do a replacement. Im going on 10 years with mine and have absolutely no problem with it. It works as well and is as strong as my other ankle. Ankle replacements back when i had mine done werent well known. But they do them all the time and i dont think youll find a doctor that would recomend fusion over a replacement. You might get someone to say there no good. When they first did them they had a less durable unit that tended to fail. I got in when the new and improved one came out and like i said its been problem free. I walk 3 miles most days and i know a younger women that had one and jogs (im to old for that!!) One thing for sure is if it is bad it wont get better it will just get worse so dont procrastinate.

06-03-2021, 08:12 AM
had my right one done. It was a much tougher recovery then my hip replacement which by the way i see the doctor for tommarow to discuss doing the other one. Ankle took longer to heal and was more painful but DONT get a fusion. The way i was told if its fused thats it. You not only cant move it so you walk odd which puts stress on your hip, knee and even your back. I was told if they fuses and you have more trouble down the line they cant then do a replacement. Im going on 10 years with mine and have absolutely no problem with it. It works as well and is as strong as my other ankle. Ankle replacements back when i had mine done werent well known. But they do them all the time and i dont think youll find a doctor that would recomend fusion over a replacement. You might get someone to say there no good. When they first did them they had a less durable unit that tended to fail. I got in when the new and improved one came out and like i said its been problem free. I walk 3 miles most days and i know a younger women that had one and jogs (im to old for that!!) One thing for sure is if it is bad it wont get better it will just get worse so dont procrastinate.

It's been a problem for a year now and it is getting worse so the procrastinating is pretty much over. I won't even consider fusion since that would void my 2nd class FAA medical. You can't operate rudder pedals very well without that back and forth ankle movement, especially on tail dragger airplanes. Flying is too much fun to give up not to mention the extra money to buy guns and reloading components with. Thanks for your thoughts on this.


06-03-2021, 04:24 PM
Do the fusion as the last resort. Because once it done it cant be undone

Lloyd Smale
06-04-2021, 04:17 AM
It's been a problem for a year now and it is getting worse so the procrastinating is pretty much over. I won't even consider fusion since that would void my 2nd class FAA medical. You can't operate rudder pedals very well without that back and forth ankle movement, especially on tail dragger airplanes. Flying is too much fun to give up not to mention the extra money to buy guns and reloading components with. Thanks for your thoughts on this.


there is pain involved. cant get around that but like is said. Today i can walk and i can do about anything i could when i was young and can get out in the field and hunt. Something that for the last year i suffered was off the table completely. Its been probably 8 years now and i dont have a single regret. Well i do have one. I should have done it 10 years earlier.