View Full Version : Infractions are like a criminal record?

06-01-2021, 09:59 AM
I have been bothered by something that happened 2 years ago on this Board.
I made a post that I thought nothing of but apparently the mods felt otherwise. No bad words were written, and nothing bad was intended but that did not seem to bother the mods.
I was issued an infraction....first one ever in almost 16 years of participating, supporting and donating to this board.
Hey...I am a big boy and tried to appeal to the mods but to no avail. I respectfully disagreed with them and tried to ague my case, again to no avail.
Well, OK.....it is their Board and I have to play by their rules. I get it.
However, I did not, in all good conscience, continue to donate as a sponsor after that. I know by donation would not hurt them at all but i could not give them money after that.
So why does this bother me?
That infraction was been attached to my profile since it happened. It reminds me of a sex offender registry where it follows you for the rest of your life. :)
I would ask the mods to explain why, after paying my "debt to society" with an infraction and a warning from the mods to be more careful, it has to remain on my profile for apparently the rest of my days here.
I would be happy to donate again and support the Board financially, but this just rubs me the wrong way.
I am not trying to start a fight here. Again, I get it that it is YOUR board and YOUR rules. I am just trying to understand why the infraction has to stay on one's profile like a scarlet letter for apparently for as long as one is a member.
Mods....care to explain?

06-01-2021, 10:11 AM
Curious, I don’t see on your profile that you have had an infraction, where do you see it?

06-01-2021, 10:11 AM
The infractions are only visible by you. Annoying as it may be, there are better battles to fight.

ETA. I only know this for having been warned about using stars to bypass the bad word censor.

06-01-2021, 10:12 AM
You're right! Made me look at my Profile and see the list of infractions I've been tagged with; some with merit but most without (IMO). Total infractions (4). Only thing that I learned by viewing my list was that all but (2) of the (heavy handed Mods) are dead. So, MODS, give me an infraction at your own risk.

06-01-2021, 10:33 AM
I had one a few years ago. For over posting in swapping and selling. It's expired now. The infraction was helpful though. I communicated with the mod. And i leaned i can post more than one thing per ad.

06-01-2021, 10:49 AM
You're right! Made me look at my Profile and see the list of infractions I've been tagged with; some with merit but most without (IMO). Total infractions (4). Only thing that I learned by viewing my list was that all but (2) of the (heavy handed Mods) are dead. So, MODS, give me an infraction at your own risk.

Interesting. I looked at your profile and did not see any infractions, so you are correct. I guess we can only see our own infraction(s).
....and Bakerjw, you are also correct....there are bigger battles to fight.....but it is still annoying to see it there, particularly since is was (IMHO) wrongfully issued.
I guess I will have to reconsider my donation to the Board now.
i DO support them and their providing a place for all this knowledge and experience.

06-01-2021, 10:58 AM
The infractions are only visible by you. Annoying as it may be, there are better battles to fight.

ETA. I only know this for having been warned about using stars to bypass the bad word censor.

I almost got an infraction for bypassing the language filter by typing a bad word that the forums then changed to asterisks :S.

06-01-2021, 11:20 AM
I almost got an infraction for bypassing the language filter by typing a bad word that the forums then changed to asterisks :S.

Exactly what i did except i made the asterisks myself. I pled my case to no avail. I think that is what angered me. There was no evil "intent" to bypass the censors. I Intentionally did what I did yet the mods saw it differently as "trying to evade the censors".
I was educated about the bad word filter so that was a learning experience.
I guess it is one's point of view that makes the difference.
Oh well, at least I got my question answered here today.

06-01-2021, 11:51 AM
When I was still on staff, it was pointed out I had no infractions, so was given one on general purposes. I've got a few more over the years. No big deal, suck it up, and move on.

06-01-2021, 11:52 AM
What did you post that caused the “infraction”?

06-01-2021, 12:03 PM
You shouldve seen my infraction list on the S&W forum....the mods made it a game i think to see who could give me the most ��

06-01-2021, 12:26 PM
I almost got an infraction for bypassing the language filter by typing a bad word that the forums then changed to asterisks :S.

I've got one, if not two this way. I've never intentionally bypassed it, but when you copy and paste text, it does it for you.

06-01-2021, 12:37 PM
No big deal, suck it up, and move on.
I would agree on general principles. But asking me for money to support the Board, particularly given the fact that I donated for many years, makes it a two way street.

06-01-2021, 12:56 PM
Anything that happened to you two years ago that didn't cripple you, cost you a job or marriage no longer has any relevance to your life today. Time to move on!

06-01-2021, 01:12 PM
Where does one find infractions listed? Profile?

06-01-2021, 01:23 PM
Where does one find infractions listed? Profile?

there is a tab under your profile.
If you have any it will be listed. You don't have any.

The staff can see any infraction that you have. You can see any infraction you have. No one else can see them.

Yes, infractions stay apart of your profile forever. The points that are attached to them don't They disappear after a certain amount of time depend on the level of the infraction.
FISH4BUGS, infraction points have LONG been gone.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-01-2021, 01:39 PM
Gentlemen, let me address this situation as best as I'm able. I am the newest moderator of perhaps 6 months or a little more experience, with only one newer, but he was here before me, left and came back.

I myself have an infraction dating from about 4 years ago, issued by a moderator who is still on the board. At the time I felt that it was unjust, but like you (all) there wasn't much I could do about it except learn the lesson.

It is an interesting, if unpaid, job. There really are relatively few rules, but they must be enforced for the sake of order and decorum. To re-cap, no bad language whether plainly stated or disguised by symbols. I do not totally understand the concept behind the language censor, as you may write out the "F" word, or the "S" word, or any other foul language that you feel you need to express yourself with, and the Language Censor Feature of the forum will replace all of the letters with asterisks. So the word is there anyway, but not plainly visible to visitors to the Forum such as young people and ladies. A moderator with far more experience than I, has pointed out to me that although we have well over 50,000 registered members, at any given time there are usually 2-3 times as many unregistered guests reading our posts. This means that there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who view the posts at one time or another. Do you really want to share your foul language with them, plainly or disguised? Why?

Those statistics may be found at the bottom of the main forum page where it tells you who is on line and who the latest new members are. It is the desire of the Cast Boolits Forum's Owner, No_1, to keep the CB Forum "family friendly". I do not see how anyone can disagree with this goal, and if you need to "cuss" you can take it elsewhere as there are plenty of places on the internet where their standards are lower. When you attempt to bypass the Censor Feature you are in effect insisting on making your use of the bad language known to others----not acceptable here.

What else....? Discourtesy. Name calling. We don't need that here, nor do you. Once you get the idea it is so easy to just state your case, be it opinion or fact, and move on. If your opinions or facts are challenged by another member (we'll hope in a polite manner) you can certainly return and post again elaborating on your idea or position. But the problem is that so many folks have big, if not huge, egos and desire to be "the expert". The truth of the matter is that there are many real experts who participate in the Forum, but also true that no one is an expert on every subject. If you carefully read and consider what your fellow forum member is posting you may perhaps (1) learn, (2) change your opinion or position, or (3) come to the realization that there are other points of view, all of which have a right to be expressed if done in a polite manner. Beware of arguments in "The Pit" (Political Discussions). Many infractions have been generated there due to inflamed opinions. It just isn't worth it. Don't "bait" or "troll" your fellow members, as these are infractions if obvious to the moderators.
No one wants troublemakers. Remember, the term is "Political Discussions" not Political Arguments.

Also of concern is the Swappin' & Sellin' area of the Forum. It would probably be safe to say that fully 50% (or more of the infractions issued are in this section. Again, the rules are few and easy to follow. Preface your thread with "WTS, WTB, or WTT" or a combination thereof as appropriate. List no more that 10 items in any ad. Post no more that 5 ads in one calendar month, or have no more than 5 ads open if they span calendar months. Plainly state how much you want to sell the item for, and the manner of payment(s) you prefer. Do not offer items for sale on our Forum and list the for sale on other forums at the same time. Easy-peasy.

The infraction system is kind of like the traffic ticket system. No one likes to get one, and different folks react differently. Some say, "Well, I guess I had it coming. I drive 5 miles over the speed limit all the time, and this time I was 10 over." Others say, " That dirty cop--has to get his quota. Everyone is speeding, and he picked me out because I'm ----(whatever)!" The lesson is not to speed. Here, the lesson is not to use bad language in a forum purposely designed to be a technical and informational forum, and where bad language is not necessary to discuss any of the various topics in the sub-forum sections. No one here (moderators) has anything against anyone, and if you receive an infraction hopefully you will learn the lesson. If you believe it to be unfair and your ego won't let you roll with the punch, then you can always appeal your case to the Forum Owner. It is not routine, but I have seen several infractions reversed and removed from the member's profile.

True, the infractions never go away, but there is a reason for that. It can be useful in determining a pattern of disregard for the rules. The infractions carry points, and enough points will get a suspension in posting privileges and eventually banishment. If you are made aware by receipt of an infraction that this or that behavior is unacceptable it is easy to avoid getting another for that behavior. The points expire, so if you called member Bob a jerk, avoided the Censor, had 11 items for sale, and 6 for sale posts open at the same time you wont' get suspended or banned, if this has occurred over a long period of time and some of the points have expired. But, if you called Fred a jerk in 2018, Craig a jerk in 2019, Steve a jerk in 2020, and John a jerk yesterday you are likely banned because there is a pattern of discourtesy, and the lesson hasn't been learned despite the fact that the points expired.

I hope this answers some of the questions and dampens some of the expressed resentment. You can see what is happening to our society with the relaxation of rules, and we don't want that to happen here. Your cooperation and support is always welcome. I will say for myself, and I'm certain for the other moderators as well, that you may PM us with questions or if you need help.


06-01-2021, 01:49 PM
I had to learn the hard way that using asterisks or a random string of characters to hide a word was skirting the word filter! It was not an attempt by me to get around the word filter, as in trying to trick it, but the board sorta views it in that light and it was explained to me that if I type it and the word filter does not catch it, then it wasn't against the rules, and I was good to go. And if it was a bad word the filter would catch it and hide it and again, I was good to go. Sometimes you have to figure out each forum and it's rules individually.

I think the word filter has gotten a lot of infractions issued to unsuspecting posters who were just trying to be nice and civil by using alternate strings or characters instead of typing out the profanity.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-01-2021, 01:52 PM
I agree with you, Doug. The fine line, and for some difficult to comprehend, is why if one's intentions are good enough to disguise the word, does the word have to be used? It can be a defective mold, a difficult mold, a poorly made mold, but it doesn't have to be a ******* mold.


06-01-2021, 02:05 PM
I also got caught by the asterisk situation. I was wrong, the rules are the rules, but for what it’s worth, I agree they should disappear when they expire. That said , I am a guest and the owners make the rules.

06-01-2021, 02:24 PM
I have no problem with the rules per se, and now that I know them I follow them when I can. I have got two infractions, two years apart, and I think both are for cuss words. One was because I cut and pasted an article where the author used asterisks to mask part of the word; I posted so got the infraction. The other was again for a link to an article where the article was clean, but the comments to the article included cuss words, again I posted so I got the infraction. No problem really, though it's hard to control the comments, specially if you don't see them before you post or they comment after you post.

06-01-2021, 02:38 PM
The rules are the rules, and honestly I’d rather the system just wouldn’t allow a post for foul language than changing to asterisks.

As a practical matter, I am amused that someone will get an infraction for posting a string of asterisks but not for cursing. There is probably a reason for it, and I’m not asking for an explanation since I’m happy just knowing the rule.

06-01-2021, 02:53 PM
The rules are the rules, and honestly I’d rather the system just wouldn’t allow a post for foul language than changing to asterisks.

As a practical matter, I am amused that someone will get an infraction for posting a string of asterisks but not for cursing. There is probably a reason for it, and I’m not asking for an explanation since I’m happy just knowing the rule.

The difference, as I believe it to be, is (using Dang as the example) D**g, if it was a cussword, would be an infraction, **** would not be, because the entire word is blotted out. Probably because the first would be easy to make out, but the second would not be, though in context it may be anyway.

06-01-2021, 03:04 PM
I am a mod on one of the silencer forums and it is a thankless task. I've even had people threaten to shoot me there. All forums are different and as always, their forum, their rules even if you are financially supporting the site. My 1 infraction came by self censoring with asterisks and it was a word describing a child born out of wedlock rather than some more colorful language. I left for a while after getting cautioned about using symbols to hide profanity even though there was zero intent much like the beloved Sargent Snorkle.

06-01-2021, 03:44 PM
Infraction history is private. Mods use it as an indicator of behavior. That is why is stays attached. Only you and the mods can see it.

06-01-2021, 03:50 PM
The difference, as I believe it to be, is (using Dang as the example) D**g, if it was a cussword, would be an infraction, **** would not be, because the entire word is blotted out. Probably because the first would be easy to make out, but the second would not be, though in context it may be anyway.
Oh, I thought that **** (typed as ****) would be an infraction, but **** (typed as dang) would not be, I could be wrong.

The advice that I found most helpful was to just type what you want and let the computer sort it, it’s worked perfectly for me.

06-01-2021, 03:53 PM
When I was still on staff, it was pointed out I had no infractions, so was given one on general purposes. I've got a few more over the years. No big deal, suck it up, and move on.

It's basically a slap on the wrist, but without the slap...

Often times they are used as the easiest and quickest way to remind people of the rules.

06-02-2021, 02:09 AM
To me, it's just petty.
But I don't make the rules.
They should expire after a while.
Many times it's just the way the person talks in everyday life.
It's a smoke dream to think kids are offended by "bad words"
Majority of the kids these day know more than parents think.
I got gigged for that silly ************ thing.
Also for posting selling 10 boxes of the same thing, then other stuff in the same S&S.
Honest misunderstanding.
Still got gigged for it.
To me, it's hard to know what is in the mind of the mods.
It's like...............
"How would you describe phonography???"
"I can't describe what it is, but I know it when I see it"

06-02-2021, 09:30 AM
I think I can safely say this . . . . . that if you are on this site long enough and make post . . . . at some point you will be reminded by an infraction . . . . and probably 99% of them are not intentional. I have had several , , , , putting in symbols instead of bad words . . . last one was failing to prefix a listing in the WTS section with a WTB .. . . and all were deserver and justified. The rules are posted . . . we are expected to follow them and even if the "offense" is not intended . . . a lapse of remembering is not really a good excuse.

I have no "beef" with any of the Mods - they are doing what they are expected to do and the result of that is a great site where things run pretty smoothly and there are a lot of sites that can't claim that. If a person is caught speeding - they will likely get a ticket but it isn't the end of the world.

I have no idea of what th OP's infraction was about - and with all due respect to him = it really isn't any of my business - but deserver oer not - there are far greater things in life to worry about than an "infraction" - move on in life - it isn't a felony or a misdemeanor - it's a gentle reminder that a rule of the site wasn't;t followed and like many of us who have had them - pay attention to the rules. If an individual doesn't and continues to break them - well - the only have themselves to blame if the are given a "time out".

I have been married almost 50 years and love mu wife dearly, but like anyone else, I have had more than my share of "infractions" - bought something and didn't tell her - forgot to do something I said I would take care of, etc. - my point is that life is full of "infractions" - right or wrong - but don't let it ruin your day as life is too short. LOL

06-02-2021, 09:51 AM
When the updated/new maybe original filter was added I and many others were put that the 6.5&7.7 Japanese was dogged when mentioned by it's well known every day slang name sans the anese . I don't recall it happening here but the common term used for the second notch of an SAA or most exposed hammer arms was flagged also . I really never understood what the deal was if half-rooster or roostered and locked were used , I think both examples are abridged now .

I got my hands smacked but honestly I don't remember what for now .
I've been accused of being a walking thesaurus full of passe' language , it's actually a spelling problem ...... Rendezvous is easier to write than a gathering of like minds , but I have to use man made water impoundment , because lake isn't always correct .

Big deal we got gigged . If you don't do anything you can't foul anything up is a poor way to live .

Honestly Hades just doesn't carry the emphasis desired . Cleaning up phrases often makes them even more colorful than they are straight up .

06-02-2021, 11:16 AM
Interesting Thread ... I didn't know I could click on a persons name and view their profile and all kinds of other stuff ... makes me feel like I'm snooping around in your business .
I'm posting this just so I can click on my name and see what it says about me ...this should be interesting !

My that was interesting . I clicked on a few others members profiles and didn't see anyone's infractions ... don't post about them and nobody will know

I'm amazed at everything the computer program can save , store , recall and show you ...
I'm also even more amazed it still can't install a simple LIKE button !

Stupid Computer
We Need A Like Button !

06-03-2021, 08:33 AM
I am just trying to understand why the infraction has to stay on one's profile like a scarlet letter for apparently for as long as one is a member. Mods....care to explain?
As the OP, I think most of the posters missed the point of my question.
The mods answered it. No one else can see the infraction but me and the mods.
It is some type of "record keeping" for the mods to know who is a repeat offender and how serious the infraction was.
I get it. I may not agree with the specific infraction but hey - it is not my board and not my rules.
Play by those rules or get out. Pretty simple solution.

06-04-2021, 05:39 PM
Real problem is some on the board have buddies who are mods ergo if they don't like your post they rat you out because their feelings are hurt it doesn't have to be profanity just get your mod buddy to censure you .

Der Gebirgsjager
06-04-2021, 07:31 PM
That's a rather harsh accusation, starnbar. Can you cite an example?


06-04-2021, 08:52 PM
That's a rather harsh accusation, starnbar. Can you cite an example?


Exactly. I keep a pretty good eye what the mods do so would be surprised if what you are saying is true. State your case, provide your proof and I’ll handle it.

06-04-2021, 08:58 PM
Posted in a thread about "dirty words".
Didn't post any.
Posted a link to another website.
On that website was a video.
In that video was someone who didn't use any dirty words either.

That was my sin. What I learned from it was whom to ignore. (or at least in theory, I don't recall who was and probably didn't remember after five minutes)

06-04-2021, 09:49 PM
Real problem is some on the board have buddies who are mods ergo if they don't like your post they rat you out because their feelings are hurt it doesn't have to be profanity just get your mod buddy to censure you .

Have seen this some places, have not seen it here.

tomme boy
06-05-2021, 01:58 AM
I was given one recently for something that was listed on another forum for about 3 minutes while I was deleting it. Sometimes like this it is a unwarranted use of power. And selling something that is not allowed. A hunting knife. While the same mod let other sellers sell knives because someone in MANAGEMENT wanted to buy it.

Or by pointing out someone was trying to extort the site and 45Nut for content and images he posted. Well he was banned. Then about 3 years later a few people tried and got him back on the site. Brought up and showed all the things this person said and did. But SOMEONE deleted and changed all the post by this person.

Well the guy went off his rocker again and was banned and all content was deleted. AKA Vdmorie Blazing Sabot.

Anyway, they do a good job most of the time. But not allways

Texas by God
06-05-2021, 10:33 AM
Post #32 is well put, FISH4BUGS.
BTW, I thought “infraction” is a mathematical term.......

Der Gebirgsjager
06-05-2021, 11:38 AM
I was given one recently for something that was listed on another forum for about 3 minutes while I was deleting it. Sometimes like this it is a unwarranted use of power. And selling something that is not allowed. A hunting knife. While the same mod let other sellers sell knives because someone in MANAGEMENT wanted to buy it.

Or by pointing out someone was trying to extort the site and 45Nut for content and images he posted. Well he was banned. Then about 3 years later a few people tried and got him back on the site. Brought up and showed all the things this person said and did. But SOMEONE deleted and changed all the post by this person.

Well the guy went off his rocker again and was banned and all content was deleted. AKA Vdmorie Blazing Sabot.

Anyway, they do a good job most of the time. But not allways

Probably true that we do a good job most of the time, but not all of the time. Like policemen, we have high standards, but are not always perfect. Where would society be without policemen (I think we're in the process of finding out..) and where would the forum be without some regulation.

Knives are not allowed for sale on this forum. Yes, gun guys are usually knife guys, and we have a sub-forum dedicated to the display and discussion of knives, but sales are currently prohibited. Why? Because management feels that there are plenty of on line forums dedicated to knives and the sale of knives. Knife guys often have huge tool rolls full of knives that they wish to sell. Have you ever been to a flea market/swap meet and seen knives for sale? If there is one knife on the table there are likely 200 of them. Therefore the decision was made not to allow the sale of knives on this forum as we would be inundated with them, ad after ad of Chinese and Pakastani cutlery, and become a flea market instead of a bullet casting and gun oriented forum.

The person and incident you have cited as disrupting the forum has been dealt with, and the problem child permanently banned. Rapidly becoming ancient history. I think you should note that the individual in question was given a second chance, and like you have observed, "he went off his rocker again. Seems like the entire matter was handled fairly to me.


06-05-2021, 11:51 AM
Real problem is some on the board have buddies who are mods ergo if they don't like your post they rat you out because their feelings are hurt it doesn't have to be profanity just get your mod buddy to censure you .

Have seen this some places, have not seen it here.

exactly. We don't even give other staff members a break
But I will tell you what happens almost on a daily basis.
A member was issued a infraction. That member now reports ANY posts that he comes across that is in violation of the rule that he got a infraction for.
Most of the posts the staff deals with are member reported posts. Yes, members reporting other members.
Most of the staff reported posts are language or S&S violations.

06-05-2021, 12:28 PM
I guess that I have been lucky :-P

No infractions here. I have gotten infractions on another board for recommending prayer and replacing bad language in a quote with different characters to obccure it.

Then I got banned for one post regarding my feelings about the current occupant of the Oval Office......

06-05-2021, 12:43 PM
I have at least one infraction (maybe more), I never checked. I just put the moderator with whom I had an issue on "ignore" so we can't cross swords anymore and carry on. Out of sight, out of mind.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-05-2021, 01:52 PM
I have at least one infraction (maybe more), I never checked. I just put the moderator with whom I had an issue on "ignore" so we can't cross swords anymore and carry on. Out of sight, out of mind.

Interestingly, your profile shows no infractions at all. If a mod sent you a message you should have taken the time to read it!


06-05-2021, 02:14 PM
I am surprised that we even need moderators here. Another site that I am on has a badge of honor called band camp. It's when one gets a timeout for being an asterisked out word. The ignore feature on there is well used and I am close to having 100 people on it as it is pretty cut throat at times.

tomme boy
06-05-2021, 05:25 PM
Probably true that we do a good job most of the time, but not all of the time. Like policemen, we have high standards, but are not always perfect. Where would society be without policemen (I think we're in the process of finding out..) and where would the forum be without some regulation.

Knives are not allowed for sale on this forum. Yes, gun guys are usually knife guys, and we have a sub-forum dedicated to the display and discussion of knives, but sales are currently prohibited. Why? Because management feels that there are plenty of on line forums dedicated to knives and the sale of knives. Knife guys often have huge tool rolls full of knives that they wish to sell. Have you ever been to a flea market/swap meet and seen knives for sale? If there is one knife on the table there are likely 200 of them. Therefore the decision was made not to allow the sale of knives on this forum as we would be inundated with them, ad after ad of Chinese and Pakastani cutlery, and become a flea market instead of a bullet casting and gun oriented forum.

The person and incident you have cited as disrupting the forum has been dealt with, and the problem child permanently banned. Rapidly becoming ancient history. I think you should note that the individual in question was given a second chance, and like you have observed, "he went off his rocker again. Seems like the entire matter was handled fairly to me.


The problem was I was warned to drop the concerns I had about him. Some mods had selective memory even when showed what they said and then post were deleted with what I had brought up. How was that fair for the forum.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-05-2021, 07:09 PM
The problem was I was warned to drop the concerns I had about him. Some mods had selective memory even when showed what they said and then post were deleted with what I had brought up. How was that fair for the forum.

I have no knowledge of this---it must have been before "my time" as a mod. Perhaps someone who was a mod back then can answer your question. I do know about what occurred later, and as I already said it's now water under the bridge.


06-05-2021, 09:15 PM
Interestingly, your profile shows no infractions at all. If a mod sent you a message you should have taken the time to read it!

Like I said, I never check.

06-06-2021, 11:27 AM
As this board has wended it's way down the twisting corridors of time, it has had many moderators. Most have been "hail fellows, well met", but there have been a few turkeys gobbling through. The turkeys have at times abused their position and taken personal revenge on posters they didn't like for whatever reason. All of this earns a big "SO WHAT", just human nature playing itself out on a different stage. Just blow it all off and move on to wherever you are going. It certainly doesn't merit this long multi-page whine.

06-06-2021, 12:24 PM
Just blow it all off and move on to wherever you are going. It certainly doesn't merit this long multi-page whine.

Some people enjoy the drama, and there is certainly no rule that everybody must read the thread. Feel free to ignore it.

Then there is the aspect of tangential information that sometimes floats to the surface. For instance, I had never heard of the "ignore" feature. I'm waiting for someone to explain it, and say whether or not it even exists on this forum. It sounds like it could be useful.

06-06-2021, 12:54 PM
Some people enjoy the drama, and there is certainly no rule that everybody must read the thread. Feel free to ignore it.

Then there is the aspect of tangential information that sometimes floats to the surface. For instance, I had never heard of the "ignore" feature. I'm waiting for someone to explain it, and say whether or not it even exists on this forum. It sounds like it could be useful.

People/posters can be put on an ignore list, not posts or threads. You ignore threads and posts, but not opening them or reading them, just like you could have done to my last post. Click on my screen name and a menu will appear. you can then click on "add to ignore list" and you will never see anything i post again. It is indeed useful.

06-06-2021, 01:06 PM
Thank you Charles. That was very helpful. I will put the ignore list to good use, but you certainly won't be on it.

06-06-2021, 01:16 PM
Knowing of the existence and a little bit about it, I was able to locate the "Ignore List" in my personal information. I quickly discovered that I can edit the list to add names, and I can uncheck the appropriate box if later I decide to allow a person's posts to appear. For example, I have been the object of personal attacks on this forum. Now I can put the offender on my ignore list and not be bothered by the bad behavior (I'm pretty thin skinned). After awhile when he is tired of acting out, I can remove him from my list. Thank you again Charles.

Der Gebirgsjager
06-06-2021, 01:52 PM
Having progressed from the duration of infractions through implementation of the Ignore List, it is my feeling that this thread has run it's course, and all that needed to be said to answer the OP's original question has been said.