View Full Version : A Different Take on Revolvers vs. Semi-Autos

05-31-2021, 10:11 AM
Hi all! I thought some of you might enjoy this one.


Lefty Red
05-31-2021, 10:34 AM
Glad I got to see a 940 being shot! Mine is mint and I just can’t bring myself to shoot it. I’m hard on my j frames carrying them in a front pocket holster from Alabama Holster.

Great video HR!

05-31-2021, 10:37 AM
Thank you! My 940 was a BUG in an ankle holster for several years back in the 1990’s. It’s finish bears testament to that, so I don’t mind shooting it. Even so, it’s semi-retired these days.


shooting on a shoestring
05-31-2021, 05:43 PM
Thanks for putting in the effort to make the video.
I thought the split screen side by side clip was the best demonstration of it really doesn’t matter.
And I’ll contend that all the hits were hits and the scoring really doesn’t matter either.
I wish that all concealed gun toters would put in the time, effort and expense to learn to shoot as proficiently.
Good video.

I’ll put forward that I often pocket carry in my front jeans or overalls. In that position I greatly prefer a snubby revolver due to 2 things.

First, they’re safer and faster for me to draw. I use an LCR (in 327) or a Smith 638 or 49. Those snubby revolvers flow out of my pocket when drawing. The reciprocators I’ve tried often hang up or tangle up by catching the edge of my pocket with the overhanging rear end of the slide. I’ve pocket carried the Sig 365, LCP 380, Glocks 42 and 43. None pull as slick as the shrouded snubbys.

Second, all the reciprocators would trip their mag release at least once a day in my pocket in a pocket holster. I learned to reach in and check to see if the mag was unseated every time I got out of a vehicle. The snubbys don’t do that.

If there was a clear advantage to either revolvers or reciprocators I’d expect after more than a century of competition one would have disappeared into obsolescence. They both still work.

05-31-2021, 07:37 PM
Thanks, Howard, for the excellent and thoughtful comparison. It shows that there was simply too little difference to matter.
If I had to draw a lesson from this video I would say that it is that sights matter. The excellent Hellcat sights allowed the relatively small Hellcat to shoot way over its weight class, leaving the otherwise similar 940 gasping for air. The 19 versus the M&P was closer, largely due to the similar sight quality, only the magnum kick in the steel frame separated them.

As an aside, I pocket carried an LCP daily for 3 years, still do on occasion, and NEVER had a mag drop. There is something wrong with your holster or your pistol if it does. These days, I am more likely to have my S&W 342, provided my pants will conceal it adequately.

06-01-2021, 08:04 AM
Something definitely wrong with the mag dropping. I've carried a Kel-Tec P32 for years in my front pocket both with and without a holster and never had that happen.

06-01-2021, 10:48 AM
Thannks guys! I'm glad you liked it.


06-01-2021, 01:12 PM
That for the good video. Once again, we learn that there is no one clearly superior handgun for self defense.

06-01-2021, 02:17 PM
I guess it all depends on perspective, ability and preference.

06-01-2021, 05:10 PM
Liked how you put a priority on getting good hits over just shooting fast.

06-01-2021, 07:10 PM
A couple of comments

CCW means just that. Evaluating times and accuracy from the ready position is not realistic. Any good pistol shooter will not see much difference...as you have demonstrated

Which brings me my other point. How would the average shooter perform? Say a person who fires 200-300 rounds a year?

IMO, the average shooter is better off with a revolver because it is nearly impossible to have a FTF.

BTW, I carry semi-autos. My small gun is a Kahr, because it conceals better than a snubbie. My regular gun is a full size Glock because I may need more than 5 or 6 shots so why not have them.

Training trumps equipment as does proficiency. But the reality is most CCW holders have neither training or proficiency. They will need more than two shots to hit inside the 8 ring and incapacitate a BG.

BTW, I commend you for not doing a do-over with the Model 19. You showed what happened without forcing an outcome. But it speaks to my point that more than two shots may be needed....even if you are an excellent pistol shot. I bet no one ever said “Boy, am I ticked off....I still had 10 rounds left in the magazine.”

06-02-2021, 06:33 AM
Thank you. I understand your point. If my goal had been to evaluate the capability of shooters with varying levels of experience, I would have done things differently. In the video, I was trying to conduct an apples to apples (as nearly as I could) comparison of the platforms.


06-02-2021, 08:35 AM
Not everyone can shoot a revolver as hand "strength" can come into play. Because of nerve damage, my right hand cannot hold a revolver for a second shot without it spinning in my grip (my last three fingers are impacted). Semi's are much easier to control. I have to change my grips on my revolvers to enjoy them again.

Burnt Fingers
06-02-2021, 11:46 AM
To make it more relevant you should be drawing from the holster.

06-02-2021, 01:16 PM
Did you see the part of the video where I explained why I was not starting from a holster?
