View Full Version : Any news?????

05-27-2021, 03:26 AM
Anyone know, or hear, anything about the NRA?????
Last I heard the bankruptcy was denied.
Seems like the anti's have their fingers in all kinds of gooberment places.
And yet people still believe gooberment works for the people????

Krag 1901
05-27-2021, 03:44 AM
Last I heard Wayne's tit is still in the wringer about his grifting from the members and the NY AG is on his tail. With any luck he will be tossed in jail and the membership can get back to it's main purposes.

05-27-2021, 05:08 AM
The gooberment has NEVER worked for the people; it works for itself, espousing the ideas that it wants to promulgate at the expense of the people.

05-27-2021, 06:13 AM
All I know is everytime they call begging for money I tell them not a penny until Wayne is gone. I mean it and I've been standing firm for years.

They never argue and usually hang up fairly quickly. I'm pretty sure they get that a lot.

05-27-2021, 06:48 AM
I don't give them spending money but I do maintain memberships for myself and my 2 sons.

05-27-2021, 08:16 AM
I keep gearing calls for $$$. This week I got a mailing to renew my membership, which still has a couple of years left. The "bribe" to rejoin was a new NRA hat - NO THANKS Wayne - I don't want a hat that is MADE IN CHINA like all the other NRA giveaways. I'll keep my membership up, but like others, I won't donate until they "clean house".

05-27-2021, 10:17 AM
Comment period for the proposed BATFE regulations are now open, I think this will be an effective method to combat the intrusion on our Constitutional rights; at least as effective as Wayne and his high dollar suits are concerned.

05-27-2021, 11:37 AM
The Dem's want the NRA to be declared a " Domestic Terrorist Organization "....
I'm going to make sure my membership dues are paid , keep my membership card in my wallet and wear my NRA T-shirt and hat with pride ...
... terrorist organization my bee-hine .
They getting desperate and DO NOT believe the fake news they spread ... they are trying to get rid of us .. They LIE !!!

Remember ... United we stand but divided we fall ...sowing division among members is just what they want ... Do Not Play Into Their Game ...
There is strength in numbers ...don't be acting the fool.

An audit of the NRA books will expose any miss use of funds ... that sort of thing eventually will catch up to the person(s) who are doing wrong .

05-27-2021, 11:43 AM
Comment period for the proposed BATFE regulations are now open, I think this will be an effective method to combat the intrusion on our Constitutional rights; at least as effective as Wayne and his high dollar suits are concerned.

Wayne has suits that cost more than my first house but that was in the 60s so things cost more now I know but a suit that cost over 6 grand is a lot of money.

05-27-2021, 12:55 PM
All I know is everytime they call begging for money I tell them not a penny until Wayne is gone. I mean it and I've been standing firm for years.

They never argue and usually hang up fairly quickly. I'm pretty sure they get that a lot.

They just called me the other day. Told them I am a Benefactor and have also purchased a life membership for my son. No more money until they get their act together and start replacing the leeches. Think they hung up.

05-27-2021, 11:37 PM
If NRA refiles the bankruptcy case, the judge has threaten a trustee to take over. The judge was not impressed with the first argument presented by the NRA for bankruptcy. Wayne will probably have to go back to NY and fight the legal battle there spending membership money for his lawyers.

05-28-2021, 12:30 AM
Supposedly wayne admitted to the judge (at least from what I've read) that he did what everyone is accusing him of. So in any case my membership is due in a couple months. Which is a requirement for club membership. Used to renew for 3 years, but from now on will only do 1 year at a time. Frank

05-28-2021, 02:39 AM
Like every other NRA member should be, I told them on the phone that Wayne needed to step down from his position for me to support the NRA like I used to. I made a small contribution anyway, as all gun owners should, and again made a note on there that Wayne needs to step down. I'm still baffled why he refuses to step down. Every NRA member has been screaming it from the roof tops for a couple of years. Now it is too late. It is true, the chapter 11 was denied.

That is as it should be though, as horrible as that is to say. The NRA is not hurting financially if it had a decent order. The bankruptcy was nothing but a ploy by Wayne LaPierre to move the NRA to Texas. He is tied directly to the NRA, and they are under investigation for misappropriation of funds, again as they should be.

Wayne LaPierre and a few other members embezzled money from the non-profit organization of the NRA. They are scum. The NRA wont disappear, but we need them now more than ever, and we wont get it.

05-28-2021, 03:58 AM
The proof that he is a crook is evident by the fact that he won't step down. He only cares about himself and his money.

05-28-2021, 08:15 AM
I rejoined the NRA this year after a long absence.
With Joe and company in the White House we need the NRA more than ever.
Until Wayne L is gone, they will get no more than my membership.

05-29-2021, 12:37 PM
My standard answer when the NRA calls asking for money, if that once Wayne LaPierre is in jail, if they send an autographed picture of him in his orange jump suit standing his suite of the iron bar hotel, that I will donate $5 a month for his prison canteen fund to buy Vaseline to aid his hospitality with his new rooom mate Bubba.

05-29-2021, 10:46 PM
We need to get rid of the upper tier of blood suckers and at the same time be awair of of the liberals attempts to label us domestic terrorts.
Ole Jack

Winger Ed.
05-29-2021, 10:57 PM
I still give money to local things that are NRA affiliated or sanctioned, where it stays within sight-
but none to the NRA directly until Wayne is gone.

05-30-2021, 03:03 PM
Do the people that call you asking for contributions actually work for the NRA? I thought they would be paid robo callers working from a call center and just contract workers.
What is a way to express your opinion to the BoD or directly to WLP?

06-01-2021, 11:27 AM
I am a faithful member but this went on so long that the board is guilty of malfeasance. There needs to be a thorough house-cleaning.

06-01-2021, 12:28 PM
Do the people that call you asking for contributions actually work for the NRA? I thought they would be paid robo callers working from a call center and just contract workers.
What is a way to express your opinion to the BoD or directly to WLP?

Do they actually work for the NRA? Yes. Do they have the means to pass on the messages? I have my doubts.