View Full Version : Covid protection overkill??

05-26-2021, 11:40 PM
Wife and I were driving thru a town on the Front Range of Colorado, when we stopped at a traffic light. Looked to the right and there was a gal in the car next to me with what looked like a tyvek painters suit or hazmat suit on. It was hooded as it covered her hair, then she had on a face mask, face shield and disposable gloves on.

Told the wife to look to the right (she was driving) and she just looked and said OMG.

I asked her if I could roll down the window and cough a few times, but I got the "look". :(

Haven't see that kind of precautions by anyone before that!!

05-26-2021, 11:54 PM
Maybe her car had mice get into it? Or it's a crime scene?

05-27-2021, 12:18 AM
How many traffic accidents have these petrified people caused in the name of protection from contracting COVID-19?


05-27-2021, 12:38 AM
You just can't fix stupid.

05-27-2021, 05:33 AM
Not that I would recommend precautions to that level but you never know what their situation could be and their need for it. Could be they are severely immunocompromised and their doctor told them that was the only safe way out for some reason? Could be that’s their work attire and they have hazardous chemicals in the vehicle they were transporting? Or could be they are just bat s* crazy? Never know.

05-27-2021, 08:20 AM
You just can't fix stupid.

You can but they'll send you to prison

05-27-2021, 08:30 AM
Just done with her shift at the meth factory and was in a hurry to get home........

05-27-2021, 09:43 AM
Just done with her shift at the meth factory and was in a hurry to get home........

For the WIN

elk hunter
05-27-2021, 09:53 AM
I've noticed that amongst my friends that the more liberal they are the more terrified they are of the covid thing. We are friends with a unique couple, the husband is a very liberal type, she's not. He has hardly left the house since this whole thing started. She does all the shopping etc. he stays home and worries. I don't know what they do about her coming home after all that exposure to the human herd. I have another friend that was mad because people were walking in the same area he was and when passing a mere 50' away they weren't wearing masks. He wears the perfect mask, a bandana. Go figure.

05-27-2021, 11:49 AM
I just spoke to a buddy who is living with one kidney that he got from a friend. He was among the first to get the Moderna shot, back in February and also has a booster more recently. He's on anti-rejection meds, which make the kung flu vaccinations completely ineffective. He knows this because his doctor brought him in for an antibody test, which showed less than a trace amount, far too low to be effective. His wife had the same shots, from the same lot, at the same time, and her antibody count is very high.

His doctor advises him to keep wearing the mask and to avoid people who are not vaccinated. Everyone has his own story.

05-27-2021, 11:54 AM
You just can't fix stupid.

And ... Stupid is as stupid does !

I saw a young guy rolling down the interstate hwy. on his big loud Harley Davidson , doing about 85 mph , no helmet on ...
...but wearing a face mask !!!
I'm thinking Covid protection ... but on second thought maybe it was ...bugs in the mouth protection!
Those Love Bugs are NASTY tasting things !

05-27-2021, 11:58 AM
Just done with her shift at the meth factory and was in a hurry to get home........

LIKE !!!
We still need a like button !

05-27-2021, 12:01 PM
And ... Stupid is as stupid does !

I saw a young guy rolling down the interstate hwy. on his big loud Harley Davidson , doing about 85 mph , no helmet on ...
...but wearing a face mask !!!
I'm thinking Covid protection ... but on second thought maybe it was ...bugs in the mouth protection!
Those Love Bugs are NASTY tasting things !

Had a June bug hit the back of my throat at 40 MPH and down he went, never got to taste him. Gagged a few times trying to get him up to no avail. That's the life of a biker, meals on wheels got nothing on us.


05-28-2021, 12:46 PM
Worse when one goes under the face shield and into the eye.