View Full Version : Still can't post pics

05-24-2021, 09:04 PM
I'm trying to post pics from my computer and not having any luck. Everything worked fine until the recent forum upgrade and now I can't get any pic to upload.
File type is right, file size is right, I have enough storage space.
I click on the "insert image" icon and get the pop up box.
Choose "download from computer".
Choose "browse".
Find the pic I want, open it and the file name appears in the pop up box.
Click on "download file" and... NOTHING... no error message... nothing.

Can someone please help me resolve this issue?

Thank you

05-24-2021, 11:24 PM
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and see if the [IMG] code is on. On my computer all the codes are shown as On.

Really a wild guess, I know nada about computers. LOL It may take a Mod. to fix it.


05-24-2021, 11:27 PM
It may be a pixel count issue. I kept running into that from my phone and had to download a resizing program specifically to tell it how big of a pic I wanted. Somebody knew the exact dimensions allowable. I will try to dig up that thread and get that number.

Found it, 800x600 pixels

Land Owner
05-25-2021, 04:13 AM
A "Work Around" is to register at one of the many FREE image Host Sites. Here's just one example: https://postimages.org/

It was pretty easy (for me) to figure out how to start a "gallery" in which to sort images, upload an image, and copy the DIRECT LINK (using the example Host Site) for the uploaded image. The DIRECT LINK is pasted in a post between "["img"]" and "["/img"]" tags (eliminating the quotation marks). These tags can be inserted between paragraphs rather than all pictures being posted only at the end. Here's an example:


If you know the URL of a picture on the Web, that too can be Right Clicked, Link Copied, and Link inserted between IMAGE tags (as above) so that it will show in the spot you assign.


If you do go this way, your images (and any web images that stay "stationary") are always available to you for posts on different boards and forums.

05-25-2021, 01:04 PM
Thanks for the quick replies guys, but....
My IMG code is on.
My pics are well within the size limits. I have all the tools I need to crop and resize.
My previous experience with three "FREE" hosting sites has been way less than satisfactory.

Posting pics from my computer worked fine up till the latest forum upgrade, now it doesn't work.

Any other suggestions?

05-25-2021, 01:38 PM
They have a limit to how many pictures you can post directly from your computer.

I've had good luck with IMGUR photo hosting site

05-25-2021, 03:25 PM
They have a limit to how many pictures you can post directly from your computer.

I've had good luck with IMGUR photo hosting site

Being ignorant about all this, isn't there a place to check how much space one has used posting pics and can't one delete photos from this file in order to post new pics? I don't know if this is even possible, however, seems like I saw at one time how much space I had left posting pics before. May not be able to now after the latest upgrade but perhaps one still can. Did I mention I know nada about all this?


05-25-2021, 09:51 PM
Being ignorant about all this, isn't there a place to check how much space one has used posting pics and can't one delete photos from this file in order to post new pics? I don't know if this is even possible, however, seems like I saw at one time how much space I had left posting pics before. May not be able to now after the latest upgrade but perhaps one still can. Did I mention I know nada about all this?


Yes Slim, it's in your personal profile under "manage attachments".
Been there, done that. I appreciate the input though... not joking, I really appreciate the effort.

But I did make some progress.
I tried again... got the file name in the pop up box and clicked on "upload file", got distracted and went off to attend to something. Came back 20 min. later and had an error message... "file failed to upload"!
SON-OF-A-GUN!!! Now I know what the problem is! The file is failing to upload!

Well, my attention span is about as long as my... umm... memory, so I tried it again and this time started a stop watch when I clicked the button.
Hummed the "Jeopardy" jingle over and over just to pass the time (lost my place twice and had to restart). Woke up and the stop watch said 12 min. 47.2 sec. and the error message was already displayed, so I didn't learn anything from that.

So my conclusion is the process must have been designed by a Democrat because the only answer I get is the one I already knew and I still don't have a clue why it happens.

I guess I'll reduce the file size further or try a different file format or... maybe I can just type the best description I can come up with and y'all can try to imagine what I'm trying to show you.

Thanks for the input guys.
Like my tag line says, "Buzzard's Luck"

05-25-2021, 10:35 PM
I can upload pics from my computer but can't upload videos. I don't upload anything to any of those other 3rd party sites. Sometimes my pics download sideways or upside down when they appear right side up on my computer. That one stumps me. I just apologize and leave it as is instead of messing it up worse. The internet is not my friend, but I still like it for the wealth of knowledge on it.


05-27-2021, 05:10 PM
Are you using a VPN or an Antivirus program?
I have had to turn my VPN off for certain processes to complete.
Same with Antivirus.
My browser lists this site as Not Secure so you may have to change some of your Permissions on your Computer.
I had the same problem with a silencer web site...Very frustrating until you get it to work so keep trying different things.

05-29-2021, 05:38 PM
I can upload pics from my computer but can't upload videos. I don't upload anything to any of those other 3rd party sites. Sometimes my pics download sideways or upside down when they appear right side up on my computer. That one stumps me. I just apologize and leave it as is instead of messing it up worse. The internet is not my friend, but I still like it for the wealth of knowledge on it.


By choosing not to use something like IMGUR , you're making things more difficult ? ? They don't have any of your personal info. It is free. You can post photos on this forum or any other forum in a matter of seconds.


05-29-2021, 07:49 PM
Just call me old fashion, may or may not experiment in new fangled things.

05-29-2021, 09:28 PM
I understand............

05-29-2021, 11:08 PM
I use postimages and find it works just fine. Nice and easy but one has to check the upload size as that is the size it will post in forums. Uploading is a simple drag and drop. It's actually quite nice to use. I should add that I've never been able to post images direct from my PC to any forum. I gave up and found postimages.

05-29-2021, 11:43 PM
Generally use the "image insert" icon on above menu when posting new pics. I'm using Microsoft Edge as browser. SOME browsers do not cooperate with certain websites!

This pic is 440 x 239 and 100 kb's

This pic is 3264 x 1840 and 1.64 mb's.
After viewing the following pic and then downloading again,
It's a mere 800x451 and 57 kb's. So this site does resize/compress what you upload.

06-02-2021, 09:34 AM
Using my ipad a separate image ‘file load manager’ page shows up only on your forum when I try to go advanced and add a photo to my text. The images that ive downloaded have maxed out the available room of 10.00 of 10.00 [what the message says] but there’s no damn way that I can find to delete anything on these load manager pages to post newer images. There are a bunch that I’d remove if this is what I’ve got to do to to upload photos here. What is the deal. On every other forum I’m on there is no ‘file load manager’ and the image is pulled directly from my photo album in my ipad.

06-03-2021, 02:02 PM
Only because it works for me and I am too stubborn to learn better, I take all my pics on my iPhone and then send them to my email. once I select send a pop-up window asks me what size I want to send, small (49.6KB), medium (153KB), large (1.2MB), actual size (3.4MB). I presume the sizes vary by pic, but I always choose medium. Once recvd in my email, I save to a folder on my pc and then use the forum's process for uploading/attaching a pic.

I'm probably jumping through a bunch of unnecessary hoops but it always works for me. As they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

06-03-2021, 02:06 PM
I used a picture hosting site at one time. Then they decided to change their rules and THEY could use YOUR pictures anyway they like. The pics were no longer yours, but theirs. Don't trust em.

06-04-2021, 11:14 PM
Only because it works for me and I am too stubborn to learn better, I take all my pics on my iPhone and then send them to my email. once I select send a pop-up window asks me what size I want to send, small (49.6KB), medium (153KB), large (1.2MB), actual size (3.4MB). I presume the sizes vary by pic, but I always choose medium. Once recvd in my email, I save to a folder on my pc and then use the forum's process for uploading/attaching a pic.

I'm probably jumping through a bunch of unnecessary hoops but it always works for me. As they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

My phone does the same and this feature definitely comes in handy!

06-05-2021, 12:31 AM
200k is the limit if you get the
error message... "file failed to upload"! message the picture is over size. Make it smaller. Using the upload feature will not automatically size it down. On Diesealhorses big example the MS Edge may be doing the downsize when it is communicating with the forums software. Just a guess.

This link will explain how to delete old pistures


This one will help on uploading pictures


06-06-2021, 09:06 AM
Thank you Minerat for showing me how to delete photos from your way too complicated load manager. While I enjoy Cast Boolits a lot you really need to revamp the photo posting process and eliminate the photo manager. Thanks again.