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View Full Version : Fair Trade For Beeswax? Daughter Getting Married

05-23-2021, 03:10 PM
So, career military daughter finally met the man of her dreams. A SF Operator seems like a nice guy. She is planning some type of mountain HeeHaw wedding thing with haybales, gas lanterns etc. Asked the wife if she could make some candles in mason jars..

Wife know I can get her all the jars she wants in whatever sizes. Next question "you know where I can get some pariffin and beeswax"? :groner:

So my beeswax is about gone along with the box of pariffin but I think it's a good trade and the small blue and green mason jar candles look good

05-23-2021, 03:26 PM
If she found a good man who loves her, nearly anything is a good trade to make her day. You can get more wax, hopefully this is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Congratulations!

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05-23-2021, 03:34 PM
Any where that sells Canning Supplies will carry Paraffin and most Craft stores will carry Bees Wax or Bees Wax Candles

05-23-2021, 03:50 PM
You are getting off easy, I have already paid $1200 for a dress my daughter will wear once, and $800 to rent a hall for her wedding in October.
Lord only knows what else I will have to fork over...

Edit: I remember exactly what I paid for my wife's wedding dress almost 38 years ago.
My future in-laws hated me and refused to pay for any part of the wedding. My grandmother did a lot of sewing, and grandparents were both frugal.... Grandfather had bought a wedding dress for $1 at a church bazaar sale figuring grandma could cut it up and use the material for something. Grandma found out we didn't have a dress yet, so she took my wife up to the attic to try the dress on. With a few minor alterations it fit, and my grandfather made me pay him $1 for the dress.

05-23-2021, 03:54 PM
You are getting off easy, I have already paid $1200 for a dress my daughter will wear once, and $800 to rent a hall for her wedding in October.
Lord only knows what else I will have to fork over...

That's not bad. $2,000 isn't too much I'd think. Guy I know forked over $20,000 for the wedding. We aren't paying anything besides candles and such. If she wants to spend money then that's her choice and is ok with us. My families weddings involved a backyard and pig roast. Wife's first wedding was a Justice Of The Peace and was fine. Weddings have gotten out of hand. God doesn't care what goes into it as that Is not the point

05-23-2021, 04:09 PM
Beeswax would be kinda expensive.
Look into soy wax or something similar.

Craft stores will have what you need, but online would be cheaper.

Don't forget the Dollar store for wax and glass containers.

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05-23-2021, 06:02 PM
I used to buy beeswax so oldest daughter and her friends could make candles , and of course I always ratholed a few pounds for lube projects and casting , I have always thought this brides parents paying for wedding is kind of skewed , I wanted a buffalo robe a rifle a knife powder and lead along with a horse , but son in law never brought any over nor a jug of whiskey either .

I would like to say Congratulations also and how much beeswax did you lose ?

05-23-2021, 06:29 PM
Not A bad trade :)

I'd have hit all the thrift stores and bought out all their candles (smelling them first), then melt them all down and pout candles.

05-23-2021, 06:50 PM
I would like to say Congratulations also and how much beeswax did you lose ?

Several jars worth but I did manage to convince her to cut it 50/50 with paraffin. Still a good trade and I'm not clutching pearls over it.

05-23-2021, 09:26 PM
Congratulations. Make them save the candles for you and you may be able to salvage some of the wax for making lube or for smelting.

Ural Driver
05-23-2021, 10:05 PM
Congratulations. Make them save the candles for you and you may be able to salvage some of the wax for making lube or for smelting.

Yes, congratulations to all parties involved.....and yes, salvage the leftovers.

05-23-2021, 10:21 PM
Hobby Lobby

05-24-2021, 06:02 AM
Plus on the congrats. But why not just put votive or small pillar candles in the jars. Tie some nice ribbon that matches the brides color scheme and save a LOT of time.

Land Owner
05-24-2021, 06:51 AM
City girls want that "Coming Out" party, a fancy-smancy photographic location, four or five bride's maids, an equal number of groom's men, a "pricy" dress, Tuxes for all, a Rehearsal Dinner, a floral decorated church, a Wedding Reception, LOTS of invited guests, a pre-paid honeymoon, and all of the trimmings that SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY can buy.

I invited the participants to elope for about the same money - which they DID - but DIDN'T take the cash! SHE wanted, and got, a Big Church / Military Cross Swords wedding and trimmings after-the-fact.

Country girls just "get it" and make do with what they can do for themselves and with and through their mothers and friends - frugally - making financial decisions that are SMART and filled with COMMON SENSE.

05-24-2021, 08:21 AM
Congrats - if you are looking for beeswax - check on fleabay. I replenished my supply about a year ago and bought 7 pounds on there from a place in TN IIRC - the more you bought in 1 pound cakes, the cheaper it was - it is high quality and shipped promptly.

At the same time, I also wanted some paraffin - ended up buying a pound cake off of Amazon.

With the way things are going though, I have no idea of the cost of the two with the inflation going on.

05-24-2021, 10:53 AM
Congrats JonP.

Thinking out loud here...
Traditional Weddings (first weddings that is), tend to be an expensive affair. With all the current shortages and crazy prices for some things, I can't even begin to imagine how the spending would add up? I've heard flowers are as scare as ammo, and when you find what you want, it'll be like buying 9mm ammo for $60 a box.

05-24-2021, 10:57 AM
LOL! Weddings are a racket. The venue and food isn’t the half of it. Everybody wants a piece of me. I just paid $4,400 for the photographer. And that doesn’t include prints. Next is the DJ... a guy with no skills, a couple of speakers and an iPhone full of tunes he stole off the net. Can’t wait to see what I get banged for that!

I know it’s a big deal to my girl and her mother. I smile and nod as I write the checks. But I swear I’m going to have an aneurysm burst! :roll::-D:-D

Congratulations OP!

05-24-2021, 11:17 AM
the last beeswax I bought was $1/lb but other have said that current going price can be $5-$7/lb. if you can find a local bee keeper might be a good thing.
Weddings, a legitimate reason to drink a bunch of booze and have a good ole time. brings up memory of the last wedding I attended, was quite the affair in really really nice barn in upstate NY, about 150 guests, rumored to have cost at least $100,000-$150,000.
the grooms family owns grocery stores in Canada or something like that. I much prefer weddings to funerals
Congrats to you, hope y'all have a great and memorable time.

05-24-2021, 04:05 PM
Plus on the congrats. But why not just put votive or small pillar candles in the jars. Tie some nice ribbon that matches the brides color scheme and save a LOT of time.

Because she happened to visit one day when a big box of beeswax was sitting on the table I'd just got from Randy and she didn't forget it. Wants old timey beeswax hey "Dad"..........lol

If 20lbs of Beeswax is all I'm out on this I think I can afford that! Oh, yeah. She also asked mom if she knew where she could get some old fashioned colored mason jars of various sizes. Green, blue, purple, smoke.. mom said "you do know where he works, right? Or is that why you asked"? So, several cases of those showed up.

05-24-2021, 05:19 PM
My daughter’s first wedding was interesting, wife just about died from a massive high blood pressure attack. Daughter calls mother....you want to be at my wedding come to the clerk’s office in 15 minutes, I am getting married. Wife comes into my office like a cat thrown into a tub of ice cold water, bouncing off the walls and ceiling......I am trying to avoid being collateral damage....... Those two deserved each other, all year of their bliss.

05-26-2021, 10:53 AM
So, career military daughter finally met the man of her dreams. A SF Operator seems like a nice guy. She is planning some type of mountain HeeHaw wedding thing with haybales, gas lanterns etc. Asked the wife if she could make some candles in mason jars..

Wife know I can get her all the jars she wants in whatever sizes. Next question "you know where I can get some pariffin and beeswax"? :groner:

So my beeswax is about gone along with the box of pariffin but I think it's a good trade and the small blue and green mason jar candles look good

just get some of the feet wax stuff from walmart. Not sure what it's called but it goes in those things where folks put their hands and feet in the hot wax to get it to coat them and then peel it off to smooth the skin (not the hair pulling stuff). It's Pure parrafin. I got a few blocks years ago to make some ballistic wax for bullet testing

05-26-2021, 10:54 PM
The wife’s cousin’s son got married 4 months ago in Michigan. Heck, he’s 42; but nothing was good or big enough (an only kid). The parents paid for the big wedding planned, seven bridesmaids, 300 guests etc. They had to postpone it last June because of the plandemic.
We watched the wedding on a computer. Only the parents and wedding party were there. Everyone dressed and masked up.
When the wife & I took the plunge it was at a JP. Sis & her husband witnessed. I had to work that afternoon so no reception.
Hope your kid’s wedding is great and their marriage even better.

05-27-2021, 08:57 PM
My wife and her mother bought 3 wedding dresses. I had and have no idea which number she wore. A couple of years later I found out my in laws had taken a $25k loan for the wedding. I enjoyed the rehearsal night party more than the reception. It was at my soon to be in-laws house and costs us a under $100 for food and coffee. For the wedding I ended up with a couple hundred dollar tab for booze and beer. Since this was a hundred miles from my folks and most relatives, they insisted on another party a week later. Sheesh!
One of my BILs was engaged to marry a woman who'd clerked for Antonin Scalia. I'm sorry for BIL, but glad that fell apart. Of just the plans we heard about I didn't want to go. The booze bill would have been at least ten grand.

05-28-2021, 12:32 PM
When I read the thread title, I thought you had traded your daughter for some bees wax and I was going to ask you how much you got or if it was a pound for pound trade. Happily I read on and all was revealed. Best wishes to the happy couple. Gail and I married in 1996. Second time for both of us. We had the wedding in our home with just my hunting partner and his wife for witnesses and the United Church minister (from when I ran a food bank out of his church basement) performed the ceremony. We went on a combined honeymoon/work, two week trip and when we got home we phoned the kids and told them we had gotten married. Wedding feast was a plate of supermarket sandwiches, along with flowers from the same source, work paid for the second week of the honeymoon so win win all the way around.