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05-21-2021, 07:20 PM
Well, richhodg66, champion of stray kitties everywhere struck again. Was driving home, past the city park and noticed a six week or so kitten wandering strangely aimlessly, so swung around and stopped, chased it down, got well bitten and clawed for my efforts before I could get her by the scruff of the neck. I drove to out vet who I'm sure was thrilled to get a problem at 5:00 on Friday, but he's a good man, been our vet for years and helped us with my favorite cat who's 14 now who we found in similar circumstances.

Bad nes is, her eye infections are a lot worse than our old guy's were, vet is sure she's bling in her right eye and either is or soon will b in the right. We have three indoor cats now, and where I live, a cat would have to be at 100% and strong and tough to make it outside. I know it's gonna be expensive, but I told them to take care of what she needs and board her for a while and I'd take care of the bill.

Can a cat who's blind have a decent quality of life if adopted out to someone and lived indoors? The vet is a good, kind man who is empathetic to all critters and I know this for a fact, but could tell in his voice he thought the practical and smart thing would probably be to put her down. Besides the eyes, I don't think there's anything that some rudimentary care won't take care of. I love cats, and just couldn't drive on past and not do something. Not real sure what to do next.

05-21-2021, 08:22 PM
Tough arguing with the heart. Best of luck with whatever decision you make.

05-21-2021, 08:30 PM
this vet's office usually has two or three recuse cats that live in the office and have more or less free run of it. For many years, they had a Boxer who had been born with hind legs so twisted and mishapen that she really couldn't walk but got around OK and basically lived on a bad in the office and was happy with being doted on until she died at a normal age.

I only noticed one cat now, met me at the counter to investigate the kitten. If this little one heals up and is of the right personality type, that would be a perfect outcome for her. Once she's a little more out of the woods and has been there long enough to not had rabies (I did get bitten and clawed pretty good), I might foster her for a while but if she comes home, my wofe won't let her leave and we'll have another cat for the rest of her natural life.

Onr of my former students has a blind cat she rescued and she says he has no problems, learned the layout and does OK.

05-21-2021, 08:32 PM
Not sure what to tell you. I like kittens and puppies as much or more than the next guy, but there comes a time when you have to say enough is enough.

One thing I have come to realize living in the country, is that you can't get too attached to cats. Between the coyotes, coons, and idiots driving 50 mph on gravel, there will be turnover in the ranks.

I was returning my mower to the barn this afternoon and found one of the new litters of four. They are about four or five weeks old, eyes well opened, and I did manage to catch, pickup, pet and not get bitten by two of them.

This is being written by the guy that has carried his crippled MinPin/ Terrier cross outside two or three times a day for about the last seven years.

Good Luck with whatever you decide.


05-21-2021, 08:41 PM
We currently do not have an outside cat. A strong and deadly tom cat adopted us a few years ago and was around for a couple of years, very friendly to people, death on four feet to anything else. We fed him well and took him to the vet for shots every year, but that was about it. If this one was 100%, I'd figure out a way for her to live outside reasonably safely, but of she's blind, she won't last a night I fear.

When we moved out in the sticks but still reasonably close to a town, I expected to have cast off dogs and cats all the time, but it hasn't happened. Besides that one tom, we occasionally get a cat come by, but usually not real friendly and I think they come from a farm just over the ridge a half mile away and then go back.

I hope this little girl makes it ok. I love cats and probably always will.

05-21-2021, 08:48 PM
My wife and I go to a cats only vet that permanently adopted a mommy cat that was successfully raising a litter of kittens on the street despite having an infection that ultimately claimed both of her eyes. The vet adopted out the kittens, but knowing that mommy was something really special, keeps her at the office to this day.

It takes a home that's understanding of the issue, but they can do well.

05-21-2021, 10:37 PM
First off, as I type this, I have (2) of my (4) cats on the desk beside me.
One is a 17 yr old little old lady. All (4) were found on my property.

Next, I will pray that God will make the best decision. If that kitten is too sick to live, then a peaceful put down or maybe a natural passing will happen. But, if it's got the will power, & can be rescued, then I applaud you for your love & compassion for such a sick kitty.

I have heard of more than one cat (and some dogs) that were blind, and led full lives with the right home. I'd think you & your wife could provide that from what you've posted.

PLEASE keep us posted.

05-21-2021, 10:45 PM
As some of you know we had to have our dog euthanized back in early October, and my wife said no more dogs. I can't have cats due to allergies. About two weeks ago we were watching TV and one of those 5 minute ASPCA commercials came on and she said, out of the blue, I guess we could get another dog. Being on disability I was hit hardest with our old dogs cancer and euthanizing. I wanted another dog so I was ready. We now have a new kid in our house. A 2 year old Pitbull, a big sweet baby, he's still learning but he learns pretty quickly. 2nd Pit I have owned and they were both sweet dogs, many people think they are mean but it's all in how they're raised and neither was mean at all, ever.
I hope you can figure out what's best for the kitten and you, if the dog we found was blind and we fell in love with it, that would be the dog we brought home. They all need love.

05-22-2021, 08:22 AM
I do understand that you would want to bring her home if medically well. But I believe a more or less totally blind cat would not make it a night. As an indoor cat with help I think she would do well. Good Luck!

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

05-22-2021, 09:31 AM
Keep us all informed and I, for one, will be most happy to help with the vet bills. The CB crowd was very giving when we came across our Mittens.

05-22-2021, 10:40 AM
Wife and I drove into town to visit her. Amazing what just 12 hours or so of having a safe place, some meds and decent food, plus some cuddling has done. When I left yesterday. I was kind of in doubt whether she'd make it through the night. She may still have some sight, my wife moved a finger left and right in front of her and she followed it. She's a cutie, but her eyes just look horrible, infection penetrated both corneas the vet said.

We even got a little "mew" from her. My wife said she felt a very faint purr, but I couldn't.

I'm gonna take care of her medical care til she's well, I'm blessed enough to be able to afford it and my conscience would not allow me to not do it. The problem is, we really can't take in another cat, and not sure how desireable to adopters she's going to be if special needs. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

05-22-2021, 02:20 PM
Bless you, Rich. When there are several animals in the house, sometimes the one that is blind will follow the others around.


05-22-2021, 03:00 PM
Mother's day I had to put down one of my cats. She was the only one allowed outside and a few days earlier she got posioned somehow and the vet was unable to save her. So on mother's day in my arms after I calmed her down and with her having issues breathing I lost her, best thing I could do as she wasn't eating, kidneys shut down and she was having trouble just trying to breath. I cried for two days and then this weekend when I got my daughter I had to tell her and she went to pieces as that was her cat when she came to my place. Sorry for the long post just guess animals and me are better friends than most people I know.

05-22-2021, 03:29 PM
A blind cat can do fine indoors. Just don't re-organize the furniture often, so kitty knows where everything is.

Great of you to take care of them, definitely :)

05-22-2021, 07:10 PM
It’s a house cat for sure. I’d give it a good life.

05-22-2021, 08:49 PM
Doing what's practical and smart ... breaks you heart .

Doing what's kind and loving get's you a place in a lost little kitten's heart .

Who needs practical and smart when you have a kitty who loves you .

05-23-2021, 09:35 AM
People used to drop strays in my yard all the time. I ended up paying all the medical bills and finding homes for them was something I was sometimes successful at, and sometimes not. I ended up with a few dogs and cats I never intended to have. I had one dog who went blind and he got along just fine. Once in a while he’d bump into something, but most of the time his nose seemed as good as his eyes. Being blind doesn’t seem to bother animals as much as it does people. They just “get on with life”. You’re a good man Rich, and God put that cat in front of you for a reason. Take it and see what happens. You never know where it will take you, but both you and the cat might be better for it. Good luck, I think this will work out for the best.

05-23-2021, 11:42 AM
richhodg66,, I had a class to teach yesterday, and was too tired to get on the computer. But friday night, my sleep was disrupted by the thoughts of that kitten. And to read that there appears to be GOOD progress made me cry. GOD BLESS YOU!
And here it is Sunday, and I'm wondering about it's progress.
You mentioned how just 12 hours made a big difference. A mew, a little purr, all points to an animal that understands when love & help is being given. If it's able to survive, I'll bet good money it'll repay it's loving owner a million times over.

And if there is any doubt, just talk to bakerjw about Mittens.

Again, please keep us posted.

05-23-2021, 12:03 PM
richhodg66,, I had a class to teach yesterday, and was too tired to get on the computer. But friday night, my sleep was disrupted by the thoughts of that kitten. And to read that there appears to be GOOD progress made me cry. GOD BLESS YOU!
And here it is Sunday, and I'm wondering about it's progress.
You mentioned how just 12 hours made a big difference. A mew, a little purr, all points to an animal that understands when love & help is being given. If it's able to survive, I'll bet good money it'll repay it's loving owner a million times over.

And if there is any doubt, just talk to bakerjw about Mittens.

Again, please keep us posted.

The vet's office is closed Sundays, and I have a bunch of stuff to do today, but I'll go check in on her tomorrow. If her progress continues, we'll probably take her in, it looks like we have a line on a family who'd like her, wife's boss is a good guy, and they are cat people. He's actually off site, but the company is about to move him here and they lost a cat not long ago, so this might work out great.

Eddie Southgate
05-23-2021, 12:10 PM
Hopefully, you'll be disabled someday and the people around you will be contemplating the same thing.

Amen ! Kept as an inside pet it can live just as happy a life as a sighted cat . I'd keep it if I found it .

05-23-2021, 12:23 PM
Prayers for your kitten. We have 4: one inside and 3 outside. The 3 outside come onto the back porch before dark, they are fed and the door is closed.

05-23-2021, 03:10 PM
Friend has a blind kitty. Most gentle and loving cat I have ever met. Indoor only, has no problems navigating his house, runs to meet me when I come over because he knows I will pick him up for a cuddle session. He has a good life, the other cats look out for him and help him find stuff like toys. He is happy and has a good life.

05-23-2021, 03:25 PM
People used to drop strays in my yard all the time. I ended up paying all the medical bills and finding homes for them was something I was sometimes successful at, and sometimes not. I ended up with a few dogs and cats I never intended to have. I had one dog who went blind and he got along just fine. Once in a while he’d bump into something, but most of the time his nose seemed as good as his eyes. Being blind doesn’t seem to bother animals as much as it does people. They just “get on with life”. You’re a good man Rich, and God put that cat in front of you for a reason. Take it and see what happens. You never know where it will take you, but both you and the cat might be better for it. Good luck, I think this will work out for the best.
I agree, good comment. You never know, perhaps you found a gift that you didn't know you needed.

05-23-2021, 04:41 PM
We have a Pomeranian who isa Rescue from a Puppy Mill, She ha been part of our Family now for 11 years. W have 3 Cats who are are rescues of one sort or another, one, his name is Manly Cat (he adopted me 3 years ago (showed up in garage/reloading room) #2 cat named Thunder we adopted from the no-kill shelter here his mother was killed by a coyote she left behind 2 Kittens (Thunder (Male) and (Lightning Female) we got thunder someone else got Lightning. Most recently we adopted a Full Grown rescue after her Dad (owner) passed away with no family members. She is a Black and white Kitty who is now dedicated to me. 3 Rescue cats and on Rescue dog. A big happy family

05-23-2021, 06:21 PM
Friend has a blind kitty. Most gentle and loving cat I have ever met. Indoor only, has no problems navigating his house, runs to meet me when I come over because he knows I will pick him up for a cuddle session. He has a good life, the other cats look out for him and help him find stuff like toys. He is happy and has a good life.

A former student of mine I keep in touch with still told me pretty much the same thing, she adopted a blind cat and he is now grown and is big baby that has no problem making his way around the house. I do think this little one can still see at least a little and hopefully she got to the vet in time enough to save the sight in the left eye.

05-23-2021, 06:44 PM
A former student of mine I keep in touch with still told me pretty much the same thing, she adopted a blind cat and he is now grown and is big baby that has no problem making his way around the house. I do think this little one can still see at least a little and hopefully she got to the vet in time enough to save the sight in the left eye.

Maybe the Good Lord sent this almost blind kitty your way for a reason ... Maybe He knows you will take care of her and love her . I also feel you and the kitty are going to do just fine together ... Love and caring can heal a lot of wounds .
This world needs more Love .

05-23-2021, 06:47 PM
Hopefully the little kitty will have improved since you have seen her last.

05-23-2021, 09:00 PM
All... There is a reason for ignore on forums.
Our little Mittens, beast that she has become, got into a fight with a stray last night. through a glass window. I came down at the noise past midnight watching her beat the window like a punching bag. Even having been awoken past midnight it was hilarious.
In the morning, I got up to go to the bathroom and my wife did too. I went back to bed and Mittens hopped right in and peed on the bed. What the heck!
The life of taking in something in need of loving.
Again to the OP... Medical bills? M me and I'll pass on the karma of when I needed some help with Mittens.

05-23-2021, 09:21 PM
bakerjw, there's a term for cats peeing to establish their property rights, I just can't remember it. Basically Mittens is feeling threatened and wants to establish "I live here!" but the outside cat is threatening her space. You could put some kind of proximity sensor thing outside that window that turns on a sprinkler, they make things for this purpose. http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/help-my-indoor-cat-is-being-tormented-by-an-outdoor-cat talks about this.

And yes, I know, very annoying to get a peed on bed!

My two critters sometimes have sibling issues and stand off 3 feet from each other, swiping at each other stylistically, that is always funny to see, for us humans.

05-24-2021, 02:04 AM
My vet calls it P- mail!

05-24-2021, 07:03 PM
Went to visit the little one this morning on my break. She's making good progress. Awful as her eyes look, they are about 1000% better than Friday and no doubt she can see, just no telling how well or for how long, but the eyes are getting better so can't see it getting worse. Very sweet little cat, sat on my lap about 20 minutes and enjoyed being petted. I still haven't gotten a purr out of her, but some cats purr more than others, maybe just not her thing. We figure she's six or seven weeks old.

square butte
05-24-2021, 07:43 PM
Looks like she's gonna make a beautiful little companion.

05-24-2021, 07:54 PM
Looks like she's gonna make a beautiful little companion.

Of all the cats we've had over the years, most came from decent surroundings, only one other one came from a really bad situation like this one, about 14 years ago, actually only a couple of hundred yards or so from where this one was, maintenance guy brought him inside to my wife's office. His eyes weren't this bad, but most other things were worse, starved, terrible fleas and ear mites, etc. A few hours at the vet and he has been the sweetest and most loving cat I've ever known. Our other two are nice, mostly just goofy and entertaining, but not lovey-dovey and devoted like the old one. I can't help but think that as young and as long ago as that was, he remembers and is greatful for being saved, maybe this little girl will be the same.

05-24-2021, 09:02 PM
Went to visit the little one this morning on my break. She's making good progress. Awful as her eyes look, they are about 1000% better than Friday and no doubt she can see, just no telling how well or for how long, but the eyes are getting better so can't see it getting worse. Very sweet little cat, sat on my lap about 20 minutes and enjoyed being petted. I still haven't gotten a purr out of her, but some cats purr more than others, maybe just not her thing. We figure she's six or seven weeks old.

Pssst, pssst that's going to be a huge puddy tat!

05-24-2021, 09:29 PM
She looks bigger in the pictures than she really is because I held the phone so close. She's about average for a 6-7 week old. She wasn't starving though, looks like she was getting enough to eat, her eyes were the real problem, infection had perforated both her corneas and both were just oozing messes, almost looked like they had been gouged out. Strangely, her right eye was the worst Friday, now it looks better than the right, but both are much better than they were, whatever drops they're using are working well.

If the she acts now, content and calm and OK with being held by anybody, is her real personality, she is going to be a very good cat.

05-24-2021, 09:30 PM
I'm actually bouncing with joy! :D :D :D :D :D

I was kinda afraid of seeing bad news,, but I held onto the hope you sparked with your report from Saturday. Seeing the pics has made me tearfully happy!
A sweet looking lovable kitten, that I'm sure will become a cherished member of the family,, even if you can't make her your's. But I think that's where it belongs!
GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-25-2021, 02:41 AM
Its amazing how quickly cats respond to bit of medical treatment......they may be soft and fluffy,but they are some of the toughest critters put on this earth.

05-25-2021, 02:55 AM
richhodg66, great progress! Glad she is doing well. Hoping she heals even better :)

Rescues are the best, they remember you saved them forever, and worship that wonderful human who saved them, for life.

I detest that they had to go through trauma to be rescued, though. At least they are safe now though.

05-25-2021, 09:47 AM

The last 8 kitties we have owned ( owned us ?) have all been strays that turned up hungry looking for a meal or sick or injured and they never left . We only have one rule ... you live here with us ... you get "fixed" and it's nice if you would catch mice ...but not mandatory !

05-25-2021, 01:57 PM

The last 8 kitties we have owned ( owned us ?) have all been strays that turned up hungry looking for a meal or sick or injured and they never left . We only have one rule ... you live here with us ... you get "fixed" and it's nice if you would catch mice ...but not mandatory !

Sounds like a great plan. I do the same thing.

05-25-2021, 02:02 PM
Looks like she has bonded with you! You will have a lap kitty for life with that one!

05-25-2021, 02:10 PM
It is really nice to see someone doing the right thing with a feral cat. I've seen too many times the harm these cats thrown out by humanities worst, to be some farms problem. For whatever reason, they can't make it in the wild, so they end up in barns, chicken coups, sheds, etc. They reproduce worse than rabbits until so many together get sick like this kitten did. The worst part is there is always someone who feels bad for them, but doesn't want to do the right thing, so they start feeding them. Now they caused another problem. Suddenly there are a hundred feral cats in a small area, and they kill everything.

It's sad, but the best thing to do is either adopt them for good, or kill them. Don't just feed them and feel good about yourself. I applaud you richhodg66, very few people have done what you have.

05-25-2021, 07:49 PM
Many vets will fix cat colonies for free. My SIL had something like 21 at one time. Most were as I call them "targets" as they are completely wild. Although some of the wild kittens figured out real quick that human affection is a good thing.

As a side note. Our beloved Mittens, who has been terrorized by the evil cats out side of the windows, hopped on the bed this morning with a wakeup call. Our bigger cat Libby growled at her so she went to the foot end of the bed and peed on it. WTH??? My wife was very understanding about it because I was very distraught about it. It is all about being scared and marking her territory. Soooo. we will deal with it

05-25-2021, 10:07 PM
Went to see her again this morning. She's still very calm for a kitten, but her energy level has definitely increased significantly just in 24 hours. For the most part, she was content to just sit there and be petted, but she eventually did climb up on my shoulder for a while. Best part, I finally got a few minutes of good strong purring, I was beginning to wonder if she was capable. She's a sweet heart, the plan is to bring her home by the weekend if her progress continues to be good.

05-25-2021, 10:26 PM
Good news!

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

Eddie Southgate
05-25-2021, 11:51 PM
Fine looking kitten . You did good .

05-26-2021, 12:03 AM
Many vets will fix cat colonies for free. My SIL had something like 21 at one time. Most were as I call them "targets" as they are completely wild. Although some of the wild kittens figured out real quick that human affection is a good thing.

As a side note. Our beloved Mittens, who has been terrorized by the evil cats out side of the windows, hopped on the bed this morning with a wakeup call. Our bigger cat Libby growled at her so she went to the foot end of the bed and peed on it. WTH??? My wife was very understanding about it because I was very distraught about it. It is all about being scared and marking her territory. Soooo. we will deal with it

We had a female American Patchwork named Sprinkle Pants who was in the same boat. Our interior hallway was her Alamo. When a big grey and white Tom terrorized her outside she would retreat there to pee. We rescued her from PetSmart where her cage bio read “Keeps attacking the smaller dog.” I thought to myself: This cat is in a 2’ X 2’ cage for being a cat? We took her home. She had a thing about thresholds and would always prance over them hence the name.

05-26-2021, 09:23 AM
"Went to see her again this morning. She's still very calm for a kitten, but her energy level has definitely increased significantly just in 24 hours. For the most part, she was content to just sit there and be petted, but she eventually did climb up on my shoulder for a while. Best part, I finally got a few minutes of good strong purring, I was beginning to wonder if she was capable. She's a sweet heart, the plan is to bring her home by the weekend if her progress continues to be good."

I just keep smiling at these posts.
It helps make my day!

05-26-2021, 01:37 PM
It's hard for me to tell from the photo's ... but I think she's got some sight in at least one eye !
And take it from a guy who's blind in one eye and half-blind in the other ...that's all you need !

Blind Kitty isn't going to work as a name ... has one started to evolve ?
My wife gives ours a name ... but over time I usually call them what name fits them .
She named a rescued all black cat " Shadow" ... but his evolved name is Buddy... he's my little buddy, so I call him Buddy .

05-26-2021, 04:14 PM
My wife named her Gracie.

Did my daily visit this morning, she's getting better all the time. Still not as high energy as a kitten should be, but she was actually somewhat playful today. Still doesn't purr much, but got a little purr here and there. She really didn't like it when I had to leave, I think she enjoys the visits and is ready to get out of being boarded, but I want to make sure that eye infection is beaten first.

05-26-2021, 04:24 PM

05-26-2021, 04:26 PM

We already have one named Boots. He's the one from the similar situation 14 years ago.

05-26-2021, 05:01 PM


05-26-2021, 07:52 PM
Ok... To be clear Mittens is taken... ;)

Even if she did pee on the bed again... Ugh... I do not need more stress in my life.

05-26-2021, 10:16 PM
To me,, Gracie fits. It was by the Grace of God,, you found her.

I love the pics. Keep them coming. She looks like a real sweetie.

05-26-2021, 10:59 PM
We have an almost year old Shadow, but I call him kitty al the time. I applaud you for taking care of Gracie.

05-26-2021, 11:04 PM
Sox. In memoriam of my late kitty that owned me for 13.5 years.

05-27-2021, 12:32 AM
I follow this thread with great interest I have raised foundling cats for most of my 66 years on this Big Blue Marble. I have never owned a Cat though I have been owned by many.

05-27-2021, 06:42 AM
This website needs a like button.

05-27-2021, 12:08 PM
Squint, based on circumstances.

05-27-2021, 12:23 PM
Gracie .... that's a nice name .
She looks like a Gracie ... it suits her .

05-27-2021, 01:23 PM
I love looking at the Pics of this By now Famous Little kitty. It is an on-going saga of the miracle Kitty, I look forward to each update and response.

05-27-2021, 03:59 PM
To me,, Gracie fits. It was by the Grace of God,, you found her.

I love the pics. Keep them coming. She looks like a real sweetie.
Stole my words before I could post. Well spoken.

Gator 45/70
05-27-2021, 04:42 PM
My wife named her Gracie.

Did my daily visit this morning, she's getting better all the time. Still not as high energy as a kitten should be, but she was actually somewhat playful today. Still doesn't purr much, but got a little purr here and there. She really didn't like it when I had to leave, I think she enjoys the visits and is ready to get out of being boarded, but I want to make sure that eye infection is beaten first.

You have a good heart, There's a place reserved in heaven for you as we say here.

05-27-2021, 10:21 PM
Still can't believe how steep the improvement curve has been. Every day she's significantly better, and even the vet is surprised, he was sure she'd be blind and looking at the oozing, mangled wrecks her eyes were last Friday, I agreed. went and visited her this morning, playful and wanted to explore, more purring than she's done so far. The girls in the vets office says she eats well and is a real sweetheart to them. My wife went and visited with her this evening and took a cell phone video of her playing with her (I'm not smart enough to be able to upload it), and watching that, there is no question that kitten sees fine. Both eyes look real cloudy and maybe they always will, but she's healthy and we plan to take her home tomorrow.

05-28-2021, 12:45 AM
She’s your gift. You must have done something right to be rewarded. I think you two were meant for each other. I’m not sure who’s luckier.

05-28-2021, 08:55 AM

I've really followed this story,, as we love our cats here. But this week has been a bit rough on my wife. She had a cat, that was literally, physically born in her lap on May 26th 2000. He was her baby & always stayed close to her. Slept on her pillow with her etc.
Well he passed away after 17-1/2 years with us. But this week, being his B-day week, and this story, well, it's been great to follow. My wife still misses that tom all the time,, and has had dreams about him all week. Your story here has made her cry as well. But it's tears of joy,, seeing the little Gracie not only survive,, but recover so quickly & doing so good.
Again, God Bless you!

05-28-2021, 12:49 PM
Richhodg66 ,
Thanks for posting ... your updates and photo's put a nice big smile on my face ...feels good .
Gary :D

05-28-2021, 03:49 PM
My wife gets kind of fussy with me when I say it, but as bad as 2020 was, it had one shining spot and that was our Mittens.
Looks like you got one for 2021. <Thumbs up>

05-28-2021, 05:30 PM
Glad she’s gotten so much better & her sight returned! She’s definitely special & bless you for saving her, she will bless you by loving you & your wife unconditionally!

05-28-2021, 05:35 PM
She is a cute little ball of fur. Good on you for going to the effort and expense to save her.

05-28-2021, 06:28 PM
She's home with us now, we're keeping her seperated from the other cats for a little while and will try to introduce them gradually.

05-29-2021, 09:28 AM
"Welcome Home Gracie!"

Makes my day when I see these progress reports.

(As I was moving my computer mouse around,, I have one of my cats sleeping against my arm. I move it to type, and then replace it when I need my mouse. She doesn't bother moving.

05-29-2021, 09:39 AM
we'll be putting drops in her eyes for a while, but other than that, she's a happy, normal kitten. Gotta keep her seperated out from the other cats most of the time, but she slept on me while I watched late night TV on the couch last night and two of the others came up to look and though there was a little hissing, they're taking it a little better than I thought so far.

05-29-2021, 05:04 PM
Great! As they all get used to each others' scent the hissing should stop, maybe look up "scent soakers" i.e. put a towel out for them to sleep on and trade the towels between Gracies' area and the other cats' area. Helps to familiarize them. Glad Gracie is there :)

05-29-2021, 05:36 PM
She's a good little cat. Friendly but not needy.

Our oldest cat is a very jealous one. Always has been and is still jealous when my wife or I hold one of the others, even the ones he's lived with for years now.

Kinda funny, the dog is just a little curious about her, no animosity at all. He just went up and sniffed at her for a minute or two like he was trying to figure out what she was.

05-29-2021, 05:52 PM
You can likely find the Mittens Hissfest thread here somewhere.
All is well for the most part but there is an occasional growl or hiss.

05-29-2021, 07:08 PM
Glad to hear that She is home.

05-30-2021, 12:17 AM
My two mostly get along well and have for years but once in a while, sibling rivalry rears its ugly head, so long as they don't try to eat each others' faces or necks or other critical parts, I wouldn't freak. Francine has tried a little light neck chewing but its mostly harassment, no blood! Pets can be characters.

05-30-2021, 10:56 AM
In just over a week,, we've seen a rescue, a heartbreaking diagnosis, a fast & excellent (& ongoing,) recovery, and now a new home for a cat that was well worth the trouble. Sounds like things are doing quite well. WONDERFUL news.

And the nay-sayers who felt it would be best to just put her down,, well, THEY WERE WRONG! You have living proof of what proper care, medicine, and love can do.

So, as Miss Gracie adjusts to her new home, and becomes a member of an obviously good family,, keep us updated,, just like baker has done with Mittens. We do care & we need such good stuff to share.

05-30-2021, 11:30 AM
Strangely, the biggest one of our cats, who has always had a strange personality for a cat, I sometimes think he believes he's a dog, is the only one to actually approach her so far. He's still not friendly to her, but did go up and have face contact for a while and didn't try to hurt her or hiss. She's braver towards them than a lot of kittens would be.

05-30-2021, 03:03 PM
Thank you for this thread and sharing-Larry

05-30-2021, 07:35 PM
Great story and wonderful to see another one of God's creatures loved. Great job!

05-31-2021, 09:36 AM
While your biggest cat may have a strange personality,, I'd bet he knows you are just caring for another (previously) lost & needy kitten. While he may not be overly friendly, he may actually accept her easily.

05-31-2021, 11:11 AM
I was worried how Oreo would respond to Oliver. Not even a hiss, sniffed noses and butts, curled up and started washing each others ears! Instant best friends.

05-31-2021, 01:58 PM
My guess - big kitty is self secure so Gracie doesn't threaten them - so they can be accepting easiky. I have seen it before among humans and critters :)

05-31-2021, 08:25 PM
I was gone all day with Memorial Day and other work commitments. Wife said the big one seems to be warming to her.

05-31-2021, 10:08 PM
It was meant to be. God has blessed you with a true gift.

06-04-2021, 09:43 PM
Ok, How is little Gracie doing now? After 2 weeks of care & loving?

06-04-2021, 11:52 PM
Healthy, happy normal kitten. She does have a sweet personality, playful but not so wild as some kittens. Near as we can tell, she sees as well as any kitten, but I think she's always going to have that "china eye" look, that infection damaged her corneas pretty badly. We're all pretty smitten with her. Two of the bigger cats seem to have accepted her pretty well now, the old one probably never really will.

06-05-2021, 06:10 AM
That sounds great :) I am sure she would accept a scritch on our behalf, through you, and maybe a treat :)

06-05-2021, 09:05 AM
WONDERFUL news. I agree with Mr Sheesh,, give her a good scratching, petting & maybe a treat from all of us here!

And the "old one" may not fully accept her,, he'll get used to her & accept that she's a member of the family.

06-05-2021, 12:46 PM
Glad to hear this story having a good ending.

But I feel that you are missing out on all of the angst and feline trepidation that occurred when we released the little 3 legged feline terror known as Mittens on our girls.

06-05-2021, 05:33 PM
We got to thinking it over and by the time Gracie reaches the life span she is likely to as an indoor cat, we'll be well into our 70s. She may be the last baby one we adopt, because of that, but I like older kitties too and every shelter has some that are hard to adopt because they are older, so it's all good.

Concerning the vision, when she's playing or close to us, it's clear she sees OK. We have a back patio with glass doors and there are always birds, rabbits, etc., out there which usually keep all our others entertained but she has gone up to the glass and doesn't even notice anything so she may not be able to see any distance, not sure.

06-05-2021, 10:27 PM
Definitely keep that little lady indoors. And, as she ages,, and knowing her limits on her vision, I'll bet she becomes a serious lap kitty.

As for rescuing strays,, I don't worry about my lifespan or theirs. I have a plan in place if something were to happen to Miss Penny & I.
We have a family member who'd adopt them immediately.

06-12-2021, 11:27 AM
Just got back from her first visit to the vet since we picked her up, she's a little over three pounds so half again as big as she was when we brought her home two weeks ago. The vet said there is an eye lid deformity, probably from that infection which will need some corrective surgery at some point, but it looks like she's gonna have a long and healthy life. She has all of us here wrapped around her little finger.

06-12-2021, 01:44 PM
<Like> We need a like button

06-12-2021, 02:59 PM
EXCELLENT news! I agree,, we need a "Like" button!

06-12-2021, 03:30 PM
*like* and ear scritches from me!

06-12-2021, 06:40 PM
I may have already said it, but good on you for you are doing.

06-20-2021, 08:07 AM
Gracie caught and killed a mouse this morning. Kind of funny, we live out in the woods so they're a fact of life and in the Winter get in pretty commonly, but we don't see them much when it's warm.

Like most kittens, she's always 100MPH or zero, runs around like she's on crack pouncing on anything and everything including things that aren't really there. She does have very sharp little teeth and claws. I guess that hunter instinct is there.

The three big ones will occasionally get a mouse in Winter, they're all mature, two are fat, all declawed and have lived inside all their lives. Usually the three of them will bulldog one that come out of hiding until it makes a mistake and one gets it, 99% of the time, it's the 14 year old one who is the sweetest and slowest. Have to be careful, because they will play with ope and often it's just stunned by the time I get to it and not dead. It seems this little one with the high energy and claws is more efficient at it than the other three put together. Not much question that she can see well enough to function as a cat now.

06-20-2021, 08:10 AM
Great! Bet she is quite pleased with herself about it, too :)

06-20-2021, 08:13 AM
Great! Bet she is quite pleased with herself about it, too :)

I noticed her playing with something on the couch and didn't really pay much attention, she has many little toys we've gotten for her, so I just figured it was one o them, nope. I went over to play with her and saw what it was. She wasn't happy that I took it away.

06-20-2021, 08:23 AM
No, she wouldn't be.

A momcat we had years ago, would grab mice, spin her head about 180 degrees, and throw them 30 feet or so, then run and pounce on them again. She really enjoyed doing that.

And another cat would bring his broken prey to us and from what I could tell was asking us to fix it as it broke. Mice are apparently more fun while still alive...

I've had numerous cats who would bring live prey in and release it, prey from rats to squirrels, mice, lizards, birds, a couple baby rabbits even. And at least as many who left offerings of dead prey.

I guess they wanted to be sure I didn't starve?

06-20-2021, 08:29 AM
This mouse looked like it died pretty fast, puncture wounds through and through. She likes to play and will play fight with us all the time, but she holds back so as not to hurt us. I know she's capable though, the day I found her, when she was half this size and strength, in the two seconds or so that I had my hands on her before I could get the scruff of her neck, she shredded both hands, I was bleeding profusely when I got her to the vet, poor little thing was terrified. She came around pretty quick though.

06-20-2021, 08:47 AM
I say this respectfully, please do not declaw cats. I myself in the past declawed indoor cats. Thought nothing of it. Then I saw a documentary on how painful and sometimes crippling it can be to a cat. It's not just pulling out a nail, the claw is attached to the last digit. Somewhat like cutting off the tips of your fingers at the last digit. I also did overed some vets use this procedure as a quick money service to make any easy buck. Now, of course if it's no clws or no home, maybe it's really needed. Since I've researched this procedure, I also learned how to make other changes so I didn't have to mutilate my pets paws. Scratching posts they find irresistible, etc.

06-20-2021, 08:55 AM
We're on the fence about Gracie. We've had all ours declawed before, but I may let her keep hers.

The vets we've had do it, if they were still real young when done, they hardly seemed to notice it.

My thing is, if she ever got out where we live, she'd be completely helpless and just not sure I want to take that risk. She will be an indoor kitty as long as she lives, but threre's always that chance.

06-20-2021, 09:19 AM
As I'm reading this Mittens decided to come up and see what was going on in CB.
She already tried to log me in on my work laptop but luckily not enough tomes to lock out my account.
After having our 2 older girls, we had forgotten how much fun it was to have an active young cat around the house.

06-20-2021, 09:26 AM
I've used the cardboard scratching things, cheap and if you buy a good quality catnip, you can rub the catnip on the scratching post to get them trained.

06-20-2021, 09:51 AM
We had 2 orange tabby males that would catch a mouse. Then one would carry the mouse to the top of our slopping driveway, let it go, it would run down hill, where the other tom was waiting. He would catch the mouse, carry it to the top of the slope trading places with tom 1. Lather rinse, repeat.

06-20-2021, 12:48 PM
When I got my Tortie she was about a year old, rescue from a hoarder house. She was almost completely unsocialized, I had socialized fosters before tho :) When just casually playing she would bite hard and bunny kick (both rear feet kicking together) hard, I mewed like a hurt kitten (Tells her "You're playing too hard!") and she soon was very gentle. Kittens won't put up with a litter mate who is way too rough, they will shun the too-rough sibling, so cats are pre-programmed in effect to be gentle if told it's needed. She's wonderfully gentle now :)

I'm anti declawing too. There are adhesive claw caps you can use, or glue a small bead that covers the claw tip; I use scissors like these, (search for "Pet Republique Cat Nail Clipper", the critical part is how the scissor blades have half moons ground in them) probably got these off fleabay but they're sold on amazon, petsmart, etc. as well. The "guillotine" type dog claw cutters usually just shatter cat claws so the claws sharpen again FAST, take just the last 1/8" tip off claws with these and it takes a while for the outside layers to regrow and shed till claws get sharp again. Read up on claw trimming before trying to do it, and at first give kitty a treat, cut one claw, feed kitty another treat or two, let them leave if they want. (That way they aren't thinking you are punishing them.) If you do a couple claws a day, kitty won't get majorly terrorized of it and you'll keep claws short enough even if you skip multiple days a week. Also helps to have 2 people there to hold kitty at first, if kitty is stressed.

I got my tortie a while after I lost the previous kitty, a silver tabby, who had gotten quite sedentary from age and kidney disease, and eventually passed. It was a shock, as you say, to go to a kitten with tons of excess energy!

06-20-2021, 05:48 PM
It's good to hear that Gracie is quickly showing herself to be a more "normal" cat than having any handicap. And her catching a mouse,, well, that's to be expected if she has any hunting instincts. Fun to hear all of that.
And as for de-clawing,, I'm also in the camp of NOT doing it. All of our cats we've ever had we never de-clawed. We did adopt an adult cat that the previous owner had it de-clawed. We have trained ours to not claw furniture, make sure they have plenty of THEIR stuff to scratch & claw on.
And lastly, we look at it differently. The inside of our home is their entire world. Using a scratching post is a natural thing. So they must have something to scratch on. Allow them certain objects, and problems are easily reduced.

As for the worry of them getting out,, if de-clawed,, we haven't had any cat "escape" in over 15 years now. Once they are accustomed to a totally indoor space,, many do not try & escape or explore.

But to hear that Gracis is doing so well, makes me just smile,, a lot.

PS; To the naysayers who suggested she be put down,,,,, ppphhhhffffttt!!!!!!!!

06-20-2021, 06:10 PM
We keep all ours inside too, but did have one get out and get killed in such a way that it really did cause trauma. Ended up selling the car involved a couple of years sooner than planned and the wife still blames herself. It can happen. If she has claws, she can at least climb a tree, but we have coyotes, bobcats, and a lot of raptors. A cat with claws might be able to survive long enough until we could find her.

Besides that, when Winter rolls around again and the mice are more of a problem, she'll be older, stronger and still have claws, might help with the problem a little more than the Three Stooges we've had since we got here.

06-29-2021, 12:49 PM
I've had a lot of kittens and cats around me my whole life and can't remember a one that grew as fast as this one. I was gone five days last week and it was almost like she was a half grown cat overnight, seems like she's noticeably bigger when I get home in the evening than she was when I left. Sure has a lot of personality, we aren't keeping her separated from the others anymore, they've learned to live with her, the biggest, orneriest one even seems to have taken a liking to her and plays with her quite a bit.

At the rate she's going, she'll be one big, lanky cat for a female before we know it.

06-29-2021, 02:00 PM
I am glad that this cat found a good home and that you are enjoying it so much. I wish it were that way for a lot more cats and dogs.

06-29-2021, 07:36 PM
I would leave the claws ...just in case she gets out she will still be able to climb a tree and escape danger ... get her some scratching post and scratching furniture . We had something called a Scratching Noodle ...they like that thing .
I would get her fixed ... I don't know how people feel about that but our rule is you moved in ...you got fixed . Keeps the Toms from coming around and hopefully helps with the excess stray kitten problem .

06-30-2021, 01:44 AM
Getting kitties fixed is the only way to go, far too many kitten mill and feral critters out there and if they have less competition they can find homes indoors :)

06-30-2021, 08:18 AM
Sounds as if Gracie is growing quite well & will enjoy a very good life! Helps make my day to hear such stories.

I fully agree that fixing cats & dogs is a good thing unless you PLAN on being a breeder. And especially if you keep a cat indoors as their permanent home. At about 6 months, prior to them aging to the point of going into heat, is best, and almost always eliminates the "spraying" (marking) of stuff.
We currently have (4) cats that were found on my place. Three of them were found as kittens. Quarantined first, then the vet. And as soon as possible, fixed. The one adult cat was about 10 months old & had already had kittens before we found her. (Never found any kittens, and her milk was drying up already.)
And we've had other cats indoors for decades. All get fixed. And we haven't had any spraying or marking issues in decades either.

Little Gracie sounds as if she'll be just fine.

06-30-2021, 08:28 AM
Many vets will fix ferals in cat colonies for free. My sister in law had 22 cats at one time. Well, she named 22 cats but most were feral and would run if you moved too fast. I would draw her ire by stomping my feet when I'd come in the house and they'd bounce off of the furniture and everything fleeing for the cat doors.

06-30-2021, 11:03 PM
So great to see these updates!