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01-03-2006, 11:53 PM
Hi Guys! I finally got time to cast a few bullets. I had some things to try. Bull Shop lube ( BSL from here on), putting cat litter in the pot on top of the melted lead, and a brand new Lyman 4 cavity mold # 358665.

Here's what happened....

I took the new mold and handcasted until the blocks were hot. Left the cavities full and applied the BSL as directed.. ( well, I never was good at directions...I applied 2 coats to the mold tops and the alignment pins.) I wanted to use a different sprue plate on my machine, so I got the right sprue plate and sanded the bottom smooth and polished the top very clean. I then heated it up by immersing it in the lead pot. This wasn't a good idea.... the lead stuck to it even though it was very hot....cleaned it up and still applied 2 good coats to the entire sprue plate...( ya, ya, I know ...not the way the directions say). I put the mold together without ANY OTHER lube and fired the machine up. 265 cycles later.....here is what the mold looks like....

I usually ran 4 cycles per minute at 800 to 860 degrees with the cooling fan on. I did speed up once to almost 5 cycles a minute and the fan off....but chickened out quickly. I cut a few sprues as semi-solids. But that is hard for this old heart to take... Things were going too well to goof something up..

BSL WORKS! Quite frankly, I am amazed... (Oh, The mold was covered with oil as a preservative in the picture.) I normally spend 20 minutes pencilling the top of the mold and both sides of the sprue plate. And then apply moly to the pivot point...AND watch it close when casting. I can't wait to try it on a 6 cavity aluminium mold....

the 358665 mold.....

It is a good mold and the bullets fall at .3585 as best as this person can measure. ( I was hoping for .360) I didn't clean it correctly before starting...so the bullets are only plinkers to me. Some of the edges are rounded. A good cleaning or Beagling is called for. I sure wish I could buy..."Beagling in a can!!!'

Cat Litter.... I laughed when I first heard that...But I tried it. It works! The top of the melt seemed very clean. I need to test more but preliminary reports are good.


01-04-2006, 12:05 AM
here is a better picture of the mold...

01-04-2006, 01:19 AM
Bully, bully for you!!! It has worked just as well on aluminum for me too.
Were you casting with WW or something with more tin? What kind of machine do you have that can use a Lyman 4 cavity?

01-04-2006, 08:25 AM
Hi Bullshop!

Actually, it was a mixture of 1/2 ww and some 'mystery' metal. The mystery metal seems soft and doesn't want to cast very well.

The machine is one I cobbled together..uses one 4 cavity Lyman or one 6 cavity Lee. Time to get ready for work...Your stuff works good! Let me withhold complete judgement until I use it a few more times.


I added an old picture of my friend Greg & my caster...

01-05-2006, 02:50 AM
Dale, where you been hiding??. but looks like you've been busy. Nice setup you have there.

01-05-2006, 08:43 AM
Hi Frank!

I haven't been hiding...more like lurking!!..lol

I am incredibly busy....And this time of year is the worst... But soon things will slow down. Then it's time for casting and 'shooting the bull' until spring. I am ready for spring.....

Hope you and all are well....
( got to get ready for work)


01-05-2006, 01:37 PM
If that is something you cobbled together(impressed) I realy want to see (and have) one when you get serious!!!

01-24-2006, 08:17 PM
Guys this may seem like a silly question,but whats the cat litter for??I am just fixin to order casting supplies for the first time and trying to get all the info I can get my hands on....Steve

01-25-2006, 12:50 AM
Guys this may seem like a silly question,but whats the cat litter for??I am just fixin to order casting supplies for the first time and trying to get all the info I can get my hands on....Steve

Steve, the kitty litter, being organic, fluxes the alloy, precluding the need for anything else. Put it on top, stir things with a piece of dry dowel, and you have it covered like a fat lady on a pot.

Something else it does, is to help keep the pot at an even temperature, and prevent oxidation on top of the melt.

Only works good on bottom pours, of course!

01-25-2006, 09:01 AM
Steve, the kitty litter, being organic, fluxes the alloy, precluding the need for anything else. Put it on top, stir things with a piece of dry dowel, and you have it covered like a fat lady on a pot.

Something else it does, is to help keep the pot at an even temperature, and prevent oxidation on top of the melt.

Only works good on bottom pours, of course!

Thanks for the info! ;-)

02-10-2006, 01:23 AM
P.S. Only use "NEW" cat litter, this ain't the place to be recycling! [smilie=p:

Rick N Bama
02-10-2006, 05:32 AM
P.S. Only use "NEW" cat litter, this ain't the place to be recycling! [smilie=p:

[smilie=l: [smilie=l: [smilie=l: [smilie=l:

I think you may well have a point :razz:

I used Kitty Litter for the 1st time last week and now I'm looking to buy a ton or so (new of course) ;-) Good stuff!


02-10-2006, 08:19 AM
Silly me. I thought kitty litter was what was left after removing a feral feline with a 358156 HP.

Four Fingers of Death
02-11-2006, 12:04 AM
Steve, the kitty litter, being organic, fluxes the alloy, precluding the need for anything else. Put it on top, stir things with a piece of dry dowel, and you have it covered like a fat lady on a pot.

Something else it does, is to help keep the pot at an even temperature, and prevent oxidation on top of the melt.

Only works good on bottom pours, of course!

The lady on a pot reminds me of a joke:

The Lone Ranger and Tonto were travelling on a train and the lone ranger ended up siting next to a good looking woman. Poor old Tonto was sitting on their bags in the aisle. The lone ranger was so taken with the lady and being keen to impress, forgot his manners somewhat. It was hot day and the lady was using her fan to try and stay cool. He told Tonto to go and get them some water. Off he goes and comes back about ten minutes later. The lady was impressed and about a half hour he ordered Tonto off aagin and he returned in no time flat. Another half hour passed and the lone ranger orders tonto off agin, but he didn't return for a half hour or so. The lone ranger was angry, snatched the water from tonto and slugged it down. To impress he decided to give tonto a rev up about the delay. He said, 'tonto why in blazes did it take you so long to get the water this time?' Tonto shrugged an replied 'paleface sit on well.'