View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Tuesday, May 18

Pine Baron
05-18-2021, 05:37 AM
Good morning all. There's work to be done right here, right now. Have a safe and blessed day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 - Pastor Greg Laurie
The Big Question

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”
—Romans 10:14

My wife, Cathe, tells me that I never properly proposed to her. She says we were sitting in a restaurant one day when I looked at her said, “Well, I guess we’re going to get married, huh?”

I didn’t do a very good job of proposing, but I’ve heard about a lot of imaginative proposals. For instance, a friend of mine went snorkeling with his girlfriend, and while they were in the water, he wrote the words “Will you marry me?” on an underwater tablet.

That was very imaginative.

Some questions are awkward for us to ask, but we do it anyway. One such question is this: Would you like to accept Jesus Christ right now?

Awhile ago I was in a restaurant with some friends. When the waitress walked up to take our order, she said, “You guys are all pastors, aren’t you?”

Then she wanted to know when our church services were. After we gave her the service times, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to ask her a question.

I said, “You know, I’m glad you want to know when our church services are, and I’m glad you want to come to our church. But you don’t have to wait until Sunday to get right with God. Would you like to accept Jesus Christ right now?”

She said, “Yes, I would.”

I knew she wouldn’t get in trouble with her boss, because the owner of the restaurant is a Christian who attends our church. So we prayed together right there, and she asked Christ into her life.

You never know when the Lord will prompt you to ask that important question. And if someone says yes, get ready for one of the greatest blessings that you’ve ever experienced in life.

Jesus said there’s joy in Heaven over one sinner that comes to repentance. There’s great joy in sharing your faith.

05-18-2021, 08:13 AM
Amen, I am so happy God called me to be a son of the most high!

05-18-2021, 09:10 AM
It is easy to accept Christ when your world is upside down and you are desperate. Like clinging to a straw when you are drowning. True acceptance comes after much time and study. At least that is my story.

Maybe for some it is like a light switch. It was not, and has not been that way for me. I am not 100% of the way there even after a few years now...but I am thankful for having Christ in my life. There is a calmness about death that gives me strength I lacked before.

I will never be the man I should be but I know what He expects of me. He is like my father....I fear His disapproval not His punishment. I can be a completely rotten person, commit horrible sins, and still be forgiven; but that is not His intent in showering us with His grace. We should strive to be as perfect as we mortals can be and seek His approval.

05-18-2021, 10:10 PM
It is easy to accept Christ when your world is upside down and you are desperate. Like clinging to a straw when you are drowning. True acceptance comes after much time and study. At least that is my story.

Maybe for some it is like a light switch. It was not, and has not been that way for me. I am not 100% of the way there even after a few years now...but I am thankful for having Christ in my life. There is a calmness about death that gives me strength I lacked before.

I will never be the man I should be but I know what He expects of me. He is like my father....I fear His disapproval not His punishment. I can be a completely rotten person, commit horrible sins, and still be forgiven; but that is not His intent in showering us with His grace. We should strive to be as perfect as we mortals can be and seek His approval.

Thank you ! I believe its the first testimonial I' have seen you give...could be wrong . I testify a lot here , it's given to us to do so if we believe . Lot of the comments I put up are of my weakness . I extort GOD as my strength .

Understanding he is our strength is necessary because to our selves we are nothing . I don't know about the rest of you but I'm a sinner , I still sin . I need a savior , I can not save myself because I'm too weak .