View Full Version : Scored linotype

Patrick L
05-16-2021, 12:17 PM
It pays to be a good friend. I had an older shooting/reloading buddy, sort of was a mentor to me back in the 90s. Really more like an older brother rather than a father figure. He was about 20 yrs older. We stayed close, even as mobility issues ended his shooting, I would visit him at his home, bring whatever new toy I had for him to fondle, and consult him on my ongoing projects, etc. I truly believe what I did kept him at least mentally engaged and happy.

Anyhow, he passed about a year and a half ago. His ex, who he remained on good terms with, called me to give me first crack at his reloading and casting stuff. I was glad to, both to help her and to deal with the current situation. Plus, I wanted his stuff to go to good people who would use and appreciate it, not the vultures looking to buy cheap, and then try to flip it for 10x.

I spied some cast ingots in a milk crate. I told her I would take them, and she said "you know those are that printer's metal." Sure enough, on each was "L" in sharpie! She knew exactly what it was, but insisted "$25 for the crate." Turned out to be just about 100 lbs.

It was overwhelming. So much stuff. RCBS equipment, SAECO 4 bangers, cans and cans of already cast bullets. I included a friend who wanted to get into casting. He dropped about 1k$. My friend would be happy his stuff helped set up a newbie.

Sorry, sort of rambled

05-16-2021, 12:21 PM
Very nice outcome of your friends reloading supplies. So often they end up in the hands of profiteers which I am sure was not what your friend would have wanted!


05-16-2021, 03:46 PM
Sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like he had a good friend too! Nice going, helping out and getting his stuff to others who will use it.

I guess, someday all of us will have someone dealing with our stuff. I know I have tried to get my stuff organized so that it will be easier for whoever...........