View Full Version : Anyone have a patch lube that is thin, similar to Mr Flintlocks liquid lube?

05-15-2021, 07:12 PM
Ok first off let me say I am not trying to rip anyone’s recipe off, I just want a thin, liquid lube, that I can make at home in quantity if I so desire. I make cleaning solutions, lead balls, and everything else I use in ML got the past 30+ years. I like being self sufficient. I have used Dutch Schultz patch lube and let dry and done a lot of great shooting with it in competition. I want a thin lube I can squirt in a container full of pre cut patches or on a roll of linen wound up to use a patch knife with. I might mention that I have bear grease in solid and some that is liquid as well. All replies appreciated

05-15-2021, 08:41 PM
Some people use olive oil. Never tried it myself though.

indian joe
05-15-2021, 09:13 PM
Ok first off let me say I am not trying to rip anyone’s recipe off, I just want a thin, liquid lube, that I can make at home in quantity if I so desire. I make cleaning solutions, lead balls, and everything else I use in ML got the past 30+ years. I like being self sufficient. I have used Dutch Schultz patch lube and let dry and done a lot of great shooting with it in competition. I want a thin lube I can squirt in a container full of pre cut patches or on a roll of linen wound up to use a patch knife with. I might mention that I have bear grease in solid and some that is liquid as well. All replies appreciated

machinists cutting oil and water - 20% to 25% oil - if you wanna fool the opposition put a few drops of food dye in it - (any colour you like) - Nothing better for competition shooting --hunting is a different story - there a wet lube will contaminate your load - but turn the tables, most good hunting lubes will see you foul out in a match before you complete a ten shot string ..................been there done both

ps if you use the 25% oil /water mix and then let the patches dry before you shoot em, makes as good hunting lube as most others ----- but damp is way better for a long string

05-16-2021, 06:22 AM
I use pure neats foot oil.

indian joe
05-16-2021, 07:24 AM
I use pure neats foot oil.

:grin:I have yet to see two MLshooters use the same patch lube recipe OR see one that doesnt think his brew is the one and only best brew on the planet ...................

I use neatsfoot in my boolit lube but the proper stuff is pricey and hard to find hereabouts - proly use something else next time round

05-16-2021, 08:48 PM
Decades ago, plain old vegetable oil worked for me.


05-16-2021, 09:49 PM
I use olive oil for resizing lube.

indian joe
05-17-2021, 01:21 AM
Decades ago, plain old vegetable oil worked for me.


I have not tried straight oil of any kind - can you continue shooting without fouling out OR the need to clean? - I dont mean just a few shots or squeak through a ten shotter - how about twenty or even fifty without any need to clean ? Thats my test for a range lube. The moose milk will do that, a lot of others I have seen wont .

05-17-2021, 02:13 AM
Castor oil. Love the smell of burnt castor.

05-17-2021, 02:37 AM
50% Ballistol and 50% water. Soak patches and let dry.

Sorry. I see you have used this......

05-17-2021, 03:03 AM
Rendered black bear fat. Its fully liquid around 80 degrees, kind of like a heavy gear oil. Around 60 or so, it is solidified, about like room temp butter. The great thing about it, is it does not seem to get much harder, even when below zero.

05-17-2021, 06:38 AM
I have used 50% Murphy oil soap and 50% water.

You can load all day.

05-17-2021, 10:15 AM
Just use Dutch's lube, and don't dry the patches.

05-17-2021, 04:43 PM
I have not tried straight oil of any kind - can you continue shooting without fouling out OR the need to clean? - I dont mean just a few shots or squeak through a ten shotter - how about twenty or even fifty without any need to clean ? Thats my test for a range lube. The moose milk will do that, a lot of others I have seen wont .
I don't remember ever having to stop to clean my CVA Kentucky pistol during an afternoon of shooting. The patches weren't dripping wet, seems like I wet them and wrung them out, but it has been forty some years.

The oil was whatever Mom had in the kitchen at the time, probably either vegetable or canola. She didn't start buying expensive olive oil until years later.


indian joe
05-18-2021, 02:05 AM
I don't remember ever having to stop to clean my CVA Kentucky pistol during an afternoon of shooting. The patches weren't dripping wet, seems like I wet them and wrung them out, but it has been forty some years.

The oil was whatever Mom had in the kitchen at the time, probably either vegetable or canola. She didn't start buying expensive olive oil until years later.


Interesting will try that one day - I wring out my wet moose milk patches - generally squeeze em out some on my pants leg.
A rule of thumb for me is most homebrew lubes work better than most commercial concoctions (bore butter etc) - been proved right more times than wrong anyway.

Eddie Southgate
05-28-2021, 07:23 PM
If I'm not using Sperm or Bear oil I use a spit patch for hunting . If I am target shooting and am gonna shoot a lot at one time I use Lux Liquid and water . I don't have a formula , just use a large pimento jar and put a half inch or so of the soap then fill to below the threads with water and shake it up . For non liquid, Crisco works just fine .

06-06-2021, 09:45 PM
toilet seal ( ring ) wax....cheap..goes along way

06-07-2021, 02:06 AM
Liqud dish soap and water ��. 7 or 8 to 1 or whatever works best for you. You can use a squirt bottle (a mustard bottle is a conversation starter) or a spray bottle.

Castor oil and denatured alcohol.

Olive oil and 91% isopropyl.

06-13-2021, 06:44 AM
I like Murphy's oil soap and alcohol mixed 50-50