View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Sunday, May 09

Pine Baron
05-09-2021, 05:57 AM
Good morning all. A happy Mother's day to all the women who have blessed this old man's life. Have a safe and blessed day.

Today's Scripture - Hagee Ministries

Proverbs 31:29-30
"Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

Daily Truth

On this special day when we honor mothers, Proverbs 31 offers us a wonderful reminder of all the traits that add up to a virtuous woman and wife. She is a treasure worth far more than precious jewels.

The virtuous wife respects her husband. Every day of her life, she finds ways to treat him well. He can trust her completely, and she enriches his life in every way. He is a well-respected leader in the city because of the support she affords him.

The virtuous wife works hard to provide for her family. She rises before the sun, and her lamp burns into the night. She brings food for her family. Her hands are busy, and her arms are strong. She is industrious and entrepreneurial. She sews and spins and creates beautiful products to sell for profit. She buys a field and plants a vineyard. She watches over all the aspects of her household.

We all know these women – up before dawn, dropping the children at school, heading off to jobs before returning home with the groceries to prepare a meal and help with homework, cheer from the sidelines, and organize tomorrow’s tasks before falling into bed late at night.

The virtuous woman cares for the poor and the less fortunate. She opens her heart and extends her hands to help. She does not sit idly by waiting for someone else to take action. She picks up the phone. She mails a card. She volunteers her time.

She lives with a quiet confidence in God, and she senses the value of the work that she completes. She speaks with wisdom and kindness, and she faces the future with a smile. Her strength is evident. Her actions speak for themselves.

Her husband sings her praises, and even her children admire and recognize that she is blessed. A woman who fears the Lord and places all of her hope in Him will reap the rewards of a life spent with Him and for Him.

Today's Blessing

Heavenly Father, thank You for the strong women that have graced my life. Thank You for their sacrifice and support, the conversations and kindness, the love and laughter, the toughness and tenderness. Convince them of their value and worth. Help me find ways to honor them for their rich deposits in my life. In Jesus’ name…amen.

05-09-2021, 08:58 AM

05-09-2021, 03:54 PM
Good message on Mother's Day . We take them for granted too often .