View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Wednesday, May, 05

Pine Baron
05-05-2021, 06:00 AM
Good morning all. It's not the fear we face, it's how we face it. Have a safe and blessed day

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - Pastor Greg Laurie
A Promise of God’s Protection

“Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.”
—Psalm 91:7

Years ago, I was in Africa where we stayed in tents out on the open range. Now, when night falls in Africa, bizarre sounds come out of the jungle. It sounds like something out of a movie, except it’s real.

Darkness can be a frightening thing because we can’t see what’s out there. The psalmist addressed this in verses 5 and 6 of Psalm 91: “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday” (NLT).

The phrase “terrors of the night” seems to indicate the things that threaten our safety during the course of the darkness of night. Then there are arrows, which played a significant part in ancient battles. Warriors barraged their opponents with hundreds, even thousands of flaming arrows.

In spiritual warfare, the Devil fires flaming arrows at us as well. For instance, it might be a flaming arrow of fear, a flaming arrow of impure thoughts, a flaming arrow of hatred, or some other thing designed to lodge in our spiritual armor and destroy us.

The good news is that God promises to protect us from those arrows. He will be with us day and night.

Verse 7 goes on to say, “Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you” (NLT).

This certainly is a promise of God’s protection. But this isn’t saying that God’s people will not suffer difficulties in life. Christians have faced calamities. Christians have been victims of crimes. Christians have faced hardship.

So this isn’t a carte blanche promise that you will never face any difficulties. It is, however, a promise from God that He will be with you, no matter what you go through. And He will see you through.

Wayne Smith
05-05-2021, 07:55 AM
We have an all too strong connection to this world and a very weak connection to the next. As long as my focus is here and now those threats that effect me are overwhelming because my whole focus and strength is focused on staying strong and alive in this world. If I welcome the next world - with God - then the threats of death here and now have little strength. God will protect me and teach me through the struggles of this world but he will take me home in his time and in his way and I need to be equally prepared for that as well.

05-05-2021, 08:20 AM
How these kinds of phrases work for me is to divorce the safety of my body from the safety of my soul.

They can maim or kill my body, but they cannot shake my faith or take everlasting life from my soul. And although I do not wish to die in body, knowing that I will live in spirit provides much comfort and confidence.

I have met Christians who take the Word literally...I wonder what they are thinking...or if they are thinking. God can protect our physical body but He does not always intercede that way. Why He provides physical protection for some and not for others is beyond my pay scale....but he provides salvation for all...and that is enough.

05-05-2021, 08:42 AM
Amen, God is our great protector!

05-05-2021, 08:52 AM
Love this one!!!!

05-05-2021, 11:16 AM
The Psalms were written and used by Israel. Israel had a one-of-a-kind relationship with God that no other nation has or will have. The contract between Israel and God was very simple. If Israel followed God's Law (to the best of her ability) she would be protected against enemies and blessed materially on earth. If you read these Psalms (i.e., those that promise protection) with this in mind, you will get the point being made.

Christians and the Church in general have received no promise from God of his protection or material blessings on earth. That is not to say the Psalms are not for the Church. They function to remind us of God's past actions and faithfulness.

Israel was protected and prospered at the hand of God until she strayed from the path. During those periods, divine protection and blessing were withdrawn. This culminated in the Exiles.

05-05-2021, 05:20 PM
Great message today . To accept this world for what it is . It's our faith , understanding and love of him that saves us . Not earthly protection . He is our hope .
Really liked Wayne's post .

05-05-2021, 09:50 PM
The Psalms were written and used by Israel. Israel had a one-of-a-kind relationship with God that no other nation has or will have. The contract between Israel and God was very simple. If Israel followed God's Law (to the best of her ability) she would be protected against enemies and blessed materially on earth. If you read these Psalms (i.e., those that promise protection) with this in mind, you will get the point being made.

Christians and the Church in general have received no promise from God of his protection or material blessings on earth. That is not to say the Psalms are not for the Church. They function to remind us of God's past actions and faithfulness.

Israel was protected and prospered at the hand of God until she strayed from the path. During those periods, divine protection and blessing were withdrawn. This culminated in the Exiles.

Very informative and enlightening. Thank you for establishing the perspective I was too ignorant to know.