View Full Version : New RCBS Iron Mold Tinning. How to Clean?

G. Freeman
05-02-2021, 12:46 AM
Hello Guys,

Casted a few hundred rounds from my brand-new RCBS mold. I noticed tinning (or lead sticking) on one side of the mold half on the corner of the lube groove.

I tried using a bamboo skewer to pick the sticky metal out, applying some 2-cycle oil then wiping with a terrycloth, and using a torch, but no luck.

I didn't want to use the torch too long because I don't want to warp the mold.

Any suggestions on how to remove this tinning and how to prevent this from further occuring?

Thanks in advance!

05-02-2021, 06:30 AM
Four ought steel or bronze wool will not hurt an iron mould.


05-02-2021, 06:58 AM
I use the chore boy brass wrapped around an old pistol bore brush and it works a treat

Good luck and cheers

05-03-2021, 03:42 AM
A small brass bristle brush is what I use. Beware: there are brass-colored bristle brushes that have steel wires.

If the lead is sticky right on the edge of the mould it could be that there is a small burr there. Strong light and a good magnifying glass might spot it if so. Depending, a razor knife with a new blade might get it. I've had moulds that had the tiniest ring of steel around the very top edge of the cavity and the razor knife did the trick.

Welcome to the forum.
