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too many things
04-22-2021, 09:59 PM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

Winger Ed.
04-22-2021, 10:15 PM
We have to make special allowances for those members in the Witness Protection Program, and fleeing felons.

04-22-2021, 10:17 PM
I can't imagine why it should be required

Greg S
04-22-2021, 10:22 PM
Because we are deplorables, lol.

04-22-2021, 11:02 PM
We should because you do? Need a better argument than that.


Wayne Smith
04-23-2021, 07:58 AM
I don't mind posting mine, with two FFL's and my Permit to Carry Concealed I'm already on everybody's lists!

04-23-2021, 08:02 AM
I live out in a semi rural area near York, Pennsylvania.
I am not in the witness protection program nor am I a fleeing felon.
Just a broken down old retired guy.

Dusty Bannister
04-23-2021, 08:21 AM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

Then you also think we should drop the screen names? I do agree a general location is usually good enough if one is considering offering assistance or perhaps a sale or purchase.

Half Dog
04-23-2021, 09:03 AM
I have no problem sharing my location. I kinda enjoy seeing locations of others too, which might turn into an invite to meet at a local range.

04-23-2021, 09:11 AM
If I want you to know where I live, I'll tell ya. If you go to the trouble to find out without me telling ya, I'm starting to wonder --why? jd

04-23-2021, 09:18 AM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

Really? I suppose you think I should also advertise where my accident with the canoe happened while I out with all my guns?


04-23-2021, 09:34 AM
Many prefer to remain somewhat anonymous! I often see the drones circling above....the government already has my gps coordinates. Hence, I have nothing to hide! :bigsmyl2:

While I don’t believe it should be mandatory.....I, too enjoy seeing where the members are from! Those that wish to do you harm......already know where you live! :sad: memtb

04-23-2021, 10:29 AM
I ain't hiding from nobody and nobody's hiding from me ... Baton Rouge , Louisiana .

04-23-2021, 10:34 AM
Really? I suppose you think I should also advertise where my accident with the canoe happened while I out with all my guns?


Nope, I already know where that was. But I have to tell you I was not able to salvage them for you due to unforseen technical problems. Sorry.;)

04-23-2021, 10:41 AM
I have to admit I switched mine back and forth from blank to current listing a few times in the short time I've been registered but will keep it as is as I feel a bit more settled in now and also like to see where others are from.

04-23-2021, 10:49 AM
Only the mailman knows where I live.

04-23-2021, 11:03 AM
We should because you do? Need a better argument than that.


I agree!!!!

IF you jumped off a cliff --------should everyone do that???-----:veryconfu:holysheep[smilie=l::groner:[smilie=b::happy dance:

04-23-2021, 11:07 AM
If someone wants to find you, they will.

I often regret not putting my full name as my user name on this site. But I added it in my signature line later on. "Security" It is such a non-issue...heck if you buy or sell anything on the site it will not be a "secret".

Some of the most paranoid folks are the ones I would be worried about. The funny part is they think they are "safe". Whatever the hell that means.

04-23-2021, 11:25 AM
When things like weather are discussed, it would be nice to know the area for comparison purposes. Also, if there is a request for assistance one might be in a better position to help.

04-23-2021, 11:29 AM
I ain't hiding from nobody and nobody's hiding from me ... Baton Rouge , Louisiana .

Howdy! Ex neighbor! :smile: memtb

04-23-2021, 11:32 AM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

Why? Some folks don't want people knowing where they are. Just because you and I put our info out there doesn't mean everyone should.

04-23-2021, 11:54 AM
I don't want Xibiden to know where I am

04-23-2021, 11:59 AM
I prefer to keep things vague. Data Aggregation is my primary concern.

I am not worried about users of this site, so much as others extracting data with google, et. al. A suburban newspaper, The Journal News, White Plains, NY, obtained handgun permit data from public records and printed it online. It included addresses of those with handgun permits.

Of course criminals would never use that information for nefarious purposes. Nor would they target social media accounts, where folks routinely discuss vacation plans.

I was made aware of data aggregation efforts by a previous employer and the federal government. The examples provided were and are more than enough to make me think twice before putting anything online.

04-23-2021, 12:01 PM
I ain't hiding from nobody and nobody's hiding from me ... Baton Rouge , Louisiana .

That's the way it should be.

04-23-2021, 12:24 PM
If I did post my town, it would just make it easier for the mothership to find me. I already have more than enough implants in my body!

Der Gebirgsjager
04-23-2021, 12:29 PM
We have to make special allowances for those members in the Witness Protection Program, and fleeing felons.

Good one, Ed. Best laugh all morning!

As for the subject of the OP's post, what's it matter? I live in an area (it is on the map in tiny letters) but the nearest town is 5 miles distant and it's also tiny.


Der Gebirgsjager
04-23-2021, 12:31 PM
If I did post my town, it would just make it easier for the mothership to find me. I already have more than enough implants in my body!

Don't you want it to find you? I put out a rotating beacon. ;-)


Gator 45/70
04-23-2021, 12:44 PM
We have to make special allowances for those members in the Witness Protection Program, and fleeing felons.

I live in a cow pasture close to the town named after The Birds of Carrion ?

Sent from my FEMA bunker 786

04-23-2021, 03:24 PM
There are different kinds of undisclosed information.

There’s secret, like the combination to your safe.

There’s private, like what you do in the bathroom every day. We all know what you’re doing, but you close the door because it’s private.

And there’s personal information. It’s not necessarily private because lots of people know, and you rarely think twice before telling anyone who has a reason to know. Some people are more personal and private than others, but that doesn’t necessarily make them paranoid.

A lot of folks here know generally where I live, some know my address, and a few my phone number. That doesn’t bother me; none of that info is particularly hard to find, and certainly not a secret. It is personal though, and I don’t see any particular need to share it with the world on the open internet. The town or region where I live is really no big deal so I’m fairly ambivalent about that, but again, just don’t really feel the particular need to put it out there. That’s just me; to each their own.

Everyone has different levels of privacy they’re comfortable with. Some people will openly share the results of their latest colonoscopy or the contents of their 401k, whereas for others such matters are extremely private.

04-23-2021, 03:26 PM
Some people say “Why is it a secret?”

Others will say “Why do you need to know?”


white eagle
04-23-2021, 03:36 PM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

Wow !!!

04-23-2021, 03:50 PM
Since I'm out in the sticks, should I post coordinates?

04-23-2021, 06:48 PM
I can not think of any good reason why I should post my location any closer than I already do. too many people want to enforce their ideas and such on everyone. any one needs more info can ask.

04-24-2021, 09:39 PM
I won't say where I am but plenty of people know where I am. You mean harm to me or my family ? Bring lots of folks, ammo and guns. We'll welcome you in the appropriate manner..

04-24-2021, 10:19 PM
Well I used to be in the NW corner of a county roughly the size of Maryland and drive 75 miles to the nearest Walmart from the world's largest NAD .

Now days I'm 28 ,42 or 45 miles from Walmart but I cross 1,2,5 county lines to get there . I was briefly a lot closer to Walmart in the base town of drugs for guns .

Either way it's a green hell for a desert rat but it's growing on me like the moss on the side walk .

04-24-2021, 11:52 PM
It's interesting to see what state people live in, but what's really cool (to me) is seeing the ranges people shoot at. My club's ranges in NH are tree lined, but the ones I saw in ND, SD, WY were wide open.

04-25-2021, 08:54 AM
Thanks, but no thanks.

Lots here know that I am in North Dakota. I'm guessing more than a few could put the name of the city on that.
But someone who things EVERYONE should have that info right out in the open is exactly the kind I worry about.

If you live close there is a good chance you'll get a PM from me with a phone number or an address and an invite to stop and do coffee next time your close. Everyone else can figure it out themselves.

04-25-2021, 09:33 AM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

I have no problems giving general information out. The closest town to me is about a third the size of yours and we use their town even though I am not in the same county as they are. See, no help. Besides I have a problem when folks make petty things mandatory.

04-25-2021, 06:14 PM
That's the way it should be.
LIKE ... :2_high5:

Hitting our like button !

04-25-2021, 06:48 PM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

And then what? How would you police false locations?

04-25-2021, 06:53 PM
And why do you need the location??????? You are free to include that including your home address if you want.

State is close enough for me. If someone is selling something in a FTF only and they are instate I have the option to contact them. Don't need nor want anything more than that.

04-25-2021, 07:09 PM
We have to make special allowances for those members in the Witness Protection Program, and fleeing felons.
Fleeing husbands, too...

04-25-2021, 07:19 PM
I use humor, thus what I put as my location, subtle clue, not horribly far from Seattle (In fact far too close IMO)

But to start forcing others to put in their exact city names, ehh, nope, that seems more like what the bad guys would do.

"Your papers, citizen!" - You want to see that on here? To me that's a NOPE...

Years ago I lived in the boonies; had a next door neighbor, ex-military, with a younger, very pretty wife.

One day I was on my way to town, saw a car parked at the entry to our area, nose towards our houses. (On the wrong side of the road, sorta suspect.) As I drove out I saw two guys in the car, one of them panicking, I suspect he was yelling "He made us, lets get out of here!" at the driver.

You could say I looked them over with a hairy eyeball, and you'd pretty much be right. Where we were the county Sheriff had about a 30-40 minute response time, so it was "Handle it yourself", not "the police are minutes away", even more so than in cities.

Got into town where my cell worked, called the neighbor who started using binocs BACK on the two in the car, they left. If they hadn't I would have come back to help.

Had I not seen them, neighbors could have had a home invasion, that wife could have been raped or killed, etc., the bad guys out there are usually looking for their next big score, why make it easier for them? They ought to at least have to work a bit for it.

MT Gianni
04-28-2021, 11:16 AM
Well the locals call it Pleasant Valley, but you have to really like wind to call it pleasant. Nearest is Renova, but that was mined out 120+ years ago and won't show up on most maps. Zip says Whitehall but that zip code is 40 miles long and 40 miles wide so it doesn't really put me in town. Whitehall is only listed at 1200 inhabitants so you would have to search to find that as well. SW MT is plenty close enough for me.

04-28-2021, 06:49 PM
I'm in my recliner

04-29-2021, 12:15 AM
I could put my location as "Under my cat", LOL

04-30-2021, 09:51 PM
I think it’s really funny in the selling section when someone says “Face to Face only” , you know for some Primers or powder. But then you look at their screen name, posts,.... but no location !
No harm but then you have to ask and put them on the spot to divulge a State or city.

Many years back I made the “mistake of asking” why most don’t use their first name at the end of a post or comments etc..., and always go by screen name ? ( kinda like location).
WOW, .... I’ll never do that again. You think I asked for their SS numbers.

We are free Americans ! We have the right to pick and choose. Amen !!


05-02-2021, 09:03 AM
Better be careful OP . . . . . The Socialists (i.e. Bumbling Biden) are looking for new free homes for all theses illegals that are invading this country . . . . if you're too specific, you just might end up with 15 or 20 of 'em on your doorstep wanting a free place to stay. . . . kind of like a basket of unwanted kittens . . . . after all, if you come here illegally, everything is free . . . . . well . . . . not for us taxpayers and citizens . . . . .

05-02-2021, 01:32 PM
I respect every ones privacy and what they wish to reveal about their location, it's up to the individual and I'm fine with that. If I have a need to know where they are, I'll simply send a PM and ask them, pretty simple.

Regarding people who are concerned about 'Big Brother' knowing their location? If you carry a cellphone, or have an internet provider, good luck if you think they don't know where you are. Am I paranoid about it? Nope. Just the facts of life to me anymore.


05-02-2021, 05:19 PM
I never get to see anybody's location because I use the Tapatalk app.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

05-02-2021, 06:12 PM
I never get to see anybody's location because I use the Tapatalk app.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

In Tapatalk, Tap the name of the poster shows the profile and shows the location.

05-02-2021, 06:33 PM
If I named the town, you would say “ where in tarnations is that ?” At least Central NYS gives you a general location.

05-02-2021, 06:49 PM
As time goes on, a lot of members get to know each others info through buying, selling, traveling, chat, helping hands, events, etc...

I have nothing to hide, several members have my name, address, phone number, & email address through previous dealings, which have all been positive. That's a testament to the way this forum is run and its membership. Thanks mods for all you do.

Most members here strive for info as this is what this site is all about, and there are many well known members who give that info freely without looking for feathers to add to their caps. It's up to you to do your research and ultimately making your own decisions.

I, along with many others, overlook things that seem trivial, others make a fuss about it. I've only used the ignore option once since I joined. If somebodies location is important to you, send him a PM. YMMV :popcorn:


05-03-2021, 10:23 AM
Slim, you hit the nail on the head !


05-03-2021, 11:16 AM
many members post in their info sw, nw, south, in a state
they should post the town, i do should be required

Exact location (town/state) should only be required in S&S posts that are FTF deals.
That way people know how close they are to you.

It would be nice for people to at least list their state but CB doesn't require you to put any location information in your profile.