View Full Version : Cryptic phone msg

04-18-2021, 10:22 PM
I'm an old ffart and don't feel I need an electrical umbilical to the outside world so I rarely pay attention to the phone on weekends. Heading to bed to surf the booliten board here, check the phone and my friend sent me a message yesterday saying he had some lead for me. OMG, BBQ, EIEIO! Thing is it's so late now I can't call and pissemoff. But the way he put it was a "Mother Lode"! (Cold sweat, rise in bp ((Pb backwards I just noticed)) The suspense is killin' me!!

04-18-2021, 10:58 PM
I am old also and both me and the wife do not answer the phone anymore unless we recognize the number. I may have missed out on a "deal" at some point but who cares. I am way too old to start worrying about what I may have missed. I have my needs and that is good enough. I never worry about things I cannot change. I heard a wise man say one time that 98% of things we worry about never come to pass anyway.

04-18-2021, 11:13 PM
The only phone messages I ever get involve extended auto warranties or some such thing.

William Yanda
04-19-2021, 07:38 AM
The only phone messages I ever get involve extended auto warranties or some such thing.

Never want to fix your computer or give you a deal on health insurance?

04-19-2021, 08:39 AM
I took it a step further. We dropped our land line some 6 years back when we switched from DSL to cable internet.

Got a pair of simple phones from Consumer Cellular, and pay half what we were paying for the land line.

Well I got tired of people cold calling me while I was trying to nap and set up an app called Mr Number on my phone.

Your not in my contact list, it does not ring and gets killed after one try at ringing.

Open up the call list every few days and it is easy to spot the telemarketers and cold callers. They hit my block list and I never hear from them again. Happened to have my phone in hand one day when I saw the call came in. They wanted to talk about my school loan. Well I partied my way out of collage after less than a year. Paid off what I owed and moved home. So I don't have a school loan. Needless to day they went on my block list and their voice message got deleted.

The phone is a tool, no different than any other tool. I decide if I am going to use it and when. I don't let someone else dictate to me. The phone does not get to tell me what to do. I tell the phone what to do.

Friends and family know I do not always keep it near. But but also know I will always return a call or a text.

I'm not as fond of Mr Number as I used to be. It used to be a free app and now they want a years subscription to use it. Which still annoys me but less than getting jolted out of a good nap with another phone marketer.

04-19-2021, 09:03 AM
Rooster I didn't know i had a twin! 99% of the time i pay no attention to a ringing phone either. I see all those crazy people with that communication device in front of them no matter what they are doing. An just wonder what has happened to society. The wife is trying to make me carry her latest old phone. On the off chance i MITE need it when i go fishing or hunting. I am resisting so far.

04-19-2021, 09:18 AM
We got rid of our landline because majority of calls were trying to sell something. The worst was when it wasn’t even a person, just a recording saying to hold if interested. Unfortunately, now we have to go outside for the cell phones to work. I buy a lot of stuff from the internet and a lot of times, if the delivery driver doesn’t get an answer, he doesn’t come.

04-19-2021, 09:19 AM
I'm an old ffart and don't feel I need an electrical umbilical to the outside world so I rarely pay attention to the phone on weekends. Heading to bed to surf the booliten board here, check the phone and my friend sent me a message yesterday saying he had some lead for me. OMG, BBQ, EIEIO! Thing is it's so late now I can't call and pissemoff. But the way he put it was a "Mother Lode"! (Cold sweat, rise in bp ((Pb backwards I just noticed)) The suspense is killin' me!!

Finding the Mother Lode would be a good start to the week!

04-19-2021, 09:26 AM
Hate the damn things............nuthin' but an electronic leash! Still, there is some utility to be had if you are in a tight spot........my wife contracted with AT&T..phone/internet svc. etc.....she bought one that could probably teach you how to swim....also gave me her old one telling me to carry it.......problem is I hunt the Ocala Ntl. Forest..........AT&T has zero coverage there, look at a map of cell coverage and it appears as one big blank for that locale. Don't bother with the thing, should I get stuck back of nowhere I can always use my 2 meter rig............

04-19-2021, 09:36 AM
We don’t either — if I don’t know the caller it doesn’t get picked up(yes we are old AND have had our number on “Do Not Call” list for 20 years) except when I want to mess with them:

Caller: “hello, is Mr. X there?”
Me: “naw that was cousin X, he’s doing a dime in Jackson for murder”
Caller: “CLICK”

Caller: “hello, we are calling to report unauthorized activity on your social security number”
Me: “YOU IDIOT HOW MANY PEOPLE FALL FOR THIS? Neither Ss or Medicare will EVER call you! This is illegal and I’m calling the FBI!”
Caller” “CLICK”

Hey they ask for it.....


04-19-2021, 10:35 AM
Hate the damn things............nuthin' but an electronic leash! Still, there is some utility to be had if you are in a tight spot........my wife contracted with AT&T..phone/internet svc. etc.....she bought one that could probably teach you how to swim....also gave me her old one telling me to carry it.......problem is I hunt the Ocala Ntl. Forest..........AT&T has zero coverage there, look at a map of cell coverage and it appears as one big blank for that locale. Don't bother with the thing, should I get stuck back of nowhere I can always use my 2 meter rig............

You are so lucky to have a place to hunt and be out of cell phone range. Sounds like heaven!

04-19-2021, 11:34 AM
It looks like I'm not alone with my thoughts on modern communications here. It was a mobile text this past weekend, so I can't even get the terminology down correctly :). I will find out more when he gets off his job this afternoon as an x-ray specialist at the largest hospital in the area. This has some potential to it. He also shoots that newish 50 cal cartridge out of his AR that costs a first born, that is if you can find it. I'd have to look up the cartridge again as CRS has hit me this morning. There it is: 50AE. He says it's a one shot kill on the piggies out here in The Swamp.

04-19-2021, 01:39 PM
Are you sure it's the 50AE and not the 50 beowulf? Never seen an AE in an AR, but apparently there are a couple of makers. The Beowulf is more mainstream.

John Boy
04-19-2021, 02:35 PM
“ You have reached the XYZ Police Department, how may we help you?”
Click ....

04-19-2021, 05:15 PM
Our primary reason for having a land line was it connected our alarm system to the local sheriff’s office. Secondary reason was a landline has its own power supply so it’ll continue to work when power goes out, like after a hurricane.
The HOA negotiated a new contract w/ alarm company. They installed a wireless system to contact sheriff’s. Battery powered, supposed to be good for one week w/o FPL.

AT&T landline started out at $20/month. Two years later up to $30. Then years and it’s bumping $50 for local only, pay for long distance as you use it. Wife always hated AT&T. Once we got new wireless alarm (almost two years ago) I told her we should cancel landline. She wanted to wait until after hurricane season. Same story now. 99.8% of all calls coming in on landline are some pitch or other. We never answer it but the 5 times a month I want to call local (or 1-800) I use it.

04-19-2021, 08:20 PM
Still carrying a flip phone. It makes phone calls, occasional text to the wife. When I am retired for good, it'll get pitched as hard as I can throw it into Milford Lake.

I got along with just a landline at the house for 35 years or so and I can do it again. Weekends and after supper, it usually just sits on the night stand anyway.

04-19-2021, 08:54 PM
I hope your friend has a great score for you.

04-19-2021, 09:39 PM
OK gents, here's the poop. One gorilla lawn wagon filled to the gunwales with 3/4 of it being soft lead 1/8" sheeting that they trim holes in to do their work on people. He said it's for localized treatment. Maybe he'll have more of this in the future. The other was their "clean out lead" which were little painted building blocks of harder alloy the majority of which had that ring when we tossed them in the wagon. He said they used these to focus the beam to the area but now everything is computer controlled. It's now like me: obsolete, OLD. I cried all the way back to the burner bunker!!! The sheets were in a 25 gallonish rubbermaid trash can and he had the bricks in the rear seat of his Ram truck. I won't really know the bottom line until I get it rendered into ingots. Any guesses? I still get giddy when I think of it, maybe one more peak below that tarp, what a maroon I am.

Cost? I HAVE to help him pull up some flooring at the river cabin, meet with the respective bosses so they can share grandkid photos, drink beer, maybe fish some.....

I forgot how to colorize the sarcastic parts so I'll let you figure that out yourself.

ETA: I may be wrong on that caliber, it very well may have been the Beowulf. I'll find out next time we talk.

04-19-2021, 09:52 PM
Sounds like you're set for a while, congratulations.

04-20-2021, 01:52 PM
Nice Score! It sounds like helping your buddy won't be so bad either! Fish, Beer --- I would have made that swap too!

04-21-2021, 10:41 PM
I have a cell phnoe. When I don't want to hear it ring I turn It off. Anyone who calls can leave a message.
When I wake up and check, if it's some one I like Then I call back. If not Oh well.

04-24-2021, 09:09 PM
Anaphylatic shock is the reason I carry my electronic leash with me. I got stung my yellow jackets and was loosing consciousness in my son's yard (by myself of course) when I used mine to call 911 and give them the address before I went down and out. When I came to, the paramedic was telling ambulance driver to hurry because they were loosing me. Needless to say I made it and have NO patience for the scammers who call but the darned thing saved my life.

04-26-2021, 02:00 AM
NON of my kids or the younger "kids" I shoot with have a land line they laugh at me which is OK i do the same

04-28-2021, 07:21 PM
Hate the damn things............nuthin' but an electronic leash! Still, there is some utility to be had if you are in a tight spot........my wife contracted with AT&T..phone/internet svc. etc.....she bought one that could probably teach you how to swim....also gave me her old one telling me to carry it.......problem is I hunt the Ocala Ntl. Forest..........AT&T has zero coverage there, look at a map of cell coverage and it appears as one big blank for that locale. Don't bother with the thing, should I get stuck back of nowhere I can always use my 2 meter rig............

Ain't that the truth? Been going to Salt Springs for 30 years and it's always been worse than bad and none of the cellphone providers have service there.

04-30-2021, 11:39 PM
Use to fish Salt Spring Run when the Lunkers were bedding during the spring. Great fishing!!!! Who needs a freaking phone there?

Tally so far: 246 Ingotized pure lead with probably less than 10 lbs of dross. Maybe not even that much, really clean melt. I like this stuff! Probably 200 more in the hard blocks that I'm not rendering. 175 on the very low side estimate, maybe

Forgot to add I ran out of shavings and used bacon fat. It seemed to do the job and the bacon & egg sammy was delicious. I flamed it when it started to smoke and the carbon left behind did coat the melt well until I was ready to scoop it out. I also stamped PB on these with the steel letters. How do you guys mark your know mixes like solder or 2%? The stamps worked well BTW.

05-01-2021, 12:52 PM
If you own an iPhone (and I think this will work for those Android ones too), you can set up your "do not disturb" time setting for 12:00AM to 11:59PM and only people in your calling/ contact list YOU KNOW will ring thru. All others will go directly to your "messages" section (with no ring or beep or anything) for you to review later if you want. I get around 10-15 like that a day and just dump them all. You can see the numbers and listen to any VM's they may have left if you want.

You don't even know they bothered you until you look in your messages/received calls log.

Good FREE way to filter your calls on a cell phone.

05-01-2021, 07:28 PM
If you own an iPhone (and I think this will work for those Android ones too), you can set up your "do not disturb" time setting for 12:00AM to 11:59PM and only people in your calling/ contact list YOU KNOW will ring thru. All others will go directly to your "messages" section (with no ring or beep or anything) for you to review later if you want. I get around 10-15 like that a day and just dump them all. You can see the numbers and listen to any VM's they may have left if you want.

You don't even know they bothered you until you look in your messages/received calls log.

Good FREE way to filter your calls on a cell phone.

Thanks, gonna try that.


05-03-2021, 12:04 PM
About 8 years ago my son calls me and asks if I want some lead, I ask how much he has and he says a lot, how much do I want. Of course I reply, I'll take all you have. Later that evening he comes driving up in the old S10 pickup I had given him with the bed sitting low in the back.

He was working at a crane outfit that off loaded ships and barges at the docks in Anchorage AK. A work ship had come in that wanted stuff removed in a hurry so they could refit for a different job. I ended up with a bit under 900lbs of 1/8th inch sheet lead in 4'x4' sheets of pure lead used for xray shielding for welding. He got about a hundred lbs of frozen hams, cheeze hamburgers and such from the ships freezers. Everyone working that shift filled there home freezers and then took the rest of the several thousand lbs of frozen food to the food bank.

My muzzle stuffers haven't made a dent in that lead yet.

05-03-2021, 10:31 PM
Yep, you never know when the fairy will smile down upon you. Gotta keep the faith! Hallelujah Brothers!! Sorry, I got carried away a bit.