View Full Version : Belding & Mull powder measure

04-17-2021, 09:36 PM
Anyone have a Belding and Mull measure? The discharge spring is so strong I cannot keep it on the stand, it keeps twisting off. Any suggestions?

Bent Ramrod
04-17-2021, 10:48 PM
I nailed and glued a piece of wood under my bench that sticks out far enough for the clamp to work on, and hold the back of the measure against the front of the bench. When the clamp is tightened, the measure can’t twist any more.

The spring is pretty strong all right. It was made to cut cylindrical powder granules as the “visible” chamber comes back to rest. Otherwise the jarring necessary to move the granules out of the way in order to close the opening to the charge cup would result in varying degrees of powder packing, and inaccurate weights.

04-18-2021, 07:06 AM
I bought an old B&M last year and refurbed it. There is a spring you can get from Tru Value. Hillman #143 that makes it easier to use. I have a discussion about it in the ASSRA site.


Also. It really helps to cut a mounting board that fits the shape exactly. Note the "V" shaped cut. After the refurb, new modified spring and mount, it works perfectly.

Green Frog
04-18-2021, 08:03 AM
Since I don’t use mine with stick powders, I first took the return spring out entirely. After experiencing a couple of “involuntary drainage events” I decided a light return spring was appropriate and that’s what is on the one I use most frequently now.


Wayne Smith
04-18-2021, 11:58 AM
I made a stand with a shoulder that the measure buts up against. Clamp it down and no movement.