View Full Version : Bustin' Caps at 'da riva'

01-02-2006, 09:37 PM
Whilst you fellers was meandering amonst the threads of bells, candles, and who knows what else, Nick, Felix, and me did some real man's work burning up a pile of ammo on unsuspecting cans, rocks, plastic bottles, and even an intact tv set (ain't no mo thanks to Dead Eye Nick), and some wine bottles (already empty) (asti spumanti no mo). The day turned out real nice with a hard breeze coming in off 'da riva' requiring coats and hats, but not interolerable. The sun was warm. Had some goooooood B-B-Q for late lunch graced by none other than Mrs Felix. All in all a nice day spent with good friends to usher in the New Year! sundog

p.s. gonna have to load more now... Long range with a 45 Colt pissola is lots-o-fun!

01-02-2006, 09:44 PM
Sounds like a good day.

01-04-2006, 01:15 AM
Sounds a lot better than a day at work. What is long range with a 45 Colt ??
