View Full Version : Lee 6 banger sprue plate pivot bolt

04-07-2021, 08:46 PM
Gentlemen, I am sure this has been addressed before, but I am having difficulty finding the solution. I have a Lee 6 banger mold that the sprue plate pivot bolt has stripped.

I tried chasing the threads, no Bueno. I thought I could just replace the bolt with a longer one, no go. This is a shouldered bolt, not the hardware store variety.

If I had a lathe, and machining skills I could spin up an oversized, shouldered bolt. Next size up. But I am lacking in this department. Any suggestions, maybe a thread insert (heli-coil) of some kind. First time I've ever had this problem. I usually drill and tap an Allen screw to retain said bolt, I neglected to do so on this mold. It got away from me, Any help appreciated, Randy.

Larry Gibson
04-07-2021, 09:55 PM

My post #11

Dusty Bannister
04-07-2021, 09:56 PM
The hold down bolt and the hinge bolt are the same thread and pitch, and in the same position in the mold block. You could consider either a heli-coil thread repair, or reverse the sprue plate by removing both the hold down bolt, and the hinge bolt and installing them in the opposite block. Then you could drill and tap an Allen screw for each bolt and be done with it. I doubt a slight shifting of the hinge bolt in the new hole lined with a little brass or steel wool would affect the alignment of the sprue plate.

04-07-2021, 10:16 PM
Gentlemen, thanks for the quick responses. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. Randy.

04-07-2021, 11:52 PM
You've gotten good info on repairing the stripped bolt hole. As a matter of course before the first use, I always drill/tap and install a 6-32 set screw from the side to prevent loosening of the pivot bolt on all my aluminum moulds. Moulds from the better makers will come with set screws to start with, but Lees...never. There's a reason they are cheaper. Sooner or later, if you don't put a set screw in, you'll end up with a problem. Better to take the time initially than end up with an abbreviated/ruined casting session, probably just when you've got the rhythm going and are casting good boolits. 280985

04-08-2021, 11:18 AM
leementing == installing set screw for sprue plate pivot screw, installing a flat head screw under the Lee 6X sprue plate opening lever to protect the mold, and polishing mold cavity pictures/instructions


04-08-2021, 05:15 PM
Gentlemen, this site is amazing. You guys never fail to deliver. I just flipped 281008 my mold blocks 180 degrees, and added a set screw for the pivot bolt. You guys just saved my mold. Thanks, Randy.