View Full Version : USPS sets record on shipping time.

04-04-2021, 04:33 PM
I bought a magazine follower for my Mod 12 Winchester on Dec, 21 2020. After a couple weeks seller notified me that it was setting in a postal facility somewhere and the postmaster asked for me to just be patient. I kinda gave up on ever seeing it and then forgot about it. It came today! Postmarked Dec, 22, 2020.
All I could do is laugh. lol

Winger Ed.
04-04-2021, 04:38 PM
I've always had pretty good luck with shipping, but there is a thread from a few weeks back with several pages of comments
from others who haven't.

About that time, I sent something to a member in Alaska.
We were joking that it would first have to go through Miami, Chicago, then Atlanta, and back to Chicago first.

04-04-2021, 05:59 PM
one of my packages late last year went from Tenn. to Texas, then Florida, then got lost for a month, even the postmaster could not find or track it. 2 day priority mail, was probably 10 weeks before she at least called me to inform me the local office finally had it out for delivery.

04-04-2021, 10:34 PM
I had 2 in January from the next state . 1 took 16 days for literally a 6-7 hr round trip drive , the other was a major volume shipper it took 5 days across Missouri , 2 more to get to Ft Smith AR via Little Rock and 8 hr to my door with a rather embarrassed carrier .

My Dad worked for the PO in 1958-60 , he once delivered a letter with a post mark 11 hours old from Honolulu to an address in Ridgecrest Ca . At that time it was an 11 hour flight from HON to SFO and almost 13 to LAX the possibility of a strong tailwind could have knocked it down to 6-7 hours . It still had to go through a sort in LA or San Francisco and another in Mojave before knocking off the last 60 miles to its final sort for delivery .

If memory serves me right the record for tardy delivery is something like 74 yr .

04-05-2021, 03:51 AM
The usps being a gooberment agency, it's a wonder it does as well as it does.
booden is demanding changes, and the mail will now be slower, and cost more.
What an idiot

04-05-2021, 05:41 AM
I've been there too! I recently had a box travel thru more States in three weeks than I ever will. It was sent from northern California to Southern California.

04-05-2021, 06:25 AM
I had a letter returned to me 7 years after the postmark.
It was mailed to the next zip code east of me, to the building literally across the street from the main Rochester sort facility.

The letter had a rubber stamp on it that said “found in empty equipment.”
I went down to the mailing post office and made the post mistress reimburse me for the stamp.

04-05-2021, 07:56 AM
They have been notorious lately for extreme delays and then not scanning the items. I use the USPS preview site so kinda know what to expect. Problem is packages come in via tracking number and no real way to see who sent it. If they don't scan the delivery, no way of knowing if the item you received was one of the missing ones.

04-05-2021, 07:57 AM
I have always been a champion for the post office but not anymore.

Years ago the Lady at a small credit union that we used called and inquired about a late car payment. My Wife looked in the check book and told the Lady the date that the check was written and mailed but we sent another. The same Lady called 3 months later to tell us our missing payment had arrived. She said it was dirty, torn and looked like it had a tire track on it.

Last year during Christmas all of the Christmas cards that we mailed went missing. It seems that postal employees were stealing any mail that looked like it may contain a check or cash. After an inquiry to the post master they were all delivered!

I just recently I bought an action from a member over on the Accurateshooter site. I mailed a money order that went missing. I checked on it weekly. The post office policy is that they will do nothing for 30 days. After 30 days has passed I had to pay them $7 to run a check on it. I also mailed the guy a check while I was waiting on the post office. The action took 7 days to get here by priority mail! He later called and let me know that my original money order had arrived! Exactly 6 weeks after it was mailed. Thankfully the guy was very understanding and said that he had a few that he was still waiting on.

The post office has managed to loose whatever respect that I had for them.

04-05-2021, 08:46 AM
My buddy works for the PO in NY. He told me with the “ New plan” amazon packages and parcels get delivered first and all FIRST CLASS mail can be delivered every other day if necessary !
So I guess the deal the PO struck with Amazon takes priority over our mail.
And now the flat rate 2 day priority box's are a given 3-4 days

Pay more......Get less !


Half Dog
04-05-2021, 10:05 AM
I have had good luck sending items through the USPS until recently. The box was demolished and I found out the insurance isn’t worth the price of it. I filed a claim in November 2020 and it’s still open.

04-05-2021, 10:38 AM
I've never had any issues with either USPS or UPS. I was very careful to NOT order anything on-line while the rush was on.

04-05-2021, 10:43 AM
Glad you got it! I'm surprised it didn't end up in that great big room where things go that are shipped by USPS . . . you know . . . things like your item that have tracking numbers but when they get lost, all the postmaster can say is "I dunno" when you ask where it is.

Last month, I ordered a conversion cylinder from Howell's - great folks to deal with. Maggie shipped it out the next day and when the package arrived . . . notice I said "package" . . . THAT WAS ALL THERE WAS . . . the package. It was clearly evident that somewhere along the line, a postal employee "helped themselves". The package wasn't damaged by mishandling during shipping . . . it had been opened. Certainly not Howell's fault and they took care of it - got another one in the mail to me right away . . . but now they have to deal with it on their end with the PO and in the end . . . whoever the thief is will get away with it I'm sure.

When I contacted the local Post Office here about why the obviously opened and empty package was delivered without a PO notification on it for it arriving in that state . . . all I got was . . . "gee, I don't know why it wasn't marked . . we usually catch those things . . . I'll have to talk to your carrier." Yea . . you do that.

I heard nothing more back and this is the same carrier who delivers mail to the wrong address, has supposedly delivered boxes to my house but I never received them or who has left prescription animal medicine we get by mail in a parcel box at our community mailbox where the lock is broken and anyone could help themselves to the contents of the box. Funny how I can see that the lock is obviously broken and the key doesn't work and have to call the PO to notify them it needs to be fixed, but the carrier can't report it so they can get it fixed.

Sorry . . but government job, government employees who don't want to work and give those that do in the PO a bad rap. But never fear . . Biden will fix it. He will fix everything . . . just ask him if you can find him and he is able to talk in a complete sentence without falling down.

Like I said, I'm glad you finally got your part . . . but to ship something in December and it take until March to receive it is ridiculous and pandemic or no pandemic, it just is another thing that shows the complete inefficiency of a government run agency where when there is a problem it is almost impossible to find an employee who will address the issue nor are there any repercussions for those who are responsible for such things.

04-05-2021, 10:47 AM
I know they are sure killing me on trying to get 25 pound boxes if lead delivered. Mail 40 boxes out between the middle of January thru the middle of Feb. Fifteen are still in transit. I have had some take 3 weeks to arrive.

04-05-2021, 12:12 PM
Just got a Christmas Card from a client in New Jersey - dated December 2nd 2020.
....and people wonder why this country is going to the dogs?

04-05-2021, 05:39 PM
I've been a supporter, both vocally and by using them for a lot of stuff, but I had two envelopes take a month and a box take almost that long. Even put a trace on one, and it showed up two weeks later. And I get intermittent delivery here. Usually 4 or maybe 5 days as I ship out almost every day and usually once a week it is sitting out there two days..... ARGH

04-06-2021, 12:22 PM
just got a message saying my package is on the way, problem is its dated 4 days ago and says package has not moved or if it did I got no way of knowing it---UNLESS
I want to purchase-- yeah PURCHASE USPS tracking plus. I be willing to bet even with purchased information about my 1 little package it probably would not be accurate information.
whoever is in charge of the post office has got to go. they need new leadership. the US postal service is just that it is supposed to be a service for the citizens of the United States

04-08-2021, 08:35 AM
One of the companies I work for has had consistent issues with the mail for so long that it is policy to not use the USPS - everything goes UPS or FedEx.

Just this year for me the USPS has delivered Christmas cards months late, lost two packages, and destroyed a lovely set of revolver grips from Altamont by crushing the box they were shipped in. I also had some lead sent to me for testing by a member here where the tracking showed delivery in Michigan, which is half the country away from where I live. Low and behold, the box was sitting at my mailbox when I got home. Guess they figured it was the same continent, that's good enough for tracking...

04-08-2021, 12:51 PM
USPS is still my goto, despite the many 'screw ups' over the decades. It is not a new thing but does reflect the 'quality' of the worker bees and how they are supervised. I have known and know many conscientious employees but recent developments and politics are more to blame for lack of timely service. Not everyone has access to the other delivery options. Having lived with deliveries only two days a week and no sign of UPS, FedEx, DHL or any other 'delivery' entity I still consider using USPS to be very patriotic and the American way. They may not always be the best, but they are the United States Postal Service.

Vegas Vince
04-09-2021, 09:45 AM
The governments involved what can go right!?

Elmer Fudd
04-09-2021, 10:41 AM
I ordered a rollsizer from AUS. it shipped on 12-18-20. Also had orders with Midway and Level 10 Innovations. Not a bash against those companies, mind you. They also shipped within a day of the rollsizer, but USPS. Rollsizer arrived 12-24, box undamaged, via DHL, which doesn't operate in our area. It hit Singapore on the 20th, Denver on the 22nd and after customs arrived to me on the 6th day of transit. The USPS packages arrived three weeks after shipment. The notifications I got noted heavy package volume at USPS. Around Christmas and the buy, buy, buy season. Would you feature that: higher package volumes around Christmas. It's almost like they were surprised. Oh, and both boxes had smashed corners. Vegas Vince has it figured out; see above.

04-09-2021, 11:09 AM
I almost always used USPS for shipping, but not anymore.