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01-02-2006, 06:02 PM
I got a call from my GF today , to come over , she had something for me.

Wash your minds out with soap :D :D

She had been shoping and sweet talked herself and me into 50+ lb of broken red candles for free.

She said , you can use these can't you ?

I said yes , and loaded them in my truck ..

Now what to do with them .
I will melt a few down to make new candles for her .
I have been using sawdust for flux .
I know I can use some in making lube as a hardener .
But in lube it will last me MANY years

Any other ideas ?

I don't want her to stop scrounging , she got me 200 lb of WW last week , for free .
So I have to use it .


David R
01-02-2006, 07:35 PM
I don't know what to do with the candles, but you have a good woman there.


01-02-2006, 07:58 PM
John, she's a real keeper, not only thoughtful but resourceful. You can easily make candles for her by using small milk cartons and mailing tubes as moulds. For a real creative look, use different color wax in layers. (Put wick in first.) Surplus bits of wax make an excellent flux. thank her profusely and send her out again, she's on a roll!

01-02-2006, 08:09 PM
If you arn't married you move in with her (or marry her). I am serious how many women show up with wheel weight for a man that cast bullets!!!! Stop and think about this. You are one lucky fella.
You could put in an order for some other goodies. It sounds almost scarry what she can scrounge up.
Good luck Ken

01-02-2006, 08:51 PM
johnch- PM sent.


01-02-2006, 10:43 PM
Maybe not relevant to you, but melt a bunch and mix with 90 weight oil in a 3 lb coffee can. Maybe 4" deep.

Dunk in your bicycle chain. Makes a great lubricant.

That's what I do anyway. YMMV

01-02-2006, 10:50 PM
I just got off the phone with the GF .
She let it slip , about the haul of candles .
Her Mom wants the candles
She makes or plans to make candles to sell at flea markets ( IMO her Mother may have fleas)
I was told to grab a few LB and drop the rest off ASAP .

I don't like the lady , never will , but she is almost family .

Yes she is a catch .
I have ask the GF to marry me 2 times .

I was told , she loves me , but she can't .

I will keep working on her .

Got to keep her around , she can talk a starving man out of food with a smile .


01-03-2006, 11:01 PM
I've got a keeper, too. 5 years ago I was walking with her into the hospital as she was going in for surgery. She stopped, bent down, picked up a wheelweight off the parking lot and handed it to me.

01-05-2006, 04:10 PM
Might try mixing it w/ regular bullel lube for pistol bullets, who knows might work.

01-05-2006, 08:32 PM
Yes she is a catch .
I have ask the GF to marry me 2 times .

I was told , she loves me , but she can't .

I will keep working on her .

Got to keep her around , she can talk a starving man out of food with a smile .


I chased my wife for 8 years, but I finally caught her. :grin: The old adage of good things comming to those who wait is a fact. I was gonna suggest you make her a big 45 pound centerpiece candle and keep the rest, but the heat and glare might spoil the romantic mood. :groner:

01-05-2006, 10:28 PM
Nice to have a gal that's supportive of your shooting hobby. My gal didn't know I was so into shooting until she got to liking me & then it changed her mind about people who go shooting.
Changing the world one girl at a time. Her Mom likes to shoot and did a lot of it when she was younger. Ya just never know!

Beau Cassidy
01-06-2006, 08:12 AM
With luck like that, tell her to go look for guns!