View Full Version : Holy Week Day 5

Pine Baron
04-01-2021, 05:40 AM
Jesus knew what His future would be. He knew that He was destined to experience an agonizing death on a Cross. Because of this, He shared the first communion with the disciples. Communion is a beautiful representation of His body and His Blood. Even in His perfect sacrifice, Jesus knew and still knows that we are going to mess up. It’s hard to imagine that in His final hours, those closest to Jesus, the ones who saw Him walk on water, give sight to the blind and raise the dead, would deny Him, abandon Him and hide in fear. Jesus is never surprised by our shortcomings. There's comfort in His sovereignty. Throughout Scripture, we read promises that speak to the hope of our future. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has plans to "prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future." We can rest assured in that truth today. He who began a good work in us is also going to complete it. This is His promise to us! No matter where we fall short. If you need encouragement, open your Bible. God's Word is filled with His perfect plan and promises for your life. - Hagee Ministries