View Full Version : Terrible news but a tiny amount of good

03-31-2021, 08:19 PM
Some here know I visit rest homes . Last year with some serious back problems , anemia and a shoulder replacement I cut it back to 2 rest homes .

One was a really big new facility , very nice place . The Covid hit and ALL rest homes there was no gaining entry unless you were critical for their operation . It left a hole in my life and I did a lot of praying over it . These days with all the client privacy concerns in the medical facilities I couldn't even check on the ones I had been visiting . Most all the patients I had been visiting were short term terminal cases . I felt like I had abandoned them .

Yesterday I was at Tractor Supply picking up some dog food and odds and ends . My riding mower had some issues and was trying to make the poor old thing pull out another season . I got a call while I was bagging up some bolts , nuts and washers . It was Tina !

Tina is the nurse supervisor at the big facility . Wonderful lady and cares about her patients . I was totally surprised to hear from her . She told me that her and her husband had contracted the virus and both had a hard time . She had to be hospitalized but was back at work soon as they let her . Her and her husband are good Christians , I have known them for a long time . We have prayed together many times .

I asked her how many patients were lost to Covid . She hesitated and said...Charlie ..we lost 82 patients . That hit me hard ! 82 lost to the virus in a year ! I knew there would be some but....82 ! She asked if I'd gotten the vaccine , I told her I got the first shot two weeks ago and was scheduled for the second in two more weeks . She told me she would get me in the facility .

There are only 2 people left that I had been seeing , both wheelchair bound . Beverly has cancer and has lived longer than they predicted . Ed is a black guy , diabetic , had his legs amputated and has to go to dialysis twice a week . They both had Covid and lived through it .

This virus has taken many . Please pray for ones with it and the families that have lost loved ones .

03-31-2021, 10:08 PM
What a sad and heartbreaking story. Those poor souls know you did not abandon them....so do not beat yourself up. Like so many they died alone because of the damn experts.

03-31-2021, 10:28 PM
You must be a good man Boaz. Those lost certainly knew you did not abandon them. It's criminal the way this virus played out and the blind, hate filled, Trump hater's campaign against all things Trump. Early on hydroxichloroquine + zinc was found to be a good treatment but because Trump was in favor of it, the left, et al, were against it. Just now, reports are gathering supporting it's use. Lancet (medical journal) published an apology for failure to acknowledge it's value and today another journal followed suit. How many were needlessly lost?

Pine Baron
03-31-2021, 10:31 PM
I mourn the loss with you my brother, and so many others also. May God bring His mercy on us all.
I finally got my first shot today, second one scheduled for May, 3.

03-31-2021, 10:57 PM
I’m on the other end of things. We have 3 girls aged from 10 years to 10 months. We are very active in our church and my entire job is centered around being social at work, especially with the young guys who have never been in a factory before. We have had a lot of secondhand loss, coworkers losing spouses, parents, being sick themselves, and it’s been terrible.

I got my first shot and had some serious side effects that make me very nervous about round 2. I know I need to do it to help protect my family but as an asthmatic person who knows that even more severe side effects are likely... it’s hard to pep myself up for it. I hope it doesn’t kill me because round 1 was worse than my appendicitis and appendectomy put together and it lasted longer. I am really looking forward to being able to socialize and carry on like we did pre-croney. One of these days.

And OP, good luck on the mower. My 27 year old IH Cub bit the dust on Sunday. I have a fancy new yellow machine in the garage now but I know it won’t make it anywhere near 27. My old mower was made when I was in 2nd grade. They don’t build em like that these days.

square butte
04-01-2021, 07:58 AM
Thanks for telling us that story Charlie - sad as it is. I have been wondering about all that. It amazes me that my brother survived it in his assisted living facility - with all the health issues he has. He has a great Doctor that went above and beyond with what he did for him. Many have no one on this earth to care
WestKentucky - Prayer sent up for you

04-01-2021, 08:06 AM
You must be a good man Boaz. Those lost certainly knew you did not abandon them. It's criminal the way this virus played out and the blind, hate filled, Trump hater's campaign against all things Trump. Early on hydroxichloroquine + zinc was found to be a good treatment but because Trump was in favor of it, the left, et al, were against it. Just now, reports are gathering supporting it's use. Lancet (medical journal) published an apology for failure to acknowledge it's value and today another journal followed suit. How many were needlessly lost?
Not quite sure what you’re reading, but based on this recent article published in the lancet there remains no evidence that hydroxichloroquine is effective. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanrhe/article/PIIS2665-9913(20)30390-8/fulltext

Didn’t see any study of it in conjunction with zinc, nor did I see an apology, but could have easily missed them. Got links?

Getting back to the topic, thanks for providing comfort to these folks Boaz.

04-01-2021, 08:49 AM
Keep striving forward brother, God bless you all!

04-01-2021, 09:22 AM
bless you charlie. and your friends that are with the father