View Full Version : patterns

03-26-2021, 03:44 PM
I loaded some .45 Colts for my '73 Uberti copy with 777 2f. I loaded by weight which worked out to 26 grains which with a thin card allowed for slight compression. The range session gave me huge groups/patterns. Groups shot with smokeless AA#5 and pyrojunk were never over 2" @50yds. I think I was good on the amount of 777. Am I missing something?

03-27-2021, 07:38 AM
Hello salvadore,

You didn't say which bullet your using.
The Triple Seven load date says,
200gr Bullet - 35gr-2F
250gr Bullet - 30gr 2F
I've never shot this in a cartridge, maybe you need a little compression on it.


04-05-2021, 10:30 AM
what bullet lube? 777 still needs BP style lube. Hard crayon lube will cause patterns.

04-07-2021, 11:12 AM
I use DAR formula lube, pretty soft stuff. Lyman's 454190, commercial thin card between bullet and powder. The powder is compressed moderately, no keyholing.... I don't know.