View Full Version : Constitutional Carry passes

tomme boy
03-22-2021, 06:44 PM
Just passed in Iowa! No more fees to have a permit to buy or carry.


03-22-2021, 07:06 PM
That's great!

Petrol & Powder
03-22-2021, 07:17 PM
Looks like it still needs to pass in the state senate and the governor - so don't start celebrating too soon.

tomme boy
03-22-2021, 07:29 PM
It is on the governors desk right now. It just passed the Senate an hour ago. I think I linked the wrong article.

I linked the right one now. The gov already said it will be signed previously

03-22-2021, 07:30 PM
Good stuff

03-22-2021, 09:23 PM
Good stuff

Everyone who worked on this deserves congratulations. It helps gun owners across the nation at this critical time! Don't forget to thank every elected official who supported it! Thank their staffers too; at least in my state at least 35 percent of elected officials were once staffers for elected officials.

03-22-2021, 10:08 PM
Good for you guys!

03-22-2021, 11:14 PM
Lucky you live in an American State.
We will never have that here.
Even if it becomes a USA law, gooberment here will not let it happen.

03-23-2021, 04:00 AM
Lucky you live in an American State.
We will never have that here.
Even if it becomes a USA law, gooberment here will not let it happen.

Someone that I graduated from high school with in Texas retired in HI. He loves it but probably voted for Biden.

03-23-2021, 09:29 AM
Good for Iowa! Another state liberated from behind enemy lines!

They'll have nay sayers even after it's signed into law. That's what's happened everywhere it's become law. But it has worked everywhere it's been tried.

I didn't read the linked to article and the 2nd one was never posted that I saw. In Maine what they did was to give folks with CC permits certain advantages and our permits can be recognized by other states. They also stipulated that folks carrying Constitutionally have certain responsibilities that CC permitees don't need to do. Of course anyone coming into Maine can also carry Constitutionally as far as I know.

FWIW, I've had a permit since '82 and I maintain it even though I no longer need to. My wife also has one and keeps it maintained.

03-23-2021, 09:56 AM
I am happy that it passed, but I WILL be maintaining my permit. Mostly because it makes purchasing a new, or used firearm, so much quicker and easier.

03-23-2021, 09:57 AM
We're waiting here in TN for it to get to the Guv's desk.

03-23-2021, 10:51 AM
Congrats. We are a Constitutional carry state also. Still got my concealed carry to carry in other states as some will not recognize Constitutional carry. Some communist states don't recognize anything.

03-23-2021, 11:26 AM

03-23-2021, 11:27 AM
Appears the Texas House is doing all it can to disarm the people.

Iowa Fox
03-23-2021, 01:49 PM
I am happy that it passed, but I WILL be maintaining my permit. Mostly because it makes purchasing a new, or used firearm, so much quicker and easier.

Same here. I've had one for 50 years so its no big deal to me.

03-23-2021, 01:53 PM

Now of Ohio would get on the ball and pass constitutional carry.

tomme boy
03-23-2021, 04:12 PM
I am still keeping my permit. I have had it since I think in 1998. I got it back in the old days of "May issue". Our sheriff got a bad name for not issuing permits. But that was not really the case. He wanted you to come talk to him. Then you got it.

But I travel all over the US fishing, I will keep getting mine.

Texas by God
03-23-2021, 04:33 PM
Appears the Texas House is doing all it can to disarm the people.There's a flag with a cannon on it......

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

03-23-2021, 04:34 PM
I need to ask this question, and it may deserve it's own thread, but in order to purchase liability insurance in a Constitutional carry state do the insurance companies still require a permit or some sort of certification? Anyone had to cross this bridge?

03-23-2021, 11:21 PM
Someone that I graduated from high school with in Texas retired in HI. He loves it but probably voted for Biden.

I'm guessing he's not a firearm owner.
He'll learn when a Tsunami hits.

tomme boy
03-23-2021, 11:21 PM
I have a umbrella policy to cover this. Did not have to show any proof of anything. State Farm insurance company. They told me as long as I was not doing anything illegal it would be covered by this. I have had this from the. First time I got my permit. I have upped the amount 2x as time has gone by because of the times and amounts paid out in litigation has gone up.

03-24-2021, 06:47 PM
I have a umbrella policy to cover this. Did not have to show any proof of anything. State Farm insurance company. They told me as long as I was not doing anything illegal it would be covered by this. I have had this from the. First time I got my permit. I have upped the amount 2x as time has gone by because of the times and amounts paid out in litigation has gone up.

Concealed carry policies offer that plus attorneys. Might want to look into them.

Petrol & Powder
03-24-2021, 07:11 PM
Unfortunately this bill landed on the Governor's desk just before the latest mass shooting.

While I suspect the Iowa governor is leaning towards signing this bill, I also suspect she is waiting as LONG as she can to put time between the crime in Colorado and her action on that bill. This is a political trap that can't be avoided and she appears to be playing the waiting game. (which is a smart tactic)

This story is only a few minutes old at the time of this posting but as of right now, she still hasn't signed the bill.

For all of the members of this forum that are Iowa voters - remember to support your pro-gun politicians when they do the right thing.

If the Iowa Governor signs that bill, SUPPORT her ! Write her an e-mail and thank her. Write her a letter. Write the legislators that voted for this bill. Pledge your support for their future campaigns. We need these victories and the people that give us these victories need our support.

03-24-2021, 08:16 PM
Send her emails now as if there were more armed Americans there would be more people able to offer resistance and fight back for their lives send her encouragement to sign it and stand firm on our rights and the ability to defend ourselves .

Big Tom
03-24-2021, 08:45 PM
We are moving in the right direction... "Stand your ground" passed and next thing will hopefully be getting rid of the nonsense requirement to inform and then constitutional carry...


Now of Ohio would get on the ball and pass constitutional carry.

03-25-2021, 09:09 AM
Unfortunately this bill landed on the Governor's desk just before the latest mass shooting.

While I suspect the Iowa governor is leaning towards signing this bill, I also suspect she is waiting as LONG as she can to put time between the crime in Colorado and her action on that bill. This is a political trap that can't be avoided and she appears to be playing the waiting game. (which is a smart tactic)

This story is only a few minutes old at the time of this posting but as of right now, she still hasn't signed the bill.

For all of the members of this forum that are Iowa voters - remember to support your pro-gun politicians when they do the right thing.

If the Iowa Governor signs that bill, SUPPORT her ! Write her an e-mail and thank her. Write her a letter. Write the legislators that voted for this bill. Pledge your support for their future campaigns. We need these victories and the people that give us these victories need our support.

Yes. I think she is just trying to keep it under the radar for now, but I also have been reading some of the comments on Facebook. A very large number of democrat anti-gunners absolutely do NOT understand this bill or what is in it. They are convinced that current laws are just being thrown out the window, allowing anybody to just walk into ANY store that sells guns, buy a gun, and walk back out. No permit needed. No background check needed.

03-25-2021, 11:57 AM
I have a umbrella policy to cover this. Did not have to show any proof of anything. State Farm insurance company. They told me as long as I was not doing anything illegal it would be covered by this. I have had this from the. First time I got my permit. I have upped the amount 2x as time has gone by because of the times and amounts paid out in litigation has gone up.

Check, double check, and check again. My experience with State Farm is they try their best to deny claims. I had three denied and know of others.
I have an umbrella policy also. It is my understanding that an umbrella policy will only come into effect if there is an underlying policy to cover the liability also.
I am a certified Sporting Clays instructor. My umbrella policy will not cover any liability unless I have a Liability policy specific to my instruction. I do have a liability policy specific to my instruction. I couldn't purchase that policy unless I hold an certification, thus my questions.

Petrol & Powder
03-25-2021, 02:20 PM
Yes. I think she is just trying to keep it under the radar for now, but I also have been reading some of the comments on Facebook. A very large number of democrat anti-gunners absolutely do NOT understand this bill or what is in it. They are convinced that current laws are just being thrown out the window, allowing anybody to just walk into ANY store that sells guns, buy a gun, and walk back out. No permit needed. No background check needed.

I classify liberals into two categories:
Idiots & evil

The vast majority of liberal voters are clueless and want to remain that way. They think adopting a liberal viewpoint makes you intelligent, enlightened, woke and cool. They regurgitate the politically correct mantra and are driven simply by what feels good; as opposed to what has proven to work.
However, there are some liberals that have a much deeper agenda. They are conniving, shrewd and use the gullible masses to further their agenda. They are truly EVIL. They are the Joseph Stalin's, Mao Zedong's, Upton Sinclair's, Jim Jones and Charles Manson's of the world.

So many democrats simply oppose that bill because, as idiot liberals, they think they are expected to oppose anything related to the private ownership of firearms. However, some liberals DO understand that bill and oppose it for a much deeper and darker reason.

tomme boy
03-25-2021, 05:10 PM
Petrol, you can say that about all political parties. In general 90% or more of the general population are idiots. And that is what the people in power are relying on.

Petrol & Powder
03-25-2021, 06:22 PM
I will not attempt to claim every Republican is brilliant but I will say that conservatives at least seem to employ a bit more logic in their policy decisions.

Liberals (and by extension, the liberal political leaders they elect) are driven by emotion. They function based on what feels good, not what works.

Holding criminals accountable feels harsh. It feels good for liberals to remove all accountability for crime.
Punishing productive people through taxes so that you can redistribute that wealth feels good.
Allowing open access to our country feels good to liberals.
Gun control feels good to liberals. It doesn't need to be logical to liberals, only emotional.
Free college for everyone feels good to liberals (and provides a platform for liberal indoctrination).

Liberals are driven by EMOTION.
They are not interested in what works. They are not interested in the harm caused by their emotional driven policies.

Conservatives have flaws too but at least there's some logic there, not pure emotion.

03-25-2021, 06:39 PM
The Ninth Circus COA just said no a couple days ago. There is no such right to carry in their jurisdiction which is exactly opposite of a ruling by the Ninth Circus a couple years ago.

Petrol & Powder
03-25-2021, 08:00 PM
The Ninth Circus COA just said no a couple days ago. There is no such right to carry in their jurisdiction which is exactly opposite of a ruling by the Ninth Circus a couple years ago.

The opinion can be found here:

A couple of points:
1. All judges bring their personal views to the bench. They like to claim they don't but the reality is they do. So if a lot of the justices in the court of appeals for the 9th circuit are liberal (probably a safe bet), they are going lean that way. They will find and cite precedents that support their views.
2. While the majority supported Hawaii's law in that case (Hawaii is not an open carry state) there was a lot of dissenting justices in that opinion. So it wasn't a landslide and that ruling may not survive outside of the 9th Circuit. (like say if it goes to the Supreme Court).
3. The ruling didn't change anything. Hawaii requires a permit for open carry with a few exceptions. The plaintiff, Young, challenged the state law and the federal court upheld the state law. So while it wasn't a win for gun owners, it wasn't a loss either.

Petrol & Powder
03-25-2021, 08:18 PM
Another point about the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is that it has the largest number of judges of any circuit. The 9th circuit does not have a traditional en banc system where all of the justices hear a case in an en banc hearing.

In other circuits, when there is an en banc hearing, [I]all of the justices hear the case. Because the 9th circuit is so large, they have adopted a weird system where en banc hearing is the chief justice and 10 randomly selected C.O.A. justices. So those 11 justices may NOT represent the total composition on the court.

tomme boy
03-26-2021, 12:21 AM
Hawaii decession was a ploy to fast forward it to the SC.

Petrol & Powder
03-26-2021, 07:55 AM
A ploy by whom?

The plaintiff, George Young, would have preferred a ruling in his favor and he had absolutely no control over which of the 11 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Justices would hear his appeal.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals doesn't want to be overturned.

That case may go to the U.S. Supreme Court but there's no guarantee the U.S. Supreme Court will accept it.
It's highly unlikely the U.S. Supreme Court will take that case. Unlike the Heller v. Washington D.C. case where Washington D.C. prohibited possession of a handgun, even in one's home; Hawaii law only prohibits open carry and concealed carry without a permit. The 9th Circuit simply simply sided with Hawaii in the Young case.
SCOTUS may prefer to allow the individual states to work this issue out on their own.

I'm sure Young and his supporters would like to see this case be accepted by SCOTUS, but I don't see this case going there by design.

03-26-2021, 09:35 AM
The Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) played a BIG part in getting this legislation pushed through. Latest turn of events, and I don't if it is related or not, is the Monroe county, Iowa has brought a lawsuit against the IFC and one of its members. I have no more details at this time.

Petrol & Powder
03-26-2021, 09:55 AM
So I don't know Iowa law, but it appears if the Governor takes no action on a bill delivered to the Governor during the legislative session, it becomes law after 3 days. Is this correct?

From Iowa's legislative site:
Bills passed by the Legislature must be reviewed by the Governor. The Governor takes final
action on all bills passed by the Iowa General Assembly. The Governor has three options: sign
the bill, veto the bill (or item veto an appropriations bill), or take no action.
.... If, during session, the Governor does not sign or veto a bill, it becomes law after three calendar days. Bills received by the Governor during the last three calendar days of session must be signed or vetoed within 30 calendar days.

So, can Governor Reynolds simply sit on this bill for three days and it becomes law?
Are we at the three day mark?

Petrol & Powder
03-26-2021, 09:57 AM
The Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) played a BIG part in getting this legislation pushed through. Latest turn of events, and I don't if it is related or not, is the Monroe county, Iowa has brought a lawsuit against the IFC and one of its members. I have no more details at this time.

They can sue all they want but it will not change the law. Total sideshow.

Petrol & Powder
04-03-2021, 12:21 AM
The Governor Signed the Bill.


If you live in Iowa, please thank her and the legislators that passed that bill.