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View Full Version : GSSF rules

03-18-2021, 11:45 AM
I have participated in GSSF matches for a long, LONG time. I know that it has always been a rule that if they have 10 shooters in a class, a firearm prize is awarded. I see that at the recent College Station Texas GSSF match, specifically in the Guardian class (interested in that one because that's the class I used to shoot) they had 10 shooters but they didn't give the winner a pistol prize. I am wondering if anyone heard of a rule change or might it be an oversight.
Also noticed that at the Charleston SC shoot on the same weekend in that Guardian class they had 11 shooters and no gun prize, but in the Heavy Metal (master class) they had 10 shooters and awarded a gun........Seems to me like the ones who Glock should be taking care of is the Guardian Class not the Pro shooters.
GSSF info can be viewed by all at gssfonline.com. Just kinda wondering what's going on.