View Full Version : CONICAL .31 Colt 1849 pocket mold/bullits

03-17-2021, 10:47 PM
Just eased up on a 3rd gen Colt 1849 Pocket model cap n ball ..don't have it yet so rounding up boolits and such

The rub is no one(that I can find) makes the conical .31 (about a .320 dia maybe?) which I "think" is going to be my projectile of choice since a round ball is about 47gr and the conical 70-ish

Pretty sure I will find round balls so the hunt NOW is on for either already cast boolits in the Colt dimensions for the 1849 Pocket

OR.............find and/or buy a mold ....

SO..does anyone know of anyone who casts this boolit or anyone who has a Colt "type" mold that casts one round and one conical that they would part with ..I care not about whether it says Colt on it ..just so it throws a Colt type boolit!

I just know one of you yahoos out there has the perfect solution in there hip pocket ..just bust'in to get out!

Thanks and every body be safe out there

03-17-2021, 11:26 PM
I cast .323 RB's for My REM 1863 clone. Same as I did for the 1849 Colt clone I used to have. PURE LEAD only.
Era's Gone By makes a .32 Cal mold for the Baby Dragoon.
Track of the Wolf sells .323 RB

I've only used RB cast by Myself. The .36Cal Bullets I bought for My Colt Navy clone did NOT fit the loading cut out in the frame. So I never went any farther with Bullets. I understand the 1860 type frame and REM frames don't have this problem.

03-17-2021, 11:34 PM
Many of the 1849s I have seen don't have a loading lever so no cut out on the frame on those.
But a 31 or 36 for me would be a round ball gun anyway the round ball normally shoots better and the 31s won't take much powder and a long bullet would make it worse.
But someone may make a bullet for it , I just don't remember seeing one.

03-18-2021, 01:54 PM
Thanks fellow for sharing your info ...

My Colt 1849 Pocket does have the ram lever built in and there is a frame cutout for projectile insertion ...

Interestingly the original Colt molds supplied in that time era was a two cavity lead/conical configuration

I see .31 molds ..either original or replicas referred to as " baby Dragoon" or "patterson" or "1849 pocket" or just plain Colt .31 ..I am clueless as to how one would know what the mold was actually intended for unless the mold was so marked or if each specific mold had a telling design that made it a Paterson/Dragoon/1849

Or even if the persons attaching the names even knew ..I am going to risk an assumption until I read/learn otherwise that all Colt .31 used the same diameter munitions and would expect the various molds to throw like diameter dimensions


03-18-2021, 03:18 PM
Here is a link to a 31 bullet mold , they are out of stock but mention that Uberti and Pietta use different size molds.http://www.erasgonebullets.com/store/product/-31-baby-dragoon#!

03-18-2021, 05:09 PM
^ ^ ^ ^ +1

Keep and eye on Eras Gone for when they get them back in stock - or . . an alternative . . . have Accurate cut you a mold - if you can find a sample of what you want.

I use the Eras Gone molds - have one for .26 Colt Bullet, .44 Johnson and Dow, .50 Smith nd just got one from him for the .44 Dragoon (those might be out of stock by now). All cast an original style boolit very well.

09-28-2022, 10:42 AM
00 buckshot work well for .31 Colts and replicas. 0 buck should work if you run across it. I have an 18 cavity Lee mould for 00 buck for this purpose. I use pure lead for revolver balls, but would prefer very hard alloy to use as buckshot in a shotgun. .311" round ball moulds are for .32 caliber patched ball rifles. Those balls will roll in and out of my "Baby Dragoon" chambers.

10-01-2022, 09:42 PM
I suggest you place a wanted ad on here for a dozen or so .31 conical Colt bullets made from an Eras Gone mold from one of the forum members before you buy a mold
I have a Colt 3rd gen 1849 and you cannot fit a conical in it while the cylinder is IN the weapon ..of course removed and loaded is another story..
I have a few I cast from a cheapo brass mold that cast a ball or a conical but they are not properly sized for the bore and cylinder ..so if you do not find some Eras Gone molds pm me your address and I will send you a few to play with ..
I have also seen the Eras Gone bullets advertised for sale in lots of 100 on ebay, gunbroker and the muzzleloading forum ..

Good luck

10-02-2022, 07:50 AM
I have a semi-modern brass mold that casts conical & ball at ~0.323" (have to measure). I don't want to sell the mold now, but could probably work a deal to sell you some. PM me, and we can trade info on the bullets and discuss. I used to sell BP bullets on GB during the OhBummer years to fund the CF shooting hobby.