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03-15-2021, 01:15 PM
Feeling well , so I will explain a bit some of the "FUN"

About 2 weeks ago I had surgery
The Doctor implanted a Spinal Stimulator to help control my HORABLE Headaches
As before Morphine was the only thing that would give me relief
All the pain pills I tried including Oxycodone only helped a little
Even at MAX dose nothing would do any more than only dulling the pain for a few hours
Also I didn't like the idea of needing to take Morphine or something like it several times a day

I was told the operation "Should" take a hour .... Maybe a little over a hour
WELL the Doctor underestimated some
As it took 2 hours

I was awake so they could ask me if I had pain in my arms and legs
Also he wanted to make sure I didn't loose feeling any place
Also he wanted to turn on the Stimulator and make sure the Leads were in the right spots

He got the leads in the right spots
No numb areas or pain in areas that was caused by the Stimulator leads being to close to the spinal cord

Getting the leads in the right spots took extra work and time
Getting the wires from the Leads to the battery pack took extra time and work
The problem he had with me was 2 things
He said I have extra "Thick" skin
Also I have Muscles ,well I guess I built them up from all the hard work I did over the years

So I got to lay there on the operating table as the Doctor worked everything into place
I was awake
The Doctor is 5' 5" or 5' 6" tall and maybe 160 lb
So to get the leverage to push stuff under my skin
He sort of braced himself on me
Pushing my face into the operating table
Making breathing a lot more difficult

I just got back from a check up
I am healing well , expect for 1 area where the skin separated ( Supper Glued together ) and will take a while longer to heal
He wants me not to pick up anything over 10 lb for at least another week
I guess my 14 lb cat will have to keep jumping up onto my lap LOL

After he got the battery pack under my skin and hooked up the the wires
The unit was turned on
In a few seconds my Head Pain went from a 9 ( I had not taken any pain meds in about 24 hours ) to a 4
Now my head pain has been reduced from the 7 - 9 levels to 2 -3 out of 10 most of the time
But I still have some periods where the pain is 4 - 5 , but I still have GOOD pain meds
So I can deal with that level of pain

The Migraine Pain hasn't been reduced much if at all IMO
But for my every day life the reduced pain is life changing


03-15-2021, 01:26 PM
Amazing what they can do these days. I hope you have continued relief. I have cervical issues. It can get bad with pain. I get nerve blocks done. They help a lot.

03-15-2021, 01:28 PM
hope you do well with it, my doctor wants to do that to me but having been cut, stuck, poked prodded and practiced on my entire adult life I won't have anymore invasive acts done on me unless I again lose control of my arms or legs.

Krag 1901
03-15-2021, 01:32 PM
Hoping it gets better.
I had surgery last May and June, the last one 12 hours, then radiation treatments. That was the worst! It's been three months since that ended and I still feel the effects. Docs say in another 3-6 months I'll be able to taste again.

BUT... I'm getting back on the casting pot and have a new mold, 40 lbs of COWW and gas checks coming, Whahoo!
LBJ couldn't kill me and I've out lived Tricky Dick, J Edger and lots of others who bedeviled me, so it's all good!

03-15-2021, 01:36 PM
I hope you continue to improve. Best wishes.

03-15-2021, 01:38 PM
That sounds like the best news I have seen you post about your health! "thick-skinned'', I won't touch that one. Maybe this will allow you to work again (if that is what you want), guessing any kind of disability payments don't approach a regular income level. Keep hanging in there. Guessing life w/ those kind of meds have all sorts of physical restrictions assocciates with them. Hope things keep progressing for you.

03-15-2021, 02:13 PM
That sounds like the best news I have seen you post about your health! "thick-skinned'', I won't touch that one. Maybe this will allow you to work again (if that is what you want), guessing any kind of disability payments don't approach a regular income level. Keep hanging in there. Guessing life w/ those kind of meds have all sorts of physical restrictions assocciates with them. Hope things keep progressing for you.

I have a NASTY problem with depression
As to save my life a little over 9 years ago
They removed parts of my Brain that were bleeding or crushed from a fall
So I have short term memory problems , so I write every thing down
I am 100 % disabled by both Ohio Workmans Comp and Social Security

As for the Thick Skin , I have been getting jokes from friends and former co workers
NOTHING they will allow posted on here will come even close to what they have been saying


03-15-2021, 02:22 PM
6 months ago I had major back surgery. It was a robotic procedure, laminectomy and spinal fusion. I'm like the bionic man, titanium rods in the back. Just getting to where I can put socks and shoes on w/o assistance. Still can't lift over 20 lbs, except when no one's around. Then, hernia repair in January. Oh well, getting old isn't for sissies I been told. Glad you have a little relief. Hopefully as time goes by, your situation will improve even more. Good luck!

03-15-2021, 04:16 PM
Glad you are getting some relief. Daily headaches suck. Daily really nasty headaches just wear the hell out of you and continually beats you down. I can beat back my daily with Excedrin migraines. I just couldn't imagine needing morphine to control them as I am on a daily 80mg pain pill. Don't think anything helps migraines. I am lucky in that I know most of my triggers and know what to do when the stabbing starts above my right eye. Hope this works for you long term.

03-15-2021, 06:45 PM

Great news!!!! I don't know if you remember, but we met for dinner several years ago at the fish place in Port Clinton. That was some time before your accident.

William Yanda
03-15-2021, 07:17 PM
Glad for you. Good on your Doc.

03-15-2021, 07:54 PM
John that is great news for you. I wish for your sake you would have no pain. Remember John men will call you names an pick on you all day long an not mean it ,women will say nice things all day long to other women an not mean any of it.

03-15-2021, 08:44 PM
man that is awesome that your pain level has been reduced

03-15-2021, 09:47 PM
Amazing stuff. You are now wired!

03-15-2021, 10:12 PM
Very good news Jonch, God bless you brother. I'll be praying that our Heavenly Father will be willing to reduce the remaining pain you are having. God love you brother.

03-15-2021, 11:25 PM
Have been watching and following your fight to get the pain reduced. You never stopped fighting it. God's blessings on you.
Ole Jack

03-15-2021, 11:31 PM
That is amazing that the procedure is helping. What about withdrawal from the meds? Is that an issue? I had a hard time getting rid of Percocet.

03-16-2021, 02:20 AM
Glad it’s working for you and sorry the surgery was so difficult. Hang in there.

03-16-2021, 02:59 AM
I have a friend my age that suffers from frequent migraines. I've thankfully not had to deal with chronic pain in my life so far, but it's something to take to heart and be careful with my body as time goes on. Things like Morphine and other powerful pain medications are hard stuff, and it's good to know that you will be less dependent on them to keep on truckin. Considering how many people struggle with addiction to pain medication, I suppose you can count yourself lucky as well.

Here's to a boost in your quality of life!

03-16-2021, 06:11 AM
Keep the faith, brother. I'm glad there's some improvement, sorry not as much as hoped for. Migraines are miserable, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

03-16-2021, 11:16 AM
Great news that it's working,at least for some of the pain. Your headed down the right path now it takes time speaking of time any ideal how long your batteries last?? Our jokes are just pulling your chain so please don't take it to heart.:kidding::kidding::coffeecom