View Full Version : Wind Gap Pa gun show today

03-13-2021, 07:18 PM
went to the show this morning with a friend, did not expect to buy anything, just see what is available. as expected, prices in the scalping range, but lots of ammo if you want to pay $65.00 a box for 9mm, primers, not many, $175.00 a brick. and so on. now a lot of these are the same people a year ago sold at normal prices. I won't say where I think they can all go, but its pretty warm there, and it ain't south America. I will remember them.

03-13-2021, 07:26 PM
Easier said then done, but if we all just let it sit the prices will come down to the new normal.

03-13-2021, 09:34 PM
There is a gun show in Kalispell in a couple of weeks and I expect to see stupid prices on components and ammo so I won't be buying those. I usually go for the small stuff like mags, scopes, mounts, bases and other odds and ends.

03-14-2021, 11:04 AM
Our local show had just one vendor with any primers. Priced at $9.99 per flat of 100 with a limit of 2 per customer. I bought 2 of the CCI small pistol, and 2 Winchester large pistol. I would not have paid that price if I was not desperate. The vendor told me that he had 500,000 primers on order, and they were slowly beginning to trickle in.

03-14-2021, 11:17 AM
So . . with all of the scalping prices . . . there should be a much larger profit margin. Wonder if the sponsors of the show are going to raise their table fees? Just sayin . . . . What's good for the goose is good for the gander . . . .

Makes you wonder just how many are paying these prices - I'm sure a few. I used to love to go to gun shows and wander around . . look . . .talk with other like minded folks. Once in a while find something I was looking for - a good way to spend a Saturday or Sunday. i kind of view it that it may end up in kind of a vicious circle. With the COVID shutdowns of gunshows and now some coming back - folks are eager to get out and enjoy a gun show - but if the prices of things are so high - seems like one or two shows will discourage many from going if they can't afford anything and eventually there won't be enough attending to make having one worthwhile - hope I'm wrong on that but?

The average Joe or Jane can't afford prices like this and I'm sure that the Left antis are eating this up. Sad part is - it affects everyone - gun manufacturers - why buy if you can't find or afford anything to shoot in it? I guess it's human nature to get greedy and yea . . supply and demand . . . but all of this greed just plays into the hands of the Left antis and their determination to dis-arm us all as well as take away Constitutional freedoms. At a time when all of us who support the 2nd should be helping each other out, just plain greed seems to prevailing on the part of so many.

03-14-2021, 02:21 PM
I needed some SPP and went out to the shed to get some out of my stash before the weather came in. Grabbed the last two bricks out of a box and thought, "uh oh, maybe I don't have as many as I thought." Went digging through the other two boxes out there and I think I will definitely not be competing for primers any time soon.

03-14-2021, 03:30 PM
So . . with all of the scalping prices . . . there should be a much larger profit margin. Wonder if the sponsors of the show are going to raise their table fees? Just sayin . . . . What's good for the goose is good for the gander . . . .

Makes you wonder just how many are paying these prices - I'm sure a few. I used to love to go to gun shows and wander around . . look . . .talk with other like minded folks. Once in a while find something I was looking for - a good way to spend a Saturday or Sunday. i kind of view it that it may end up in kind of a vicious circle. With the COVID shutdowns of gunshows and now some coming back - folks are eager to get out and enjoy a gun show - but if the prices of things are so high - seems like one or two shows will discourage many from going if they can't afford anything and eventually there won't be enough attending to make having one worthwhile - hope I'm wrong on that but?

The average Joe or Jane can't afford prices like this and I'm sure that the Left antis are eating this up. Sad part is - it affects everyone - gun manufacturers - why buy if you can't find or afford anything to shoot in it? I guess it's human nature to get greedy and yea . . supply and demand . . . but all of this greed just plays into the hands of the Left antis and their determination to dis-arm us all as well as take away Constitutional freedoms. At a time when all of us who support the 2nd should be helping each other out, just plain greed seems to prevailing on the part of so many.

I have started going to our show on Friday evenings, basically to avoid the large crowds and be able to visit with the vendors. That was not to be this year. We went as usual, but even at 4:30 pm, the place was nearly packed all ready, and every vendor with guns for sale was busy filling out paperwork, with about 3 more customers waiting in line. Even those vendors with over-priced ammo were quite busy. No body was buying very much, but they were still buying.

03-14-2021, 06:46 PM
I have buddy's who will pay my table fee so they can "help" me set up and be the early bird's for the deals long before the sale is open to the public. I am surprised as to how much gets traded before the show's start.