View Full Version : The 2nd Moderna Shot Holy Moly Did It Kick My Butt!

03-11-2021, 03:22 PM
The first one wasn't bad, sore arm for a few days, the second one I was fine the rest of that day and most of the next but then that night, 36hrs after the 2nd shot it got me bad! Shakes, chills, teeth clenched, couldn't get enough blankets, it's 75 degrees in here and I was wrapped up in an insulated flannel jacket, I tried to pee I was shivering and shaking so bad I'm sure I peed all over the floor and the seat.

Now today I am over the chills and shakes but I feel like the proverbial shot at and missed, **** at and hit. Don't much want to move.

03-11-2021, 03:26 PM
I had 1st Pfizer shot this past Monday......only a sore arm overnight. The darned needle is over 2" long!

I get my 2nd one in 3 weeks. Hope I do not have those reactions!

Wife had the "scoots" overnight but no other bad reactions.

Hope you get to feeling better.

Takes 2 weeks after the SECOND shot for immunity to be in full gear for you personally, but you can still spread it, so the say. Looks like masks for another year?!?!?!?!?!?

03-11-2021, 03:32 PM
Sorry to hear it's beating you down. I just saw this video the other day and hearing stories like yours only reinforces my stand of not getting the shot. I've been testing my immune system since birth. Drinking from hoses, playing in the creek, eating food right from the ground, drinking milk right from the cow. With a 99% survival rate I'll take my chances.

Weird it won't post the video. Here is the link.

So basically the video is now unplayable, but the gist of the story is a nursing home is now having a covid outbreak amongst the vaccinated residents and workers.

Here is a link to the news stations article.


03-11-2021, 03:38 PM
I've been testing my immune system since birth. Drinking from hoses, playing in the creek, eating food right from the ground, drinking milk right from the cow.

Yeah did all that, ate raw oysters, I'm old now and had cancer 3x and I got Cardiac issues so my immune system might not be keeping me as immune as it used to. I'll take the shots what are they going to do kill me? LOL they might have to wait in line behind all the other things that want to do me in..

03-11-2021, 03:39 PM
I had the Pfizer. The nurse told me the second one was causing some people more problems than the first, but both of mine affected me pretty much the same. A bit of soreness at the injection site and felt tired for about a day or so otherwise no problems. Most of the members of my extended family sixty or over have had one or both of theirs with no known problems. This includes two who do not get flu vaxxes for having had bad reactions in the past.

Now that my shooting partner has had both of his we can go down to the show in Orlando in about ten days.

03-11-2021, 03:47 PM
Yeah did all that, ate raw oysters, I'm old now and had cancer 3x and I got Cardiac issues so my immune system might not be keeping me as immune as it used to. I'll take the shots what are they going to do kill me? LOL they might have to wait in line behind all the other things that want to do me in..

Sounds like your immune system is working how it should. You may need to give it a well deserved vacation for all that overtime it seems like it has put in. Like I previously said sorry it's beating you down.

03-11-2021, 03:49 PM
Pfizer shot #2 gave me a fever for a couple days but I think a reaction means it is working.

03-11-2021, 04:14 PM
My wife got her second Moderna shot on a Friday, and spent the rest of the weekend in bed. It really wiped her out for a couple of days. I get my second Moderna shot on Friday 3/19, first shot was just a sore arm.

03-11-2021, 04:48 PM
I had my second Moderna shot a week ago today. Had a sore arm for three days but no other reaction. I'm 82 years old.

03-11-2021, 05:38 PM
I got a reaction to the second shot like I had a case of the flu. It was kind of bad for a day and a half, but on the second day it cleared up by the end of the day. As much as I didn’t like the reaction to the shot, it beats the heck out of getting Covid. The reason it “kicks in” on the second shot is that your immune system recognizes it and attacks it.....it’s supposed to do that. I know people who got Covid and believe me, the worst reaction to the shot simply pales to getting Covid. I know one person who got Covid and died in one day....gasping for air like a fish out of water. Get the shot, it’s REAL.

03-11-2021, 05:40 PM
I got the J&J shot Friday. Sore arm for a few days. Wife got hers today. Same thing, arm is a bit sore. You are right, the needle is long. Asked if they were giving the shot or going for bone marrow!!! They ignored me.

03-11-2021, 05:53 PM
sound like I better get stocked up on TP and blankets before I go wait in line to roll up the sleeve.

03-11-2021, 06:17 PM
I got the 2nd Moderna 16 days ago......,,,,,no problem with either one!

03-11-2021, 06:48 PM
Hmmmm...did not want to hear that Doug. First Moderna shot my arm wasn't even sore. Got the second yesterday afternoon, (Wednesday), about 4:30 PM. Not had the first side effect....yet. Got a headache today but given the weather we're having I'd bet it all that's sinus.

Wife's arm was sore first shot. Her second was last Saturday. Sunday she was tired, Monday she was fine then Tuesday she "don't feel good and am really tired." She also had a dose of the flyin' axe handles......scoots as bangerjim said.

Neither of us wanted to get the vaccine but the wife's immune system is so compromised all her doctors insisted she get it. So I wanted to get it for her. All we know and are told about all of it I don't think half of it is believable. Yes it's real, assuredly so but, my goodness....the left has so politicized and used it for their advantage you don't know who's telling the truth and who's lying. There's a lot of sincere liars out there.

Winger Ed.
03-11-2021, 06:58 PM
We had our first moderna last week. No effects at all.

But I'm ready if I have some sort of reaction.
I hate going to the hospital because they have all those sick people in there.

I may have to try some more traditional type medicine. Like singing some chants and sacrificing a goat.

Rick Hodges
03-11-2021, 07:23 PM
I had the Phizer vaccine. The first shot resulted in a sore arm, the second shot 3 weeks later and about 4 or 5 hours after the injection started getting the chills. I went to bed and slept all night, woke sore all over. I took two Tylenol and was fine in about an hour.

03-11-2021, 07:36 PM
I had Johnson. Zero side effects. Injection site had almost no soreness, less than any flu shot I've previously had. I'm glad to be done with it. Hopefully, having the shot will open the door for work related travel.

03-11-2021, 07:43 PM
I got a reaction to the second shot like I had a case of the flu. It was kind of bad for a day and a half, but on the second day it cleared up by the end of the day. As much as I didn’t like the reaction to the shot, it beats the heck out of getting Covid. The reason it “kicks in” on the second shot is that your immune system recognizes it and attacks it.....it’s supposed to do that. I know people who got Covid and believe me, the worst reaction to the shot simply pales to getting Covid. I know one person who got Covid and died in one day....gasping for air like a fish out of water. Get the shot, it’s REAL.

I know many people that had a confirmed case of the china virus, and I know many people that had the shot(s). In every instance, the reaction to the shot(s) was worse than the virus.

Then again, I don't know anyone that died from it. Yet.

03-11-2021, 08:04 PM
Mr. & Mrs. GONRA are gettin' our SECOND Moderna shot tomorrow.
Will let ya'll know how it all verks out,
IF I can figger out how to return to this website.....
Stay Tuned......

Wayne Smith
03-11-2021, 08:50 PM
Got my second Moderna shot Tues. Sore arm but not much else until Wed AM. Then sore, existing back issues inflamed, can't raise my right arm over my head without pain, and so exhausted at the end of the day I went to bed at 8:30PM, slept like a log until had to use the bathroom at 2:15AM, then slept until 6AM. I took Naproxen Sodium Wed. AM and that kept me going through the day. I felt it when it wore off and took another, which allowed me to sleep. Woke up this morning with a minor sore arm and am back to 98% normal now.

03-11-2021, 08:52 PM
My Mother and I both had the Pfizer shots. Mom is 95 and not in really good health, didn't bother at all except a sore arm both times. The day after the second shot I ran a very mild fever but a couple ibuprofin and a four hour nap and I was fine.

Hope you all do well with this,

03-11-2021, 09:15 PM
I know many people that had a confirmed case of the china virus, and I know many people that had the shot(s). In every instance, the reaction to the shot(s) was worse than the virus.

Sounds like you don't know many people....I would have guessed that just about everyone knew at least one person who has died from it....heck my shooting buddy ended-up in the hosiptal and the CEO of a C-U I work with was weeks in the hospital and then time in rehab...2 gals that work in my small company were hospitalized, the neighbors down the alley had it and he died. I can think of a half dozen of elderly folks in town that it finished off...hope the older fellas don't take offence. I did talked to one fella who did feel a little tough for a day, after his shot. I will avoid getting it if possible and gladly get the shot. Just a few months ago our PIT scholars were all banginng their chests about never would they willingly get it....and now...

03-11-2021, 10:43 PM
I’ve had the Moderna twice about 1month ago with no issues. Wife had them before me, slight fever after the second one. My parents, 89 and 83 both got their second shot last week, NO ISSUES.

03-11-2021, 10:51 PM
In 2 weeks i get the 2nd Pfizer. 1st one no sides but my sugar was high for 4 days.

Krag 1901
03-11-2021, 10:58 PM
I got my second Moderna shot today and no problems, yet. I'm just getting over radiation therapy so I'm generally tired and cranky anyway.
But I found out today that I got a Lyman 314299 mold and a set of handles coming so so I'm pumped!
I found about 14 lbs of fishing weights, probably wheel weight lead so happy.

03-12-2021, 12:23 AM
If you folks were posting discussion of negative results on a social site you'd be censored. This sort of talk will not be tolerated over there.

Covid has a 99.7% survival rate. I had it a year ago Feb', it wasn't pleasant but I survived and I have age and heart disease working against me. I'm not planning on taking a shot that rewrites my DNA. With all the lies that Fauci has told us over the past year my trust for anything he says is less than zero. I don't think man is smart enough to play with DNA successfully. I'll place my faith in the ALMIGHTY.

OK, there are other reasons. We pulled out of the Paris Climate agreement. Then covid comes along where we stayed home and kept our emissions down, just like the Paris accord wanted. What we need now is a lockdown every 2 years. I think it was a setup with some people picking the winners and losers and they picked us, the small guys, to lose. Big business was allowed to stay open.

03-12-2021, 01:08 AM
Wife and I both had the Moderna shot about 2 weeks ago. She didn't feel a thing and I was flat on my back the next day. Chills, slight aches. Didn't bother to take my temp. Wouldn't have changed a thing. Felt fine the next day. I'm still wearing a mask when I go to the grocery or other stores. Also wear one in church. One of less than half dozen. It isn't that I don't trust God but I don't think he protects us when we don't put forth the effort.

03-12-2021, 02:25 AM
Had the Pfizer shot and felt like crap and got the runs. 2nd one an no problem. Guess it affects different folks in different ways. Frank

03-12-2021, 08:04 AM
Well...I'm past the 36 hour mark from my second Moderna and no effects such as Doug described. Guess I'm not going to have any....praise God....from Whom ALL blessings flow!!

Now to sit back and watch it rain the next 3 days.......yuk.

03-12-2021, 09:42 AM
had the oxford vaccine no after effects ,hope alls well where you are guys

03-12-2021, 10:38 AM
i got number 2 madrona yesterday... yikes... very sore and achey. i hope there is no fever, I have to travel all day on planes tomorrow

03-12-2021, 11:38 AM
I had the Pfizer. The nurse told me the second one was causing some people more problems than the first, but both of mine affected me pretty much the same. A bit of soreness at the injection site and felt tired for about a day or so otherwise no problems. Most of the members of my extended family sixty or over have had one or both of theirs with no known problems. This includes two who do not get flu vaxxes for having had bad reactions in the past.

Now that my shooting partner has had both of his we can go down to the show in Orlando in about ten days.

I got the 1st Pfizer middle of last week, got SWMBO in for hers middle of this week. She spikes random fevers off and on all the time anyway, was just a little punky until this morning. Up and at 'em and all ambitious and stuff. I was working on my shop the day I got mine, arm was a bit sore, and still noticeable the next day, but not bad. My second shot is scheduled for the 24th, hers for the 30th, we'll see how it goes. She has several auto-immune disorders, and I've been challenging my immune system for 6+ decades. Including the experimental Anthrax shot during Desert Shield. I figure I'll live as long as I live, and not a second longer. Ain't worrying about it. I shouldn't have made it through infancy. Or childhood, or my teen years. Stupid but invulnerable, that's me! ;)

03-12-2021, 11:45 AM
Wife and I both had the Moderna shot about 2 weeks ago. She didn't feel a thing and I was flat on my back the next day. Chills, slight aches. Didn't bother to take my temp. Wouldn't have changed a thing. Felt fine the next day. I'm still wearing a mask when I go to the grocery or other stores. Also wear one in church. One of less than half dozen. It isn't that I don't trust God but I don't think he protects us when we don't put forth the effort.

I always figured that He protects those who help themselves.

Story I heard has a flood starting up. Joe moves his good stuff to the second floor. Guy in a jon boat floats up to his porch, and offers to take him to a shelter. Joe says "God will protect me." Water keeps rising. Joe moves upstairs. Guy in a bigger rescue boat shows up, and offers him a ride. Joe says "God will protect me!" Water keeps rising. Joe climbs up on the roof, and a helicopter shows up. He says "God will protect me!" Helicopter flies off. Water keeps rising, and gets rougher. Then the house collapses, and Joe drowns. He gets to the Pearly gates, and is allowed in. Goes to God and complains! "I thought you were going to protect me!" God says "Joe, I sent you two boats and a helicopter! What do you want!"

03-12-2021, 02:37 PM
I'm truly wondering if some of you guys that have had bad reactions, actually had been exposed to the virus in the past. especially the ones with a first shot reaction. I've got a friend who had mild case in November and had first Moderna shot a week ago and got really I'll for a few days.
Btw, I know no one personally who has died, but several elderly family members of my daughter's friends did. Also. there have been numerous folks die from the vaccine. Over 1200 supposedly reported through the vaccine hotline. so please watch any symptoms that are extreme.

Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk

03-12-2021, 03:10 PM
Boy, am I in trouble, I think.
Wife has been wanting to see the granddaughter, but daughter is hesitant to see us without a shot. I have a few health issues and am over 65 so I ended up getting the shot. Injection site tenderness.
Kind of hinted to the wife that she could see granddaughter a lot sooner if she got the shot, so she finally relented. Injection site tenderness yesterday, but today she is curled up in bed, miserable.
I just know its going to be my fault and will pay dearly for this!!!

03-12-2021, 03:43 PM
There's a point to that Handloader Lemme get this right.....the husband of my wife's cousin...yes, that's right. He had the first shot and had a really bad reaction. They determined that he previously had covid...and never knew it. I guess they could tell by the antibodies? Anyway, they wouldn't give him the second shot.

square butte
03-12-2021, 04:49 PM
I can't see a good reason to be vaccinated if I've already had the virus and have developed antibodies. No way would I get the shot without having an antibody test first. Of course there is no way I'm getting the shot any way . . .

03-12-2021, 05:08 PM
Wife and I both had the second Moderna shot about 4 weeks ago,
Went to a clinic out behind the Tattoo parlor.
Second shot had more effect than the first, wife more so.
It did not keep me from shooting but I was tired

03-12-2021, 05:10 PM
Just got back from the VA and got the J&J shot. OK so far. My wife got the Moderna shot a few days ago, OK so far for her too.
I was real reluctant to get the shot, but I know several people who came down with the virus. Not pleasant at all. And two friends have died. So figured at 79, I didn't have much to loose.

03-12-2021, 05:23 PM
Both my parents are due their second Maderna shot in three weeks, hope it doesn't make them too sick.

03-12-2021, 05:54 PM
My sister and her husband both had the fever and shakes with the second shot. I havent had any yet and I dont know if I will ................................Curdog

03-12-2021, 06:19 PM
I personally only know of 2 people that have gotten the shot. No reactions. I know quite a few that had COVID and only 1 was pretty bad most just had the sniffles.

I don’t trust something that was cooked up in 6 months with zero long term testing so my family will not be getting any of the shots. My distrust of the government doesn’t help either. I with Louisiana would open up like Texas and Mississippi..... I’m sick of arguing that the mask is illegal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-12-2021, 06:33 PM
My uncle died a couple of days after the second shot

William Yanda
03-13-2021, 07:48 AM
I had my 2nd Moderna shot yesterday, sore arm this am. The Nurse who administered the shot said younger people-20's and 30's-seemed to have a stronger reaction. She speculated that older individuals had experienced more exposure to Corona Viruses, thus the vaccine was not as much of a shock to their system.
Hope you recover soon.

03-13-2021, 02:13 PM
I got the J&J shot last Friday, made me a nap-junkie for a week, just never felt like I could really wake up. This morning was the first morning that I've felt like me. If this is what the vaccine does for you, glad I dodged the bullet of 'Rona.