View Full Version : Chaplain Emil Kapaun remains identified

03-11-2021, 08:04 AM
I read this about a week ago. His actions and deeds are well known and documented. He was local here, grew up maybe 45 minutes southwest of me. One chapel on Fort Riley is named for him. Story here; https://www.dvidshub.net/news/391072/remains-army-chaplain-emil-kapaun-kansan-identified#:~:text=Emil%20Kapaun's%20remains%20hav e%20been,his%20family%20and%20his%20community.%E2% 80%9D

It inspired me to get a reading and discussion assignment for my students together this week. Obviously, in a public school you have to be careful, but because I teach JROTC, I could do it in such a way to focus the discussion on the seven Army values; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage, but there is no way anybody could have missed the point that his faith is what drove him to do what he did and I hope that point got across to at least some of them.

He was an amazing man. A lot of us talk a good game and fall way short (I know I sure fall short), but he was the genuine article. I've been reading articles and watching some videos on youtube, one put together by the Catholic church which interviewed several men who had been POWs with him and remembered him vividly. I have some time this weekend I think I'm going to drive down to Pilsen and see the monument they have to him, something I've been meaning to do for a while and just never seem to get around to.

Pine Baron
03-11-2021, 09:45 AM
Thanks richhodg66 for bringing this. Fr. Kapuan truly "walked the walk" as a true man of God. May he rest in the glory of God and his family find closure. Go in peace.

03-11-2021, 12:38 PM
I'm glad they could identify his remains . He deserves a place of honor . Thank you for the post .