View Full Version : Anyone from Russellville AR?

03-08-2021, 01:28 AM
I am going to be visiting Russellville AR. for about 10 days in the end of March.

I thought that it might be fun to meet a fellow board member if you are game.

For security sake, it would probably not be best to post in the thread, but you can PM.

My interests mostly range to the older or obsolete arms, but I am interested in a lot of things beyond firearms.

Besides that, I am genuinely interested in people in general.

03-08-2021, 11:18 AM
Can't help you as I'm not from Russellville or even from Arkansas .

Just wanted to mention a little "hobby" I have though . . . . whenever I read about a place on here that a member is going to or is from . . . I enjoy doing a search for the city.town state and then type in Wikipedia. Usually there is some great information about it as far as the demographics, history, industry, etc. I just did that for Russellville, AK and it looks like an interesting place to visit. Then I always do a search for "Photos or Images of . . . ". There were some nice photos of Russellville . . . again . . looks like a nice place.

Anyway . . . hope you make a "connection" with a member there . . . always nice to meet new folks with commonn interests, etc. Have a safe trip and enjoy the area!