View Full Version : Dr refuses to check my lead levels.

03-07-2021, 12:41 PM
My GP said she wont check my lead. Because it has been normal since i got it back down. I still want to keep checks on it. So is there a way to get them checked besides from the doc? The girls who draw blood. Said the lead testing vials are expensive too.

Geezer in NH
03-07-2021, 02:52 PM
Tell the DR you are searching for a new DR as she will not check your lead level again as you feel your care is becomming sub par. Ste you will notify the medical board also and the hospital she is connected with.

03-07-2021, 02:57 PM
You can change docs, but they really don’t have to do a test just because you ask. I asked my guy and he ran the heavy metals screening, came back at zero, doubt he’ll do it again unless I give him a story about a new industrial job.

Winger Ed.
03-07-2021, 03:00 PM
Ask if she knows another Doctor who will.

03-07-2021, 03:19 PM
I believe places like LabCorp will do it for about $50. Your insurance won't pay for it without Dr ordering it which is why the Dr won't. Some states require reporting high levels to the state government. There is a website requestatest.com that you can check out for more information.

03-07-2021, 04:26 PM
Thanks everyone. And thanks for the link. I'll ask my urologist too. I see him in a few weeks. Prostate cancer check up. No worries on the cancer for now. Im low level. PSA'S have been going down too. Last one was in the 3's.

03-07-2021, 04:35 PM
I live in California and my Dr. is hesitant to do the test. He says it requires notifying the state. He says that the state then investigates your place of employment for unsafe working conditions.

This state hates lead, which explains all of the lead notifications we have on everything. And the ban on lead hunting ammo.

That ban will soon be expanded under Biden so be ready friends. All you guys who hated Trump and loved Biden are about to get Biden good and hard.

Steve in N CA

03-07-2021, 05:46 PM
They report it here too. Mine was 17.9 when i 1st had it tested. Last test it was. 7.2

03-07-2021, 05:53 PM
I have mine tested every couple of years. My last Doc would only check it every 2 years as it wouldn't get past the insurance any sooner. My new Doc hasn't said the same thing yet. Every time I get it checked I get a notice from the state informing me my level is higher than the average, but that is as far as it has gone. If they ever ask for for info all I gotta do is tell the truth and say I am a shooter and a reloader.

03-07-2021, 05:58 PM
A doctor is a skilled contractor, no different than the man pouring your concrete steps. If you are unhappy with this one, get another.

03-07-2021, 06:08 PM
sounds like it might be time to find a new doctor. I've been through many doctors in my life and I refuse to return to one that will not listen to me or do what might be best for me.
I know there are a whole bunch of organizations that are getting into at home DIY testing you take your own sample and send it in for diagnosis, not sure if there is one for lead yet but might be worth looking into.

03-07-2021, 09:07 PM
Blood test for lead isn't terribly useful anyhow. Get a hair test, you will learn considerably more and though I got it through my doc you can buy them on Amazon. Send it in and they mail you a detailed report in a couple weeks. You may be surprised at what you learn.

03-07-2021, 09:15 PM
I'm in Michigan. My physician said there was a test category for incidental lead exposure for hobbyists who get exposed to pottery glazes, shooters, stained glass hobbyists, etc. Mine came back below one.

03-07-2021, 10:41 PM
Below one awesome. I will find a way for sure. Im going to look another Doc too. I asked her if she can order x-rays to see how my hip replacement was doing. My hip doc moved to Utah. But she said why expose myself to x-rays if i don't need them. I now have a new ortho doc. The one who did my quad repair. He said he will check and see how my hip is doing. He asked if i can wait until covid slows down. But if I start having pain. Call and make an appt. The ortho is also a gun enthusiast and a reloader too.

Winger Ed.
03-07-2021, 11:00 PM
. Im going to look another Doc too. .

I've had to fire a couple of Doctors and Dentists over the years.

As mentioned- they're contractors.
They are what I call 'mechanics for people', and like your car mechanic--- they perform a service for pay.
If you have issues with one, ya find another.

A life long friend told a story about his Dad. He'd had a neighbor and personal friend who was also his Doctor.
One evening, after a cook out, as they were sitting around enjoying a real expensive cigar-
The Doc told him that he was sorry that as they'd gotten older, he had to take him off booze, cigarettes, and salt.

Then said, "What are you going to do if I take you off of those fancy cigars"?
His reply was, "Find another Doctor".

03-07-2021, 11:00 PM
Doctors are human.

And make mistakes. They also seem to gave zero time to hear "our bullcarp sob stories on how much it hurts"

If i could invent any device it would be one that made the doc feel exactly how much pain im in.

Doctors forget what its like to be a patient. They just want you gone si they can get to thier next appoitment etc.. on a endless loop.

I have had to fire doctors and dentists as they would not listen to me ir not bother to even read a report.

If you do fire your doctor let them know ecactly why.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

03-07-2021, 11:16 PM
Yeah the days of taking time with the patient. Is a thing of the past. I will get somewhere in my quest. Im not one to give up easy.

03-08-2021, 12:26 AM
I'm lucky. Well, sort of. I was diagnosed with T1D about 10 years ago at age 43 and found a wonderful endocrinologist who has helped me make sense of this horrible disease.

I have asked him several times over the last 10 years to run lead levels when they draw for the various tests to keep track of how I'm doing. Every time he says "It's your money, spend it how you want". The test cost is $ 11 IIRC.

I have no idea if it gets reported to the State of California or not and frankly don't care.

03-08-2021, 09:19 PM
I talked to my neighbor about it. She's an RN. She said there is no reason for my doc to refuse the test. She did say to ask my uro too. Lead can affect cancer. Also she said i can go to one of the Geisinger walk in clinics and request it. So now i have an extra option.

03-09-2021, 10:35 AM
My current Doc had no problem with a lead test other than an inquisitive "why" . 2.1 by the way .

I told him I was willing to work with him on diet , meds , whatever but there was no compromise on red meat . As a former Montana cattleman he was quick to add "you and me both" .

We tried something new for my BP not good we went back where we were and added to it a little , much better now .

Until now the best doc I ever had was an MD OD he got his Med diploma and draft notice the same day . He spent 2 yr on the mainland in Vietnam and another yr in Japan fixing the stuff he had been duct taping back together for 2 years . Heck of a guy , a real gentle giant type .

03-09-2021, 11:06 AM
I just told my doc I was a hobby caster and handled it every weekend and he tested me without any fuss.
After the test came back, he said my level was 2.

Arkansas Paul
03-09-2021, 08:22 PM
If you're concerned and your Dr. won't check, tell them that you want it noted in your file that you requested the test and they refused to perform it.
If they still don't, find another Dr.

03-10-2021, 09:28 AM
Did I miss the list of symptoms that you are experiencing? Maybe your care provider missed that also. Ask for a MRI "just because" and see if you get that.

03-10-2021, 06:17 PM
My lead was 17.. something when i 1st had her check. It's went down in the 9's after i cleaned up my handling of components. I had one come back in the 11's after the 9's. Last 2 were in the 7's. I was at the Doc today for my blood with drawl for my high red cells count. I asked why she won't do my leads again. Here a container of tubes for it. Is 500.00. And im the only one who ask for lead checks. The gal who takes my blood said too go to a walk in clinic like my neighbor suggested. I had no symptoms that in aware of.

03-10-2021, 07:25 PM
11 is no problem. 17 isn’t either.

03-10-2021, 07:30 PM
Yeah she said even my higher numbers were anything to be concerned about.

03-18-2021, 07:57 PM
My GP said she wont check my lead. Because it has been normal since i got it back down. ... the lead testing vials are expensive too.

My experienced guess is that the doc is limited by your insurance company. Most insurance companies won't pay for ANY lab tests unless there's a legitimate medical reason to do so; it's expensive and, without symptoms, just wanting to check up on anything wouldn't qualify.

BUT, if you tell her you will personally cover the lab costs up front she'll probably help you get checked weekly if you wish. (I seriously doubt any medical ethics board or hospital is going to chastize her for making that call. ??)

03-18-2021, 08:06 PM
heres an option that can give your doctor excuse to do expensive accurate lead test

https://www.wonderlabs.com/itemleft.php?itemnum=00810&ad=GF00810&gclid=CjwKCAjw9MuCBhBUEiwAbDZ-7jYOHOdirssFrxo3ka5fayyFraii972azHQ9TvoBCpFJn7_zCH _4zhoC0gEQAvD_BwE

03-18-2021, 08:21 PM
Find a new one. Refusal of a reasonable test is absurd.

03-18-2021, 08:42 PM
If you are old and not pro- creating don't worry about it...it is not important

03-18-2021, 08:45 PM
This is Obamacare, we don't need no stinking tests!

MT Gianni
03-19-2021, 04:56 PM
Offer to pay for it yourself without insurance if you really want it. With no symptoms and improved handling why worry about it?

03-19-2021, 09:44 PM
If you donate blood, it will be checked.

03-20-2021, 04:44 AM
If you donate blood, it will be checked.

Do they really check for things like lead in donated blood? I was sure they tested for HIV and probably hepatitis and maybe other infectious diseases, but I always wondered just how carefully they checked for much else.

Lloyd Smale
03-20-2021, 05:04 AM
i doubt it because when my levels were high and i was taking chelating meds i had given blood in years previous to then and never had a rejection. I think maybe when they convert it to plazma which they do with most of it maybe its removed. But then im not a doctor and dont play one on tv.

03-20-2021, 05:40 AM
i doubt it because when my levels were high and i was taking chelating meds i had given blood in years previous to then and never had a rejection. I think maybe when they convert it to plazma which they do with most of it maybe its removed. But then im not a doctor and dont play one on tv.

In most years, I sponsor a blood drive at the school I work in, so I give at least a couple of times a year and am always amazed at all the screening questions. It always occurred to me someone could just lie if they were so inclined and no one would know, surely they must put it through some kind of testing. Still, I guess if you were in danger of bleeding to death, you'd be willing to take the risk, I suppose.

I think when I go see my doctir this Summer like I do, I'm going to ask about the lead test and see. No real reason to believe I'm high, but I should know.

03-20-2021, 09:25 AM
I just cut up an old crane ,mostly rust and dirt ,but the last few bits the oxy blew out huge clouds of white smoke...I assumed zinc paint build up thick as it was used on a barge.....but Ive been coughing ever since ,so now I think it was thick lead paint was making the fumes....Still ,no going back ,so I cant see any point in getting tested.

03-20-2021, 11:01 AM
Did you thank your Dr. For the new timepiece? He just told you it's time to find a new doctor.

04-13-2021, 10:37 PM
It takes time, patients and a clear understanding to get a good crew of doctors. I have fired 1 cardiologist, 2 pain doctors and one neurologist. I told each one face to face why I was finding a new Dr. They forget they work for you.

04-22-2021, 08:51 PM
She did the test finally. The lab pickup guy gave them some test vials supposedly. I did call the insurance co. And asked where to get my lead checked. I told them what was going on with my G.P. So..........

04-22-2021, 09:29 PM
She did the test finally. The lab pickup guy gave them some test vials supposedly. I did call the insurance co. And asked where to get my lead checked. I told them what was going on with my G.P. So..........

Your stress over this is doing more harm than the elevated lead levels would. If you really want the test just pay cash, and if you won’t spend $500 on it then you must not be very concerned. Seriously, just pretend that the test comes back at 20 and do whatever you would to lower it...you’ll be fine.

05-08-2021, 09:25 PM
Check out walkin lab dot com. 50 bucks gets you a test at lab Corp or quest. I used to do rrp work and coupled with the casting/shooting got tested twice a year to make sure I don't get too stupid.

I work with lead professionally and in my spare time for fun. Never tested over 22. One of my co workers tho, rolls& smokes his own cigarettes inside the hot room. Tested over 70.

Keep your lead pot under 700 degrees and wash your digital members and you should be good. You'll be surprised how many times people stick their digits in their mouth when they shouldnt.

Sent from my SM-J337VPP using Tapatalk

05-09-2021, 03:06 PM
If your DR won't do what you want, fire her. It's your money and you are the boss

05-09-2021, 03:10 PM
My GP said she wont check my lead. Because it has been normal since i got it back down. I still want to keep checks on it. So is there a way to get them checked besides from the doc? The girls who draw blood. Said the lead testing vials are expensive too.

Are you paying for this yourself? Or do you want the Doctor to order it and bill your insurance company?

05-09-2021, 06:14 PM
Insurance covered it. I just want to be sure im staying on top of my safe handling of components. Results were 4.3. The best one yet. Jim i hear you on the stress. I don't need it with my heart. Thanks again for everyone's replies too.

William Yanda
05-09-2021, 08:27 PM
Do they really check for things like lead in donated blood? I was sure they tested for HIV and probably hepatitis and maybe other infectious diseases, but I always wondered just how carefully they checked for much else.

I donated blood recently and got a notice that I tested Positive for Covid. Well, Duh, I had my 2nd vaccination one week earlier.

05-09-2021, 09:38 PM
Check out walkin lab dot com. 50 bucks gets you a test at lab Corp or quest. I used to do rrp work and coupled with the casting/shooting got tested twice a year to make sure I don't get too stupid.

yeah..when I want some random blood test without needing a doc I just log onto labcorp and order it. just too easy.

05-09-2021, 09:40 PM
You'll be surprised how many times people stick their digits in their mouth when they shouldnt.

...or in my case spend an hour playing with lead, then go out to the kitchen and make a sandwich and eat it and realize after the fact I never washed my hands, lol

05-09-2021, 09:47 PM
This is Obamacare, we don't need no stinking tests!

yeah....that crap nearly got me killed.
I have a genetic disorder that REQUIRES them to put me on high glucose IV IMMEDIATELY if I go into an attack.
Before the ACA crap there was no problem.
When I had an attack after the ACA disaster was unleashed, I go into a major attack, went to the ER..they knew exactly what they needed to do...just like the last few times, no problem...oh, but now that ACA crap had some requirements that made it so they couldnt do squat for nearly 3 days.
I ended up being far worse off than I needed to be because of that garbage law.

05-10-2021, 10:13 PM
If asked why you want the test casting sinkers sounds good