View Full Version : On the positive side...

03-05-2021, 05:17 PM
Was always taught to look for the good in a bad situation. So here goes..

At work we now have warm water (most of the time) to wash our hands with thanks to this stupid virus.
We also have been given a third way to open the door to leave the restroom: with our feet.
Step on a plate attached to the door and pull. The second way was a forearm hook, which people were just using their hands to grab.

We also now are provided (and required to) wipes to clean our equipment anytime someone else touches our stuff. I like this one a lot too.

Winger Ed.
03-05-2021, 06:18 PM
Every little bit helps.

I wonder if the market is expanding for those foot operated sinks & faucets that hospitals use.
You step on the peddle and the water turns on.

03-05-2021, 08:57 PM
Every little bit helps.

I wonder if the market is expanding for those foot operated sinks & faucets that hospitals use.
You step on the peddle and the water turns on.
Probably not, because that makes a lot more sense than thinking a handkerchief over your face will prevent illness.


03-05-2021, 09:07 PM
Probably not, because that makes a lot more sense than thinking a handkerchief over your face will prevent illness.


And now for the latest ...
Some nimrod Doctor said one mask gives only 40% protection so we should be wearing TWO mask ... one on top of the other ...Yeah Right !
A'int gonna happen on my shift ... I need to breath !

03-05-2021, 11:18 PM
With just one thin mask, after about 1/2 hour, my head starts pounding.

joe leadslinger
03-05-2021, 11:27 PM
At least my hankerchief is two layers.

03-06-2021, 09:41 AM
At least my hankerchief is two layers.

So is my toilet paper. Wonder which works better? :shock:

03-06-2021, 09:58 AM
So is my toilet paper. Wonder which works better? :shock:

Now that is funny!

03-06-2021, 10:20 AM
I don't think you guys are thinking straight . . . . capitalism calls for innovative new ideas such as what you are talking about - foot pedals to turn water on, auto restroom doors, etc. - but the answer is right in front of you and will soon be pointed out by the great ??? Biden Administration. The simple solution is to hire - at a minimum wage of $15.00 of course - all of the illegal aliens that they are allowing to cross the border to stand and turn the water on and off for you - open the door for you, etc. - you know . . . the ones that are allowed in without COVID testing. Now here is a REALLY innovative and capitalistic idea. And looking on the "bright side of things" - they will have to pay income tax, social cal security and be able to afford Biden's rejuvenated Obama Care so they will have to pull their own weight. I love looking at the bright side of things . . . sigh . . . .

Winger Ed.
03-06-2021, 01:37 PM
Something I've seen at an airport is bathrooms that are touch free except for the toilet seat.
They did have a dispenser for paper *** gaskets, so that is sort of touch free also.

When you put your hand under the faucet, the water comes on, and the commode flushed when it senses you.
But there isn't a door at all. Going in, you make a turn that blocks the view from the outside.

Touch free faucets & commodes are probably so expensive,
most places wouldn't have them unless a city ordinance required them.