View Full Version : Another friend is moving off island

03-03-2021, 10:06 PM
Well another friend is moving off island.
Been helping him get rid of stuff.
He will make it 6 in the last two years.
Our close little group is down to nothing.
I'm not as close to the others as the one's who have left, and this one.
Only four of us were into reloading and shooting old firearms.
Others are into cowboy and black guns.
Just not my interest.
With the way things are going here, I'm thinking about cutting way back, and looking for something else to do.
Remember the song "Those were the days"
Kind of feels like that.
I blame this gooberment and this chinese virus.

03-03-2021, 10:13 PM
Move where they went !

03-03-2021, 10:15 PM
Yup and the folks who voted for this socialist government , You get the ruination you voted for/not me /Ed

03-03-2021, 11:09 PM
Ya need to listen to the previous threads. Get out with your stuff while you can. Move to gun friendly State, like mine, Texas. Live life big and good!::

03-03-2021, 11:20 PM
We have room for patriots on Oklahoma too

03-03-2021, 11:57 PM
Sorry my Friend but that sucks.

In the late seventies I gave up German Citizenship for Canadian because of ever stricter and unreasonable Gun Laws. Now in 2021 the Canadian Socialist Government does the same.
To bad that because of my age I most likely wont be around to see when the Socialists (Communists) will execute the very same People which helped them to gain and stay in Power to make Laws to disarm decent Citizens.


Winger Ed.
03-04-2021, 12:34 AM
It's heartbreaking to see what runaway liberalism has done to a place that was such a paradise.

Thin Man
03-05-2021, 07:52 PM
Seeing friends move away is not the same as seeing them pass away. Over the past 8 years I have lost 8 long-time friends to various illnesses. For some of these I helped their families liquidate their toys and such, yet the others had pre-arranged the disposal of what they had. Never charged their families a cent for the help. Bought a few lesser items from them but never cheated them. When one of these family members would ask why I was so generous with my time and efforts, I had the same answer for all of them: If this situation were reversed and I was the one who passed I am sure your lost one would have done the same for my family. It's really hard seeing a long time friend go down. Hope to see all of them again.