View Full Version : 30 posts for selling and swaping...

03-02-2021, 02:35 PM
Is it 30 posts or 30 new threads? My acct says 17 posts and I know that is not correct for posted comments.. bought lots of things from this great community, but I can't start a new thread yet..

Please advise.


03-02-2021, 02:52 PM
The rule is 30 posts (meaningful posts). They could all be in one thread.

Posts in the pit and S&S do not count toward your post count,...and I don't think this post in the testing area counts either. If this was in a regular forum, even this post would count toward your 30.

03-02-2021, 02:58 PM
Copy. Thanks

03-02-2021, 03:30 PM
My recommendation - set yourself a "Project" area and share. It could be your efforts in reloading a particular caliber; or your efforts on casting with a new mold; or perhaps a goal of how you can continue to shoot XXX Rifle/Pistol by using reduced loads; or test for a lesser used powered with results, or... By documenting your plan/your setup/your testing/ results - those post counts will naturally rise, you may learn things along the way; and your efforts may help other new readers/participants on the site.

Best wishes.

03-02-2021, 04:44 PM
What type of firearms are you interested in?

03-02-2021, 07:34 PM
Uhhmm.. All of them. :) Thanks for the responses.

03-03-2021, 09:55 AM
Is it 30 posts or 30 new threads? My acct says 17 posts and I know that is not correct for posted comments.. bought lots of things from this great community, but I can't start a new thread yet..

Please advise.


Post in S&S or the PIT do not count.

03-03-2021, 10:35 AM
It isn't hard to get to 30 meaningful posts. Do you melt wheel weights? Describe your process or how you put together your setup. Build your own brass catcher? Backstop? Have a new firearm and want some recommendations on what she will shoot? Start a thread. It really does go faster than you think. Good luck.

03-03-2021, 08:20 PM
It isn't hard to get to 30 meaningful posts. Do you melt wheel weights? Describe your process or how you put together your setup. Build your own brass catcher? Backstop? Have a new firearm and want some recommendations on what she will shoot? Start a thread. It really does go faster than you think. Good luck.

Well I shot myself in the foot apparently. I admittedly made mistakes by trying to rush the process and posting unmeaningful posts. I was then made aware of my folly on this thread and changed my way. I proceeded to post several "meaningful" posts and after hitting 37 posts I pm'd a mod for advise. I was then deemed to have " binge posted " to get to the requirements and was instantly banned from the S&S section entirely. I may even get completely banned for posting this experience. I hope not. I really have learned alot from here and hope to provide helpful knowledge to others as well moving forward. Thanks everyone for the advise. My advise to other new users would be dont try and rush the S&S posting requirements. Make sure to read thoroughly every rules post you can find. No Warnings will be given. Thanks and God Bless

03-04-2021, 06:04 AM
Well I shot myself in the foot apparently. I admittedly made mistakes by trying to rush the process and posting unmeaningful posts. I was then made aware of my folly on this thread and changed my way. I proceeded to post several "meaningful" posts and after hitting 37 posts I pm'd a mod for advise. I was then deemed to have " binge posted " to get to the requirements and was instantly banned from the S&S section entirely. I may even get completely banned for posting this experience. I hope not. I really have learned alot from here and hope to provide helpful knowledge to others as well moving forward. Thanks everyone for the advise. My advise to other new users would be dont try and rush the S&S posting requirements. Make sure to read thoroughly every rules post you can find. No Warnings will be given. Thanks and God Bless

If your going to turn this into a court of public opinion then I am going to comment.

I have 37 posts now and still cant list in the S&S section.
Please Advise.


BTW Thanks for creating such great community.

The above quote is from the PM he sent asking for advice(sic). It is dated in "ZULU" time which translates 08:44 EST. I interpreted it as "I have met the requirements but still can't list my stuff for sale - what gives?" so I look through his profile to see why he can't post in S&S.

The following is what I found: a member who joined almost exactly 5 months ago that created ~16 post in one day followed by 3 more within a week of joining. After a 4 1/2 month (posting) absence he reappears making a couple purchases in the S&S section over a 24 hour period before going dormant again. 2 weeks later he reappears on the 2nd submitting at 1:35PM the thread we are reading now. After gaining advice from members about the rules & requirements he submitted around 40 non-meaningful post many less than 60 seconds apart with one actually bragging that he was only post count building. He claims he is following the rules at every turn. At some point on the 2nd he donated to Team Boolits. At 7:42pm he started one meaningful thread related to Noble Powder with 7 post. On the 3rd he contacted me asking why he can't list in the S&S section. We exchange a few messages where I pretty much tell him he can't roll in here and on one day gain access to S&S without being a contributing member. He responds trying to justify his actions with

.....I have made many successful transactions with members here. I was wanting to return the favor and list some things that members here could use...... I am not trying to profit by selling here. I am trying to contribute to the community as they have done for me..... My brother has been a member here for many years....... He encouraged me to get active here...... You are the first mod I have interacted with that I am aware of..... I even paid to be a member... Now I am shut out.

S&S exist as a place for contributing members to sell their unneeded items at no cost to them. If a member is going benefit financially from sales in S&S then I will require they follow the rules and earn that benefit by posting content which contributes positively to the community. You cannot buy your way in. The rules were established to protect the members, are posted in a thread at the top of every S&S page and must be followed if you wish to sell. Failure to follow the rules could result in removal of S&S privileges. "Gaming" the 30/30 rule (30 days onboard / 30 meaningful post) could result in removal or denial of S&S privileges. Post building to gain access to S&S is not allowed. If a member can not follow the S&S rules like everyone else then they will not sell here.

03-04-2021, 08:17 AM
Many years ago I ran into a problem on another forum, I had inadequate activity to gain access to buy from their BST section, and someone posted something that I badly wanted. Thankfully times were not crazy and the item was priced high, took me a couple weeks to satisfy their requirement, missed the item by a day.

But in your case, why the rush to be able to sell and why be so legalistic about it? Just chill out and stick around and it’ll happen soon enough, to do otherwise makes it seem that you have some ill intent.

Yeah, I’m a boomer.

03-04-2021, 09:06 AM
Yep read the rules follow them or start your own forum It's easy, even this hillbilly figured it out years ago.

Wayback in the beginning of my internet days I found BroncoII.org, after a few months of seeing how things worked I felt I could buy and sell on the forum with confidence, the members Membership was worth way more than scamming someone for $50-100$ Was happy to unload spare parts I couldn't use liked seeing them complete other projects and being used, anyone heard of wenzel?

Started kicking 10% of what I sold to the forum owner as the forum was not a profit center, I was just getting what I was worth for me to post and package wanted parts that were around and would laugh at the guy buying my locking hubs for 20 a pair and relisting them for 40 a pair :lol: anything I sell here just goes to my gun habit. Not looking to make a business out of it as I have enough jobs already.

03-04-2021, 12:18 PM

One big reason they have this rule is we often get scam artists that join just to, post-sales, get paid then disappear without delivering items or delivering defective items.

IF you are just looking into selling and making money on your items reloading equipment is going for a premium on a certain online auction/sale site.

I'd sell there if I wanted to make a lot of money on my items, or

sell here if I no longer needed something and wanted to pass it on to fellow reloaders at a fair price.

03-05-2021, 01:15 AM

One big reason they have this rule is we often get scam artists that join just to, post-sales, get paid then disappear without delivering items or delivering defective items.

IF you are just looking into selling and making money on your items reloading equipment is going for a premium on a certain online auction/sale site.

I'd sell there if I wanted to make a lot of money on my items, or

sell here if I no longer needed something and wanted to pass it on to fellow reloaders at a fair price.

I get it. There are some scum bags out there. I have made several transactions with sellers on here and it has been a wonderful experience. My goal was to return the favor. If I wanted to profit I would post stuff I wanted to sell on gougebroker, not here. And I refuse to do that. I think the craziness in the ammo and reloading market now is near criminal.
The truth is I had to have a covid test this week and was holed up, so I organized my supplies. I found about 125 Hornady 6.5mm and .243 rifle projectiles I no longer need. I almost smashed them to smelt them up, but figured since I was stuck at home I would try and get to where I could put them up here. Hopefully they would go to good use. I admittedly started the process the wrong way. I originally only read the yellow Announcement at the top of the S&S forum and the fine print at the top about 5 listings at once/ 10 per month , no ebay links, ect. What I failed to do at this point was delve into the S&S Rules sub forum. This is the area that mentions " meaningful " posts. After posting several non helpful posts, like responding to testing posts, I started this thread. Members made me aware of the meaningful post requirement. OK. No Problem. I started doing just that. Posting chrono data, several of our current loads, talking about equipment, ect. After binge posting for the day I had reached 37 posts as listed in my profile. I then, as seen in No_1's above post, asked him to please advise and thanked him for creating this wonderful community.

Unfortunately things escalated far more rapidly than I would ever have imagined.
(Note: I did not want a battle of public opinion. Notice I called no one out by name. Did not post anything from the pm's. Only my experience.)

This was the response I received when I asked for his advise.

Thanks for contacting me. After reviewing your post I see you have embarked on an extensive post building binge in order to meet the S&S requirements, in one instance actually admitting you are building your post count -

Quote Originally Posted by lesterktm View Post
Ignoring... (and getting my 30 posts...
This is not in the spirit of the rules so any post which appears to be for post count building has been deleted. ALSO, since you attempted to bypass our rules by gaming the system you will never be allowed to sell here.

Take care,

Quote Originally Posted by lesterktm - Yesterday 08:44 AM
I have 37 posts now and still cant list in the S&S section.
Please Advise.


BTW Thanks for creating such great community.
End quote

Like I said... that escalated quickly. I was expecting to get advise on where my "meaningful" post count was, a link to more specific rules section, maybe guidance on how to know when the requirements were met, ect.

I have stated many times that my intentions are good. I sincerely was only asking to please advise. And I feel like I got my head bit off. Put a really sour taste in my mouth. My motives were assumed to be nefarious. No discussion, no warnings, just your bad and your banned from S&S forever.

All that said, I am not going anywhere. Every member I have conversed with has been great. The knowledge available here is invaluable. I plan on contributing to this community every chance I get. I am not that upset about the S&S selling because I really dont like to sell my supplies. It is a bummer that I can't return the favor to the community who has helped me. But selling is not the reason why I am in this community. I am here for the knowledge and fellowship.

Finally I am going to again apologize for upsetting No_1. I hope in the future this will be water under the bridge.

Thanks and God Bless

03-05-2021, 05:32 AM
If my opinion counts for anything, I think the guy deserves a second chance. We all screw up from time to time. He's clearly read up on the rules and knows what's up. Probably more informed now than most. From what has been posted, everyone has been polite, though going public with the dirty laundry was probably another misstep.

i also understand the need to enforce the rules consistently, otherwise they don't mean anything. Tough one for sure.

03-05-2021, 09:20 AM
Best advice. Head down, read and learn, comment when appropriate. I would not try selling anything for awhile which should not be an issue if you are here to learn. Best of luck.

03-05-2021, 11:39 AM
I must ask - if your intention was not to turn this into a court of public opinion then why post a thread which you sent me for pre-approval & advice when I responded with advice to not post it then further stated how I would respond if you did.

If what you are saying is true and selling is not now nor ever was your intention because “you don’t like selling your supplies” then why the big push to be able to sell, why solicit members advice on selling, why embark on a post building binge after receiving their advice that you needed 30 post, why contact me once you reached 37 post inquiring when you would be able to sell, why created this thread about being banned from something you never intended to do?

The last thing I said in our PM’s is I believe you are only here to sell but “time will tell”. All I have seen since is your ******** about not being able to sell. Time is telling....

I have restored all your posts in question so anyone who wishes can view for themselves by visiting your profile and choosing either “latest post” or “Latest started threads”.

Take care,

..... Like I said... that escalated quickly. I was expecting to get advise on where my "meaningful" post count was, a link to more specific rules section, maybe guidance on how to know when the requirements were met, ect.

I have stated many times that my intentions are good. I sincerely was only asking to please advise. And I feel like I got my head bit off. Put a really sour taste in my mouth. My motives were assumed to be nefarious. No discussion, no warnings, just your bad and your banned from S&S forever.

All that said, I am not going anywhere. Every member I have conversed with has been great. The knowledge available here is invaluable. I plan on contributing to this community every chance I get. I am not that upset about the S&S selling because I really dont like to sell my supplies. It is a bummer that I can't return the favor to the community who has helped me. But selling is not the reason why I am in this community. I am here for the knowledge and fellowship.

Finally I am going to again apologize for upsetting No_1. I hope in the future this will be water under the bridge.

Thanks and God Bless

03-05-2021, 06:36 PM
No_1 again I truly am sorry for upsetting you. I told you that the S&S was really not a big issue. I was only defending my character with you. I am absolutely fine with "time will tell". When your ready to give me the advise I originally asked for I will be here. Until then I will not speak another word about it.

Even now I still thank you for creating such a wonderful resource for fellow reloaders.

BTW my COVID test came back negative. Back to work I go. As I explained to you my postings will be sporadic. That's just my life, usually very little time for this stuff. And a question I asked but never had answered. What is the best way to share a spreadsheet on the forums? Would make the chrono data posts much easier.

Thanks and God Bless.

03-05-2021, 09:20 PM
If my opinion counts for anything, I think the guy deserves a second chance. We all screw up from time to time. He's clearly read up on the rules and knows what's up. Probably more informed now than most. From what has been posted, everyone has been polite, though going public with the dirty laundry was probably another misstep.

i also understand the need to enforce the rules consistently, otherwise they don't mean anything. Tough one for sure.

I agree and will admit that this sure seems like very much the opposite of the "spirit" of the forum. I would have never guessed that a new member would receive anything but positive and informative support on this forum. As for enforcing rules consistently, where does it say that asking for info or contributing posts and data to get to the 30 post limit may constitute a permanent ban? How many other members have been permanently banned for doing exactly what the rules say? At best, bringing up the goal to make it to the 30 post limit may be frowned upon but that is not anywhere in the rules. It also isn't in the rules that your 30 meaningful posts have to be spread out over time. He has been a member for 6 months. I have been on here for 10 years and have less than 100 posts but I would be afraid to see how many hours I have spent on this site. It is easy to jump to a conclusion about someone and incredibly hard to step back and take another look. I can certainly attest to that in my own life. I can say that if lesterktm (my twin brother, to be completely open about it) decides to walk away from this experience that it will be a loss to the community. He will have some great data and insight to be shared since he has finally entered the reloading community, truly loves data, and also loves to share it. I sincerely hope this all gets looked at in hindsight as a simple misunderstanding and all parties can learn from it.

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03-05-2021, 10:51 PM
Trying to decide if the dumpster fire or the burning train is the right meme for this thread.

Seems to me that new member lesterktm will be just fine.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-05-2021, 11:07 PM
Stick around, Lester. We've all had our ups and downs. 30 meaningful posts and 30 days will pass rapidly. We're all playing in No.1's backyard, and have to abide by the house rules. The rules are for everyone's benefit, and this one was started because the wolves like to sneak into S&S and defraud the lambs. A brand new guy that wants to sell stuff draws suspicion from management, who has to deal with folks who sent someone money and then never received their purchase. After the lambs are shorn, the bad guy just disappears. Usually their computer address is a phony, and there's no recourse. Stick around and build trust and reputation. We'd like to get to know you.