View Full Version : Lee Classic Cast Turret Press change from 4 hole to 3?

12-25-2008, 05:53 PM
I have the Lee Classic Cast Turret press and like it alot. But for some of my loading I only need 3 dies instead of 4 and had a wild ? has anyone done a conversion that is simple from the 4 hole to the 3 hole and be able to switch back and forth with ease?

Phil A
12-25-2008, 08:32 PM
I converted a 3 hole turret press with the 4 hole conversion kit. I don't see a quick and easy conversion with the available parts. The 4 hole turret indexes more smoothly. Short stroking the press on the empty position could speed things up a bit. - Phil

12-25-2008, 11:34 PM
Phil, The Classic Cast isnt a progressive and I believe they make a 3 and a 4 hole turret for it and look in their catalog and it may show it.

12-25-2008, 11:35 PM
Yep, They do make a 3 hole turrret also for it and its P/N 90497. The price is $10.98 from Lee.
You just turn it and lift up and install the new one with your dies already pre set(After you set them up) for what your loading.

12-25-2008, 11:59 PM
Unless it's something new the three hole turrets are for the old standard press, not the Classic Cast Turret. There are a number of alterations that would have to be made to make the 3 hole turret work with auto advance. The first is the hex drive rod is too short. The ratchet mechanism is different. I looked at making the conversion when I first got the Classic as I have a large number of 3 hole turrets. If I remember correctly, the third leg is in the opposite position on the classic, if so that would require a hole to be d&t'd. DALE

Pepe Ray
12-26-2008, 02:38 AM
This is an interesting idea.
I say that because I've been contemplating it for a few years.
we must devide the problem according to our desires as well as the facts.

I've had a 3 station manual for many years. I liked it enough to give one to my son. When Lee introduced the 4 position press (also used as a MANUAL) they sold a conversion kit, which I gave to my son, requesting his 3 ***'n turrets in return. (I had enough equipment that I didn't find it beneficial to use the 4 ***'n model) With the extra turrets he returned the turret holder and parts.

So now I'd like to try the new CI model but don't want the 4 ***'d turrets soam considering a reverse conversion. Since I don't use the auto turn feature I'm not concerned with that function nor the parts needed to perform it.
Because Jestagrin expressed concern, I've reconsidered jumping in w/o further investigation. It has occurred to me that just because the turrets could swap around does NOT mean that the hole pattern for the holder may be the same for the new model.

Thanks for the "heads up!".
Pepe Ray

12-26-2008, 03:07 AM
Pepe Ray I am all eyes lol. Waiting to see what you find out. I like the auto index feature of the press. I will also take a closer look at it. As the factory Lee Classic Cast Turret Press has a square or should say four sided auto index arm it seems that if one were to use a 3 sided auto index arm it would work great. But not sure how to go about this to be honest.

So maybe we can make something work or break it at the same time lol. :)

12-26-2008, 04:15 AM
I just looked into the Lee Catalogue and they offer the three hole turret for the Classic Cast Turret.Like Mikenbarb mentioned above P/N is 90497 at the cost of $ 10.98. Just pull the 4 hole out and drop the 3 hole in. No need for changing the auto index arm since the change has already been made in the 3 hole turret.

12-26-2008, 04:24 AM
Thank You Mike and UweJ. I will look into it. :) That is just the Turret Head. I guess this is something you would have to call Lee about. I will take a shot at it lol.

12-26-2008, 09:42 AM
AS I read the Lee catalog the three hole turret is for the Standard turret press, which can be had in, or converted to, a 4 hole. This was available before the Classic series came into being. That said, the three hole ring will bolt onto the Classic and align with the ram, according to my measuring (I have both presses). If you do not auto index, that should be all that is necessary.

12-26-2008, 10:01 AM
I admit that Dale is probably right about the conversion of the press. I figured since the turrets were on the same page as the Classic Cast Press they belonged together,but after rereading the article I´m not so sure anymore.
Sorry if I might have lead you in the wrong direction.

Heavy lead
12-26-2008, 10:31 AM
I use 3 die sets in a 4 holer all the time. I skip the hole after the powder through expander die and leave it open to allow for a visual check of powder in the case before bullet seating.

12-26-2008, 10:53 AM
This is definatly a phone call to Lee because they do have a 3 hole turret listed under their classic cast turret press but who knows if its correct by the way it reads. But it does look like its for it according to the new catalog. Please let us know how you make out because I would definatly like to know because im considering buying a Classic Cast soon.

12-26-2008, 02:50 PM
Well I made the phone call and it was a NO lol. They said the 3 hole might be used but without the auto index feature. Oh well it was a thought. :)