View Full Version : Well, that was pretty cool.

Winger Ed.
02-24-2021, 09:03 PM
Several years ago, a buddy bought a .38/.357 straight grip Marlin carbine.
He put a high end receiver sight on it, shot it a few times, cleaned it up, and put it away.

A few years later, he wanted a .38/.357 octagon barrel, CB.
He sold the carbine to a mutual friend to help pay for one. And he put it away and never shot it.

A few years ago, he wanted to sell it. Its still 'almost' unfired.
I already had a CB. and didn't particularly want it, but asked, "How much ya want for it".
He said, "I don't know. How about $200"?

2 seconds later, "OK, here's your money".
And I put it away and never shot it.

This afternoon:
I was getting stuff ready to go to the range, figured I'd take it, and finally shoot it a few times.
This thing looks new, and hasn't been handled as much as a display model at the store.
I'd never looked or noticed before, but it's an older 'JM'.

I thought, hey, that's pretty cool.

02-24-2021, 10:22 PM
You should be arrested for theft. :mrgreen: Wanna sell it? :-) 250?

02-25-2021, 01:16 AM
How's about $300.00?

02-25-2021, 03:19 AM
Sounds like a fair trade for a brick of primers, going rate and all.

I love the marlins in 357. Had a couple, lost one when my house burnt, dagnabit. Pretty nice old guns.

You better take the lever out and round the part that causes the marlin jam if you ain't already.

02-25-2021, 07:58 AM
I guess he wasn’t that close of a “buddy”. :razz:

02-25-2021, 08:31 AM
I wouldn't have done that to any kind of "buddy" either...and the spout off about it. Usually like your posts, but that wasn't cool. Not how I roll. I hope "a few years" was a couple decades.

02-25-2021, 08:59 AM
I'm not much for taking advantage of anyone but the previous owner made the first offer. Unless he's losing his marbles he knows he paid more than $200 for it. Some "gun people" just aren't really that into it, buying on a whim or getting whatever is supposed to be super cool this month, never shooting their guns and letting them go for a song.

02-25-2021, 09:02 AM
I wouldn't have done that to any kind of "buddy" either...and the spout off about it. Usually like your posts, but that wasn't cool. Not how I roll. I hope "a few years" was a couple decades.

Judging a bit without knowing their relationship. I'd give my best friend it for what I paid or even less. Money doesn't mean much between best friends, but that's how I roll.

02-25-2021, 11:13 AM
I wouldn't have done that to any kind of "buddy" either...and the spout off about it. Usually like your posts, but that wasn't cool. Not how I roll. I hope "a few years" was a couple decades.

I do agree with the I will not take advantage of someone friend or not , but he did say he did not even want it and the buddy set the price also I would guess it was back when $200 was worth more , I have quit reading one posters posts when he was gloating over spoils .

Winger Ed.
02-25-2021, 02:43 PM
I'll reply to a few things:
1. Not everybody looks at life and their friends the same way as deposits and balances in a checkbook.
2. We've been close friends since 1966.
3. I don't know what Marlins were selling for in 2000, and don't care. $200 was what he wanted for it and I paid it.

4. I don't feel I cheated him any more than I feel ripped off for going out late at night to take him a spare tire and jack,
or doing plumbing work at his house for free.
5. We don't feel taken advantage of when one paid for a fishing trip to the coast when the other didn't have much money at the time.
We both have dozens of similar stories.

6. I just thought it was pretty cool that it is one of the sought after JMs, and I never knew it before.

7. The only thing I gloat over is about the wife of 14 years divorcing me in '94, because "I wasn't smart enough for her any more".
I still laugh about my revenge on her:
I married again in '02, am still married, we have lived a happy, full, prosperous life, retired early, are debt free, and live on the lake.
She's was married & divorced 2 more times in 5 years, has lived hand to mouth, has zero credit,
and has been on and off of welfare since the day she left me.

I think our separate fates are proof that God loves me, and wants me to be happy.
Her future is going to be that lonely old lady down the street with all the cats, and yelling at kids when their base ball lands in her yard.

If anyone can't wrap their head around that--- Hey,,, no problem, it's your deal.
Not everyone can be in the parade, somebody has to sit on the curb and watch.
As you sit on the curb watching the world pass you by, be sure to smile and wave.

02-25-2021, 03:03 PM
I'd count myself lucky to have a friend like that

Good on you


02-26-2021, 11:09 AM
On the flip side if someone offered me a near new JM Marlin for $200, I'd consider him a Good Friend! I've given things away for a lot less than fair market value but only to other good friends of mine. Every good deal with a good friend is a two-way street, they'll make it up to me eventually.

02-26-2021, 11:30 AM
Since he's a true friend:
You gave him $200.00 to keep the rifle at your house.
He knowns where it is and if he wants to use it all he has to do is tell you.
That's how it works with friends.