View Full Version : "...those take a long time to get there!"

02-23-2021, 11:51 PM
I thought you guys might get a kick out of this.

Last weekend I had the pleasure taking my 13 year old grandson to the range. I have been shooting with him since he was 5 years old. I started him with a Daisy BB gun and empty soda cans.

I always tell him it's his choice on what we take. Sometimes it's 22's, sometimes it's blackpowder, sometimes it's AR's and semiautos.

This time he said "Papa, let's take some sniper rifles!"

So I loaded up my Savage 12 in 223 with a heavy barrel and borrowed my son's Savage in 308.

We set up a gong at 100 yards and of course it was no challenge. There was a manhole cover at about 300-350 yards away leaning against a tree so I had him practice on that. In the meantime I got out my Marlin 1894 in 45 Colt. He was impressed that the old guy could hit steel at 100 yards.

I thought I would launch a few at 300 and I hit the target once in a while. But I laughed to myself as he watched me shoot the 45 Colt at such a long distance and said "Man Papa, those take a long time to get there!"

It was a great day.

Steve in N CA

02-24-2021, 01:45 AM
Good on ya for steering him down the right path!

02-24-2021, 04:19 AM
Sounds like you had a great day. Good on you.

Stephen Cohen
02-24-2021, 05:23 AM
I love to hear stories like this. There is a special bond between us old guys and gran kids, next month China flue allowing I will have my Gran Son over from the other side of the Country to do just as the OP has said. Life is good. regards Stephen

02-24-2021, 08:02 AM
Very good ! We need to introduce and mentor the next generation in order to perpetuate our hobby.

02-24-2021, 08:37 AM
Thank you guys, I am blessed indeed. This weekend my wife and I are babysitting our 5 grandsons. I have taught them all to shoot.

The six of us are going to the range Saturday morning.

I have some great photos and videos of them. The funny thing is, I only have one granddaughter out of all of my grandkids, and she's the best shot!

Stay safe out there and count your blessings,

Steve in N CA

Jack Stanley
02-24-2021, 10:37 AM
That great to hear ! And that fact that your grand daughter is the better shot does not surprise me one bit . I had the opportunity to teach five teenagers , four girls and a boy how to shoot . The boy was far behind the girls .... they listened to instruction , he did not . It was fun to watch .


02-24-2021, 10:55 AM
My last experience started well buy ended badly.

My fiancé has a 7 YO grandson. We asked his parents if we could have him shoot one of our .22's. He had a blast.

A few weeks later we heard that the little guy did not want to shoot again when he came for another visit. His other grandma had filled his head with the "evils of guns".

But I am not a quitter. As long as his parents still approve, and they will, we will tell him we are have a new rifle to wring out. It is a PCP with suppressor. We have one of those self resetting swinger targets on order. I doubt any kid will sit and watch for long while everyone else is having a blast.

BTW....I have very little patience for Democrats and NO patience for people who want to program kids into hating our 2nd Amendment rights. The old [edited]can go [edited] herself....as I doubt any one else wants any part of her bitter and self-centered attitude. Looking forward to having her preach her BS to me...that will not end well.

Once he gets a bit older, I have a little Marlin 1894 (.38/.357) with a cut down stock that will fit him perfectly and a few thousand primers with his name on them. He can shoot a "real gun". Looking forward to being with him when he gets his first deer.

Eddie Southgate
03-10-2021, 09:02 PM
My pap started me shooting an M1 Carbine and a C&B Revolving rifle in .44 caliber before I started school ,I did the same with my two sons . Way to go !

03-11-2021, 02:02 PM
Thank you guys, I am blessed indeed. This weekend my wife and I are babysitting our 5 grandsons. I have taught them all to shoot.

The six of us are going to the range Saturday morning.

I have some great photos and videos of them. The funny thing is, I only have one granddaughter out of all of my grandkids, and she's the best shot!

Stay safe out there and count your blessings,

Steve in N CA

As my wife says, "Shoot like a girl...if you can".