View Full Version : COVID Problems

02-19-2021, 06:29 PM
There have been plenty of discussion on the topic of COVID, but there is one issue no one has brought up. That is the problems of wearing a mask and wearing hearing aids. For those who do not wear hearing aids be thankful for your hearing.

Love'em or hate'em masks are part of our lives. I am in a mask required state so I tolerate wearing mine.

The issue is taking the thing off and it is always tangled up with the over the ear hearing aids, too often pulling them off, but not out of my ears, especially the left ear. I have always caught it when it happens, that it till Wednesday when I noticed I was missing a hearing aid. Retracing my stops did not find it so it appears it's gone for good.

Now, I have one aid and hear in an unbalanced condition. My left ear is the good ear but without the two units working together everything sounds a bit off, including my own speech.

Buying a new one requires a pair to keep them matched, at $3000 each. The other option is the VA. I have not used the VA since I moved to Minnesota and I am quickly finding out that COVID and the natural bureaucratic ineptitude make getting into the hospital a challenge that requires more patience than I normally have. But, I don't have 6 grand just setting in a bank somewhere either.

Grrr, and I cannot sue the governor for the replacement cost.

Rant and venting over, frustration is on going.


02-19-2021, 06:47 PM
I can’t wear the masks that loop around the ears because of my behind the ear hearing aids. Only masks I can use have elastic that goes behind your head. Severely limits the number of masks one can choose. Fortunately,being a drywall contractor, I had access to N-95 masks that work in my scenario. Expensive,but necessary (both the masks and the hearing aids).

02-19-2021, 06:50 PM
Maybe your home insurance will cover them (it).

02-19-2021, 06:56 PM
Don’t wear hearing aids (yet) but never thought of that problem. I do know wearing glasses is a problem as they fog over. I tend to favor the neck gaiter type of mask and don’t know if it would be better when wearing hearing aids. I also dread summer because no masks are comfortable when the temperature and humidity are in the mid 90’s.

02-19-2021, 07:19 PM
Bandanas are excellent,

tie them off below your ear behind your head. No more ear tug.

Less fogging up of glasses.

They cost like a dollar

But that being said. Theres very few that force me to wear anything over my face. My employer is the main one, mostly because the prospect of finding a new employer that doesnt require a mask doesnt look too good.
If a store tells me to wear a mask, i respect their property rights and leave. So far i have had to quit shopping twice.

02-19-2021, 07:22 PM
I have this problem with hearing aids too. the mask is NOT fun to take off

02-19-2021, 07:24 PM
Check your vehicle very carefully. That is where I most often pull the mask off after going places. Hope it turns up Ken, so you don't have to pony up for a new one. If you do buy a new one, it will surely turn up then.

02-19-2021, 07:42 PM
Checkout the Rz mask. They have a Velcro that goes behind the neck. You will also need their blue filter plug that prevents expelling air particles. You breathe your own air. They carry them at Lowe’s or straight from the factory. They are not cheap but do work with hearing aids pretty well.


02-19-2021, 10:19 PM
Why not try the clear "Vizor Shield" instead of a Mask? I see many of the clerks in Stores wearing them instead of the mask most other wear. There is nothing over the ears; more like a hat band (or welders helmet band) that supports the Vizor. They look like this:


Amazon sells them (as well as others) - here is a link:


02-19-2021, 10:23 PM
I don't wear true hearing aids, but do wear bose hearphones and glasses. I wear a mask at work and find that putting my finger under the upper loupe of elastic and going around my ears front to back, top to bottom keeps from tangling.

I saw a snow man with a mask today!

02-19-2021, 10:27 PM
I lost one of mine and same thing its expensive if you lose one when you go to get the new pair , funny they let you keep old pair but you have to have pair to get new pair , yes it is so easy to knock stuff off glasses all the time when removing mask , its time to let people make the decision wear them or not .

02-19-2021, 10:37 PM
My FIL has VA hearing aids, pretty fancy are bluetooth capable, adjust with his android phone better the the old ones. You should look into them Ken.

02-19-2021, 10:48 PM
Steve, I am attempting to get into the VA center in St. Paul, they never answer the phone. Just calling them is a big run around. Long story, short is I get a VA check every month for hearing loss disability, but the old VA hearing aids were just barely marginal and I began shopping on the economy for better devices. Itm is time to get back to the VA, if I can get in.

02-19-2021, 10:55 PM
Pressman, I wear hearing aids and I find if I remove the top part of the loop on the mask, first, there is less likelihood of pulling your hearing aid off. I got my hearing aids from the VA. They will replace them if you lose them, but only once. I lost one of mine. The VA told me to wait two weeks, sometimes they turn up where you least expect them. So I waited. I found the missing hearing aid a week later, in my tool bag.

02-19-2021, 10:58 PM
Here is some help. I just got Mask Extender - Mask Ear Strap Hook for Masks with Adjustable for Nurses, Food-Workers, with High Elastic Fabric tonight. Seems to work just fine. They are adjustable. There are 5 in a pack. Got them from Amazon for $7.99. Yes I wear behind the ear hearing aids. I know the cost of replacement, I lost one years ago and it cost $5.50 to replace it. Good luck.

02-19-2021, 11:24 PM
The blue tooth enabled ones can be located with your phone.

country gent
02-20-2021, 12:00 AM
Sew a button on each side of a ball cap and hook on them. Ive seen ladies use barrets in their hair to hold them on also.

Another would be a rubber band between the loops and wrap around back of head.

02-20-2021, 07:51 AM
I hate the masks but tolerate my gator. Got this one from Amazon. Lusad Trump 2020 Windproof Sports Mask Suitable for Motorcycle Balaclava Outdoor. Actually not bad wearing one when I have to plus it annoys the snowflakes.

02-20-2021, 09:15 AM
Pressman: I have your same problem. It's a PITA. I get my hearing aids free at the VA. I think they are excellent quality.

02-20-2021, 09:56 AM
My wife sewed buttons on a strip of cloth that goes around the back of my neck to hook the mask to. No more using my ears to hold the mask on . I wear hearing aids and glasses ran out of room for mask straps. Problem solved.

02-20-2021, 10:04 AM
Couldn't you just get a doctors note to not wear the mask?

When we started the 14 days to slow the curve a year ago I never wore the mask because by NY law wearing a mask while you ccw is a felony. I wasn't gonna break a law to obey a mandate. Then they went and said don't worry about that stupid law and wear a mask no matter what. So I went to my doctor and had him write me a letter saying I was exempted from mask wearing. I get stares from people and every once in a while some one will say something, but I just ignore them and go about my day.

02-20-2021, 10:25 AM
The quality of hearing aids the VA has these days is fantastic. I can't imagine the civilian clinics having anything better. They must have a dozen models to choose from to tailor to different people requirements. I chose behind the ear and have so far had great results. On the farm I am being smacked by limbs and such have come close to losing one from time to time. I understand the behind the ear masks and how they can pull the hearing aids loose. Which is why I chose the Velcro behind the neck version of the mask. As for contacting the VA when I get put on hold you just have to persevere and wait for what seems like forever but the system does work. You are eligible to get a replacement set every 5 years. I am getting my replacements next month. These will have rechargeable batteries.


02-20-2021, 12:43 PM
gmsharps, I understand what you are saying, this pair is nearly 10 years old and long overdue for replacement. I test wore a pair from my usual provider last summer and the difference was beyond remarkable, I really liked them, that is until they told me the cost.

Darn VA won't pickup the phone so I can't get put on hold.

02-20-2021, 01:35 PM
Neighbor I help & who helps me has a Cochlear Implant, her implant processor is magnetically attached to her scalp, plus an earpiece on a short cord goes on her ear; She has to remove it every time she masks or demasks. I suspect that'd be even costlier than a hearing aid, her ex BF has those, so I've seen how annoying this is. There is a laser cuttable deal for attaching masks to to save ears from wear / pain, this might help? You could cut it out of a milk jug or similar stiffish plastic easily enough... Hmm found a collection of items on Thingiverse, take a peek if you want :)

Collection (https://www.thingiverse.com/annshammond/collections/ear-saver)

02-21-2021, 10:28 PM
One place to check for replacement aids is Costco- their house brand is excellent and runs about 1/2 the price of a dealer. Since you are service-connected for hearing, do check with the VA- the aids and all service will be free. If you are close to your local VA hospital or clinic, just walk in.
Loren, retired VA audiologist

02-21-2021, 10:52 PM
Loren, the VA is the plan, but with COVID they are locked down in St. Paul, no walk ins. I need an appointment and they won't answer the phone. Tomorrow is Monday and I will start calling again, someone, sometime has to pick-up that phone.

02-21-2021, 11:10 PM
If you can get a bluetooth model. I didn't think I would use it that much but it is really nice. I can listen to Pandora in stereo on my hearing aids. Also when you get on one of those calls where you are on hold you just go work on something and listen with the aids because your hands are free. I can also keep working when I get a phone call for the same reason. I can leave the phone across the room if I want to. I got mine from Costco.

tomme boy
02-21-2021, 11:29 PM
Most hospitals will not let you wear a bandana or those neck gaiters.

02-22-2021, 07:24 AM
Most hospitals will not let you wear a bandana or those neck gaiters.

That is odd as the gator actually covers more area from your nose down than a mask. They are much more comfortable for me.

02-22-2021, 08:47 AM
Pressman, I feel your pain.
I wear both hearing aids and glasses.
I have had the paper surgical masks with the strings pull mine off.
I saw it mentioned twice in this thread but will say it again, pull the strings off from the top back, pulling up and away from the hearing aids.
If I try to remove from the bottom forward the strings will pull the hearing aid off.
I am not a vet, so I had to pay for mine .
At $6500 a pair you do not want to lose them.
Good luck with the VA.

02-22-2021, 01:05 PM
For that price I’d definitely get with the VA.

I hate wearing masks in general but typically wear an N95 while at work as opposed to the surgical mask.

Maybe one of the fishing type gaiters would help avoid it. The kids have to wear something to school and they typically go for the gaiter style face coverings before the masks. Much more comfortable.

02-22-2021, 08:05 PM
Pressman, if the phone doesn't work, maybe try a fax, snail mail, or email?