View Full Version : Time to sell stuff

02-12-2021, 11:17 PM
With the crazy prices people are paying for reloading equipment on evilbay, good chance to get rid of unused tools and maybe make a killing.
Haven't sold anything there for years, but I'm thinking about it.

Texas by God
02-12-2021, 11:24 PM
Better to clear the excess out for the price that folks are willing to pay right now- than to let it sit unused until your heirs throw it away.
Apply the " 5 Year Rule"- if you haven't used it or thought about it in 5 years- chances are- that you don't need it.....

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02-12-2021, 11:55 PM
recently sold a well used lee breechlock challenger press for $174.00+shipping on e bay. Those people are crazy.

Petrol & Powder
02-13-2021, 12:00 AM
Strike while the iron is hot.
If someone is willing to pay an outrageous price for something you don't need, now is the time to sell it.

Ed K
02-13-2021, 08:31 AM
Probably will take several passes at it but have already been doing exactly that. Whether it is a firearm, components for it, or equipment (dies, etc.) started with the stuff that has been sitting unused for the longest time first. This is no doubt a good time to rid oneself of all the stuff purchased that never saw the use originally hoped for.

02-13-2021, 09:02 AM
Most of us have "useless" stuff that others can use and can be turned into cash. I have been doing that for a few years and still have more to get rid of.

If you can, put that cash aside and when primers, .22's, or whatever you are short of come down in price, stock up.

02-13-2021, 09:10 AM
Been thinking about getting a new Bronco.Getting old don't shoot near as much as I used to.Sell most of my primers and rimfire ammo I could pay a really big chunk of the price.One thing for sure I haven't heard anybody say nobody needs that much stuff for a while

Mal Paso
02-13-2021, 09:29 AM
Time to sell stuff ???

This isn't you!

I'd love to see your collection someday though.

02-13-2021, 09:43 AM
I sold an RCBS bullet sizer press, a few dies and punches, my home made lube, and a home built PID heater for $400 on eBay. Guess they needed the lube.

Land Owner
02-13-2021, 04:48 PM
These times call for faster horses, younger women, and older whiskey. All more expensive in proportion to the current world and times.

I believe there's a Country song with some of those lyrics.

02-13-2021, 05:59 PM
Sell everything. Change your hobby. You'll be miles ahead when they outlaw and confiscate everything.

02-13-2021, 06:22 PM
Cost of shipping prevents me from selling reloading items. A LFR box is $20. I recently sold some dies for a friend for $25 shipped and it cost $10 to ship in a Post Office bubble envelope. Hardly worth the trouble.

Lloyd Smale
02-15-2021, 05:43 AM
Im just the opposite. I think its the time to hold on to everything I have. i quit even giving away ammo to people and even quit giving away cast bullets. I want to be able to shoot 10 years from now. Selling a set of dies for 50 bucks and then 2 years from now needing them again and having to pay 200 doesnt make sense. It certainly doent make sense right now. If you want to make real money give it a couple more years. Things sure arent getting better till the liberals are gone. If anything lead bullets and loading gear are just going up more in value. Primers? Powder? if the libs have there way you wont be able to buy it at any price in the future and if you want a box of 9mm be prepared to take a loan out to buy it. Me? Ill still be shooting 3 days a week. A joy that no bronco or harley can replace.

02-15-2021, 10:54 AM
this fits in with my thread about selling stuff. what happens when powder and primers are outlawed, would you be better off selling now or hide it and then what happens when they red flag you as being an extremist that needs disarmed. they wont come for all at once, but rather they will seperate and take down one at a time.
sounds far fetched now but look how far they have come down this road already.

02-15-2021, 11:21 AM
outlawed? I really can't envision that. maybe in some big cities, but there is a reason why there are 5 gun stores that survive in a small town not too far from me.
there are a lot of people that won't stand for anything being outlawed.
even if they want to ban 30 round mags, how many 10's or 100's of millions of mags are out there?
now this 5 year rule, not bad idea at all.
I've been toying to getting down to just may 1 or 2 guns. but then which ones?but then again I've always wanted a Cessna 172.
trade one hobby for another?
I don't know about anyone else here, but I've worked my butt off all my life so I could enjoy my hobbies and shooting, reloading and casting has been about my favorite hobby that I'm any good at and can't see giving it up.
living in Florida for a large part of my life I've seen retirees that don't do much of anything and don't have meaningful hobbies and they didn't last long.

02-15-2021, 12:20 PM
If powder and primers are outlawed I suspect you will need it more than ever.

I went through my molds yesterday and found that I have 48 across rifle, handgun and black powder. Holy cow did I go wild on black powder molds. I found that I had 4 different copies of one mold and in total 7 that are excess to my needs. Given the extremely stupid bidding going on there, some of them are up on evilbay. I will eventually list the rest here unless I find someone locally who is in need. I have also been lightening up on j-words that I bought early on in my reloading career that are now surplus since I prefer cast wherever I can use it.

02-15-2021, 01:41 PM
I am 70 and have been shooting for over 60 years. I am not about to stop, and am not worried about supply. I have enough to last about 6 years at my current rate of consumption and the rest of my life if I had to cut back.

There is no reason for components to stay scarce for more than another year or two. I have sold quite a bit of stuff with more to go, and will buy back when things level out to profit from the grasshoppers during the next shortage...it is like clockwork. Some people are not able to stock up, some do not learn, and there will always be new reloaders...so I will "help them out".

The one "mistake" I made this time was not buying ammunition. I can make ammunition but cannot sell it legally. And new gun owners need ammunition. Investing in 20 cases each of 9mm and .223 is a smart move. Cost two years ago would have been $10k and could have sold them for $36k today.

After the last "shortage", prices came back down. There is a lot of fear mongering but I am not going to over react. Like I said, I have enough to last my lifetime if the SHTF.

The time to sell is when people are driving prices up. If you have stuff you do not need, why keep it? If you have enough ammunition and components to ride out the panic, you can make a few $$$ and buy back later.

02-16-2021, 07:31 AM
I have been grabbing j-word bullets when I find a good deal on them. Nice to have the extra surplus while waiting for warm weather so I can start casting. I figure some friends are going to want to learn to reload so they can reimburse me for the j-words and use my equipment. I refuse to reload for anyone nor let anyone but my family shoot my reloads.

Land Owner
02-16-2021, 09:03 AM
Unless you have a "warehouse full", we're talking "pocket change" through selling those articles amassed that are now neglected or slightly used. You've got two hands, 7 days in a week, have to sleep, eat, and eliminate, and either an "8 to 5" job, or perhaps are retired and more flexible with your time. The point being in shooting, reloading, and casting: TIME is NOT INFINITE, but hoarding does sooth the itch of "What if...".

02-16-2021, 09:04 AM
I see scalping on all gun forums, and refuse to participate. I’m going to go through my stuff and look to sell on eBay.

02-16-2021, 01:18 PM
I was think of selling a couple of RCBS Green Machines. But I mentioned it to my brother and he said I should at least set up the 9mm again. So now I have an extra project.