View Full Version : Copper Nosed Boolits?

02-08-2021, 07:20 PM
I’ve been thinking of this project for some time and have finally bought the copper jackets for the nose.
So far, I’ve swaged some paper patched examples and have fit the jackets into a mold to cast copper nosed GG boolits.
Originally, I wanted to make something like the Westley Richards LT Capped bullets but am thinking a fully filled nose would be nice as well - the LT caps are hollow.
Now that I have figured out how to do this, I’m wondering if there are any real world benefits to it.
I suppose a jacketed nose may allow one to get jacketed performance/penetration from a lead boolit that will still bump up in a black powder cartridge rifle or muzzle loader.
Also, would a clad nose prevent the nose slump people talk about when using pure lead or soft alloys?
I wouldn’t think they would be allowed in competition so perhaps that is a moot point.

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/B8CB6000-4FAF-4761-B8E4-E427A6D19B67.jpeg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/B8CB6000-4FAF-4761-B8E4-E427A6D19B67.jpeg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds)

02-09-2021, 08:58 PM
Here are some pictures of period examples.

https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/001(1).jpg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/001(1).jpg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds)
https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/001(1).jpeg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/001(1).jpeg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds)
https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/001.jpeg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds (https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/gg312/Huvius/001.jpeg?width=590&height=370&fit=bounds)

The ones I made in the previous post have the copper cap going past the end of the ogive a little.
My plan is to try to patch to the cap and even over the cap to the ogive as one would with a regular PP boolit and see if there is any noticeable difference.
I could also see keeping the cap bore riding and patching the lead portion to groove or a thou over for smokeless loads.

02-09-2021, 08:59 PM

Red River Rick
02-10-2021, 11:54 AM
Interesting concept. But, what does any of this have to do with Paper Patching?


02-10-2021, 01:14 PM
...what does any of this have to do with Paper Patching?


It will allow me to use a soft paper patched projectile that may achieve greater or straighter penetration in a hunting situation than an all lead boolit and may also maintain its nose profile and BC better when using greater charges of powder.

Red River Rick
02-10-2021, 02:35 PM
Ah, I kinda figured that your intentions are to Paper Patch, but didn't notice that in your original post.

What diameter is your swaged bullets?
Are you planning to patch to "Bore" diameter or "Groove" diameter?


02-10-2021, 03:09 PM
This particular boolit swaged to .452” which gets me to .458” with the right paper which happens to be bore in my Westley 1881.
So, good for black in that rifle and good for smokeless in most .458 groove rifles like my Ruger No.1 and some other 450s I have.
I have drawn these down (without the cap) to patch up for using black powder in those .450 bore rifles. Not sure that’s the best process for long range accuracy but for most of my shooting it seems to work out.