View Full Version : Two Gun Shows

02-05-2021, 07:51 PM
We finally are allowed to have gunshows, if they can meet all the COVID requirements. There are two tomorrow, one in Fridley (Twin Cities) and one in the little town of Askov just south of Duluth. With careful planning I could hit both of them. But, there's always a but. The high temperature tomorrow at home is maybe 1 above, up there it's going to be much colder.

When I was younger the cold was a challenge, fun to get out and enjoy. Now this old, chubby curmudgeon prefers to stay warm and safe for accidental frost bite. Which means stay home and hope for better weather next month.
The other February show near by has been cancelled, probably because of COVID restrictions.

Just venting while I go into gunshow withdrawal.


02-05-2021, 08:31 PM
Might be able to find a bargain (if there is a thing anymore) due to the weather and possible lower turnout. People are getting hungry and low on cash and may want to liquidate.

I'm not getting out in that stuff if I can help it, 40* is too cold for me, not even for primers.

Stay safe up there and hunker down.


02-05-2021, 09:16 PM
It really irks me how Tim Walz keeps picking and choosing the dumbest things. High school football shut down, all those kid's futures hurt badly. Pro football, no problem, keep playing. Outdoor dirtbike race with under 100 people, nope, too dangerous. Next weekend, a group horse ride with similar number of people is A OK. Now this weekend the Maple Lake fishing contest was canceled, as they were concerned about too many people, even though it is entirely outdoors on a lake. Yet now he says you can gather indoors at a gun show.:veryconfu

I can't find a word in the dictionary to describe how stupid our governor is.

02-05-2021, 09:21 PM
hmmm, I wasn't aware of that Askov show...it's about 3 hours away, maybe I make the trip?

Texas by God
02-05-2021, 09:27 PM
The word in the dictionary to describe a stupid Governor is........Democrat.
Just saying.

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02-05-2021, 09:28 PM
Hey Mega, I think your governor and ours maybe brothers! Ours isn't only stupid, he's at the highest level of liberalism. I say we both move to Texas! Out in the boonies of course. :bigsmyl2:

I wish we lived closer because I prefer colder weather to hot. Although it's supposed to be in the single digits here for about the next 10 days. But, we need a good hard freeze so I won't have as much trouble with insects in my garden.

02-05-2021, 09:41 PM
Hey Mega, I think your governor and ours maybe brothers! Ours isn't only stupid, he's at the highest level of liberalism. I say we both move to Texas! Out in the boonies of course. :bigsmyl2:

I wish we lived closer because I prefer colder weather to hot. Although it's supposed to be in the single digits here for about the next 10 days. But, we need a good hard freeze so I won't have as much trouble with insects in my garden.

I'm way ahead of you. First deal with a house in SD fell through. Working on another in ND right now.

02-05-2021, 09:43 PM
The word is Elitist.

Merriam-Webster says, an Elitist is one whose attitudes and beliefs are biased in favor of a socially elite class of people.

While he use to live in smaller towns and smaller cities of Minnesota, he has stated that there is the Twin Cities, and everything else is "Rocks and Cows."

While he is was a member of the MN National Guard many years ago, when he was to call the Guard to the Twin Cities a few days after the Riots started last summer, He referred to them as "19 year old Cooks."

02-06-2021, 12:43 AM
And lets not forget the fact that for days, I believe 4 days, burned down Minneapolis unhindered. I don't know what the count was 10,000 rioters or so. Not just businesses, but homes, government buildings, and a police station were burned and looted. Everything except the university. Even an hour and a half away, cops were on edge, sirens every night. They were "peaceful protesters"

Then when a small group of guys, a couple hundred, went to the capitol on January 6th, absolutely nothing happened. Nobody was hurt, nothing was damaged. Tim Walz just about **** his pants. He even moved his son to an undisclosed location. Anyone who wanted to see the election investigated is now a "domestic terrorist"

Elitist is not nearly strong enough a word.

Lloyd Smale
02-07-2021, 05:55 PM
id guess your going to see the first couple shows stuffed with scalpers that are looking for desperate buyers.

02-07-2021, 10:45 PM
I have not been to a gun show for a long time. Never found many real bargains, but then I tend to buy in bulk from online sources.

Now, i surmise it will be even worse.

Looking forward to reports on prices

02-08-2021, 09:34 AM
Don, gunshows are not great for supplies these days. Components and guns are priced high, reloading tools are different and I am always finding another treasure for the collection. That is the main reason for going, besides just looking at gun stuff.

02-08-2021, 01:10 PM
I haven't been to a gun show since the mid '90s. Back then I mostly went to pick up reloading components, but it became easier and cheaper to mail-order that stuff. Since I didn't need any overpriced rusty junk, jerky, Dragon's Breath shells, or Nazi paraphernalia I just stopped going to the shows.

I suspect these days it'll be the vendors will be hocking the same junk they had on the tables in early 2020, but with a 200% markup. That plus $100 bricks of primers and $70 boxes of 9mm. Not worth getting sick over...

02-10-2021, 12:11 AM
Gun shows here have to limit number of folks in building, so either you wait hours to get in, or they pre sell 2 hour blocks of time that you get to pay the same all day price for. I did not wait at Fishersville but saw plenty of folks leaving with bags of high priced goods !

$100 box of primers would be a deal here !! If you've cast bullets and have powder, another 10 cents a round to shoot is worth it to many.