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View Full Version : I can't post on Swapping and selling section?? What gives

02-04-2021, 07:50 PM
I have 32 posts, and have been on here for a few months. Is there a secret code, or handshake to use that part of the forum? Please help because I am slightly frustrated

02-04-2021, 08:57 PM
I can't answer that for you. But, I'd bet a moderator will supply the correct answer.

Terms of Service are at http://castboolits.gunloads.com/cmps_index.php?page=TOS

Part of it says:
All sales are to be posted in the Swapping / Selling section and you must have the required 30 days membership and 25 meaningful posts before posting.

Der Gebirgsjager
02-04-2021, 09:12 PM
I don't know why you couldn't post. Go back and take another look at how to do it. You might be missing a step.

Remember: 10 item limit per ad.
5 ads per calendar month.
5 ads open at any one time, regardless of month. Example: One open ad in Feb. and 5 open ads in March = 6.
Precede ads with "WTS, WTB, or WTT as appropriate.
Mark your items as "sold" when they are sold.
Close your ads when items are all sold or you need to close one to open another.

Good luck.


02-04-2021, 10:25 PM
I'm not a moderator, either, but I think you're going to find the "meaningful posts" is your gotcha. I've gone over 554 posts now, but I bet I was well over 100 before I had the requisite "meaningful posts" on casting, reloading, or shooting subjects. I spend a lot of my time on the humor and politics threads, and I've seen a few of your posts there, too. I also don't know how strict they are on things like air rifles comments counting. I've posted a few of those, too. Hope that helps!

02-04-2021, 10:39 PM
Well it can be tough, I would like to post a WTB ad in S&S, I am trying to give you guys my money, but I only have a few posts, so I can't post a want ad. I can usually find a thread to address what I want to know about, which is great, but that isn't conducive to putting up a lot of posts. I'm usually not a guy to add a post to a thread that's already 4-5 pages long, so I don't do that. And if you dare to ask a question, you might get lectured about how "We had a thread about that 4 months ago."

I would be happy to help anybody else in any way I can, but I am just getting back into casting after about 25 years and I am here to learn, so there ain't much advice I can offer on a bullet casting forum.

I've actually had more PMs with other members than posts. I guess you could check with guys I have dealt with through PMs, they don't care how many posts I have made, I have had cordial communications with the and done what I said I would do.

I understand that forums have rules and there are reasons for them, but if someone is going to pass judgement on whether a post is "meaningful" I guess I'll have to hire a publicist to post for me.


02-04-2021, 11:03 PM
It’s a configuration issue.
I will fix it when I get to a pc

02-05-2021, 08:47 AM
Well it can be tough, I would like to post a WTB ad in S&S, I am trying to give you guys my money, but I only have a few posts, so I can't post a want ad. I can usually find a thread to address what I want to know about, which is great, but that isn't conducive to putting up a lot of posts. I'm usually not a guy to add a post to a thread that's already 4-5 pages long, so I don't do that. And if you dare to ask a question, you might get lectured about how "We had a thread about that 4 months ago."

I would be happy to help anybody else in any way I can, but I am just getting back into casting after about 25 years and I am here to learn, so there ain't much advice I can offer on a bullet casting forum.

I've actually had more PMs with other members than posts. I guess you could check with guys I have dealt with through PMs, they don't care how many posts I have made, I have had cordial communications with the and done what I said I would do.

I understand that forums have rules and there are reasons for them, but if someone is going to pass judgement on whether a post is "meaningful" I guess I'll have to hire a publicist to post for me.


I thought the posting rules only applied to selling and not buying. Guess you need to contact a Mod. Good luck.

02-05-2021, 08:50 AM
Meaningful post = Post which contribute to this casting community.

S&S is designed for contributing members - members who post meaningful things to the forum. Posting “nice”, “cool”, or anything that actually has nothing to do with the thread would be considered non-meaningful post. Posting in the PIT is non-relevant to our mission and will not raise your post count. Another sign we look for would be quick post one after another in a short period of time to reach 30. Members who join, post minimally for 30 days then post only in S&S are also on the short list for removal from the site for non contribution.

I hope this adds clarification

I'm not a moderator, either, but I think you're going to find the "meaningful posts" is your gotcha. I've gone over 554 posts now, but I bet I was well over 100 before I had the requisite "meaningful posts" on casting, reloading, or shooting subjects. I spend a lot of my time on the humor and politics threads, and I've seen a few of your posts there, too. I also don't know how strict they are on things like air rifles comments counting. I've posted a few of those, too. Hope that helps!

02-05-2021, 11:51 AM
...... And if you dare to ask a question, you might get lectured about how "We had a thread about that 4 months ago."

If you are getting that reply is because that thread has the answer you want. There is no dumb question so do not be concerned with asking but be prepared to have to put in a little time to get the answer. In most cases you will even get an answer though someone directs you to another area. The search engine can also help you get an answer but you.may have to use different phrasing to find what you are working for.

If you really want to get the most out of the knowledge here then read, read, read the old threads and stickies you will learn grasshopper. Then ask your questions or add your 2 cents and you'll reach 30 posts fast. Welcome aboard!

02-05-2021, 02:24 PM
Well good news, its all fixed up. No handshake needed LOL. Thanks Rob for your help.