View Full Version : new carry gun today

Lloyd Smale
02-03-2021, 03:48 PM
Im a smith shield fan. I had a 40 and have 2 9s. Always thought they were every bit as good as my glock 43. Today i was in the gunshop and he had a like new used 45acp 2.0 shield with three mags and a iwb holster for 425 out the door. Ive wanted a 45 shield for a while. took it outside the door of the loading room and dumped clips of 4 different cast bullets 2 of them swc and it ate it all like butter. Think this might be my main carry piece for a while. Only thing i didnt like was it was a manual safety model. A drop of super glue fixed that fast. Had to laugh the shop owners said he always throws in a box of ammo with a gun but didnt have a bit of 45acp of any kind. Asked if i wanted a 3rd mag instead and i jumped on that one. Ive got 6 boxes of 45acp factory and tons of handloaded ammo and didnt need any more factory stuff. His powder was down to two lbs of re25 and a few boxes of 30 cal bullets and not a single primer. He has a list on the wall of out of stock ammo and it covers about everything. He cant even get 06 ammo right now.

02-03-2021, 05:24 PM
Cool. How does it shoot? And how many rounds in the mags? Several ages ago I had an AMT Backup in 45acp, the first round was very reliable (the one in the chamber), but things went downhill after that.

02-03-2021, 07:45 PM
The mags are marked for 6rds and 7rds. You can fit the 7th round but it puts extra stress on the spring. It's my favorite carry piece also, although I have a SIG P238 for those occasions when printing isn't an option.

Lloyd Smale
02-04-2021, 05:37 AM
One holds 6 and one 7 as was said. I dont think the 6 rounder is designed for 7. They both have the same mag body. the 7 has an extended base plate that allows the 7th round. But 7 rounds is what a GI 1911 full size mag holds. So its pretty good firepower in a package that small. I didnt shoot it extensively yet. Took in out behind the house when i got home and shot 4 mags. 3 with 3 differnt cast semi wad cutters and one with xtps and it ate them all for lunch. One of those bullets gives my midsize M&P 40 fits. But then 6 rounds of each isnt really proving anything. But the differnce in size between the mid size (compact) and the shield is dramatic and the mags for it only hold 8 rounds so its about a no brainer. Id never part with that compact. Its a great woods bumming gun but its on the large size for ccw. About identical in size to a glock 19/23. bad thing is i gained one and lost one. My son in law stopped by and was checking it out and said hed love to have a shield. He does a ton of work for me without batting an eyelash so i went to the safe and grabbed the 40 and gave it to him. Reason i did the 40 was he has a 23 and can use the same ammo. He had a smile from ear to ear when he left. In December i picked up a springfield emp 40 so i still have a 40 for consealed carry.

02-04-2021, 06:47 AM
I was a die hard S&W 45 guy also. Tried a Sig Sauer p229 in 357 sig. That is my new carry. LGS guy said let him know how I liked the Sig. When told him how great it felt and shot, he said was the same with him but didn't want to bias my opinion. I really like her which surprised me. Good luck with your shield. My carry was the M&P45c.

Lloyd Smale
02-04-2021, 08:44 AM
I was a die hard S&W 45 guy also. Tried a Sig Sauer p229 in 357 sig. That is my new carry. LGS guy said let him know how I liked the Sig. When told him how great it felt and shot, he said was the same with him but didn't want to bias my opinion. I really like her which surprised me. Good luck with your shield. My carry was the M&P45c.

i have an m&p 45c myself but even the compact is a bit big for counseled carry. Especially in the summer. M&Ps sure arent sigs. But there about the best bang for the buck in a carry gun that is about guaranteed to run a 100percent. I really see no differnce in quality or reliability between them and my glocks and there at least 25 percent cheaper to buy. But if the price was the same on all of them those old steel framed sigs were the Cadillac's of the black gun world.

John Wayne
02-04-2021, 09:00 AM
Good. My wife really likes hers in the EZ 9mm version. They did have a recall on her model and turn around was 1 week.

Wayne Smith
02-04-2021, 09:13 AM
I want to put 500 rounds through a gun before I will carry it. That means I trust it implicitly.

Lloyd Smale
02-04-2021, 10:07 AM
I want to put 500 rounds through a gun before I will carry it. That means I trust it implicitly.

I used to do the same back when i shoot and carried 1911s. Matter of fact my test was take down a new gun oil it and shoot 500 take it apart wipe the majority of fouling you could do with a rag oil it again slap it together and shoot 500 more. All cast and all dirty lubesized bullets. If a gun failed the first time id stop when it stopped. Pull it apart give it a GOOD cleaning and start over. If it failed the second time it meant a trip to the gun shop. Id bet half the 1911s i bought didnt stay in the safe more then two weeks. The good ones were treasures though. Anymore with decent black guns a couple hundred rounds without a bobble about shows me if there going to be any good. I usually run a 100 rounds of something like a swc thats a worse case scenario for feeding and a 100 rounds of what im going to carry. If it will eat those 200 without cleaning its pretty much going to run a 100 percent with good ammo.

Heck anymore with the ammo, primer and powder shortage even 200 can tap some people out. Even out of the question for many. i could easily still do the 500 round test but its kind of a waste of time for these new guns. At least main stream guns like smiths glocks sigs H&Ks and berrettas. Ive yet to get a bad gun from any of those companies. id add springfield to it too but when they first came out i had a couple blisters and am skeptical enough that i dont buy them anymore other then maybe a 1911. i know there good guns now. Much better then the first xd's were but i still have that mental block and if i did buy one it would get AT LEAST a 500 round trial period. i know my buddy who has forgot more then i do about guns just loves his hellcat and knowing him the round count is way into the thousands by now.

Really to me the little 9s are guns i buy, run a couple hundred rounds through and stick in a glove box for car truck or atv guns. This 45 though might make a good woods bumbing gun and a daily carry gun. At least till i get my glock 43 back which is a 9 i actually got attached to. I kind of loaned that one to dad with the understanding that when he passes i get it back. Hes 89 and still kicking though. Sure wish Glock would at least make a 43 sized 40 sw for me. 9s are ok but i just feel better with a 40 or 45 on me. If they made that it would probably be my carry gun for the rest of my life. Ive got a little springfield emp 40 but its a heavy little bugger (all steel) But i have to admit its a beauty and runs like a watch.

Texas by God
02-04-2021, 10:28 AM
I quit looking for a carry gun after I bought my first 9mm Shield.
I take that back- I got a .40 Shield after my wife took my 9mm for herself.
Then I traded the .40 to my nephew, who HAD to have it.
So, I bought another 9mm Shield for me.
Dependable, very portable, and hits where we aim- search over. I do like the thumb safety model. 50 years of 1911- I have muscle memory for thumb safeties. The .45 version looks very interesting as well- you did good on that deal.

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

Der Gebirgsjager
02-04-2021, 02:07 PM
My mental computer must not be working today. You fellows keep talking about S&W and .45 ACP, and I keep coming up with this. Can't find any plastic.........;)



Fireball 57
02-04-2021, 05:40 PM
Lloyd Smale: Fellow Michigander, Congrates on the new M&P Shield! Now IF we all had 500 rounds to run before this blizzard-cold snap hits Lake Michigan and Superior. Just got my Wilson Combat 9mm back with RMR sites, yesterday. Gotta see how it shoots. Have a great weekend. Fireball57

Lloyd Smale
02-05-2021, 06:40 AM
Lloyd Smale: Fellow Michigander, Congrates on the new M&P Shield! Now IF we all had 500 rounds to run before this blizzard-cold snap hits Lake Michigan and Superior. Just got my Wilson Combat 9mm back with RMR sites, yesterday. Gotta see how it shoots. Have a great weekend. Fireball57

now im jealous. Wilson's and guns like it were within my budget when i was working but not so much retired. We didnt really get hit as hard here in munising as they were calling for. I dont think we got more then 6 inchs of snow. Just another winter day. Another advantage to munising is its on lake superior so we dont get alot of the below zero stuff they get inland. Mabye once or twice a year. Keeps it a bit cooler on the hot days in the summer too.

Lloyd Smale
02-05-2021, 06:41 AM
My mental computer must not be working today. You fellows keep talking about S&W and .45 ACP, and I keep coming up with this. Can't find any plastic.........;)



had a smith commander version of that gun for a while It was a great 1911. Wish i had it back .

02-05-2021, 10:08 AM
I've been a 1911 guy since I was a teen (mixed in with the early CZ 75s because we could get them overseas in the late 70s) - and I'd never owned a plastic pistol until a few years ago when the Shield .45 was on sale EVERYwhere... I think it was around $200 or so, so I figured I'd try it.

I'd gotten to the range literally ONE time with it before a friend, who was gun-broke, needed a pistol so he could do close-protection work locally - ok fine, here you go - and he carried that pistol for about a year and a half.

Then another friend (who coincidentally has the same first name) started to do Uber Eats food-deliveries in a bad part of town - by this time the first friend had earned enough to have 3 pistols of his own, so I went and got the Shield back from him and promptly lent it to #2 friend. He then needed a holster so I made him an OWB kydex rig using one of those paddle-mount things and he's used it with great success (other than losing the tension screw on the holster).

He's moving out of town so he came over for a BBQ a few weeks ago and he brought the pistol back (and the holster) - so finally, about 3 years or so after I bought it, I can actually go and shoot MY Shield again.


02-05-2021, 12:21 PM
My Glock 43 is my carry gun around my place in the summer. I use a Blawkhawk Tecgrip pocket holster and can carry it in my cut-offs. In the winter I use a modified M3 shoulder holster with my Ruger BH 4 1/2" in 44 Special.

Lloyd Smale
02-06-2021, 06:09 AM
Yup Joe those 43s are great guns. Actually like the feel of it in my hand more then the shields. But i dont know that there any more reliable or worth the extra money for most of us. I do miss mine though. Oh well it will come back someday. Told Dad he could use it till God called him up and he just turned 89. But to be honest id probably never replace it if it were gone. Not when shields are so much cheaper and available in 40 and 45 to boot and out of the box have a much better trigger (at least the 2.0s anyway) Like ive said before im glock flush. Ive got a 20 a 29 two 22's a 23,19,17 and the 43 at dads. Right now i dont really need another glock. What it would take is for them to make the 43 in 40 smith. Now to me that would make probably the best ccw concealable gun on the market.

02-06-2021, 07:53 AM
Main reason I stopped carrying my M&P45c was the Apex trigger job I did on her. Knew going in she would need one but concerns grew over defending myself if ever involved in a shooting. Got lucky trying the Sig as it fits me perfectly. I dont care for the feel of a glock. I understand you either love em or hate em.

02-06-2021, 03:15 PM
I got my 43 on a special deal; the Glock Blue label program. Mostly for law enforcement, and judges, and prosecutors. Cut the price down to $380 plus sales tax. Thought I'd mention that for folks in law enforcement, etc. Course now, the dealer first has to even have them on hand! No way I was going to pay the retail then of @ $495 + 10% sales tax.

02-06-2021, 09:31 PM
Only thing i didnt like was it was a manual safety model. A drop of super glue fixed that fast.

You actually super-glued the safety on your carry pistol? Wow.

Texas by God
02-07-2021, 01:12 AM
My guess on the glued safety would be to make it trigger safety only like the Glocks, so they all have the same system for familiarity. I remember an early video about the "fatal flaw" of the new Shield- the thumb safety! Whatever. Long ago lots of guys would have their 1911 grip safety pinned to deactivate it. I never understood that one.

Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

Lloyd Smale
02-07-2021, 05:27 AM
You actually super-glued the safety on your carry pistol? Wow.

never seen a law against doing it or some court case where someone went to jail because of it. It was common practice years ago to disable grip safetys on 1911s. Gun still has every safety feature a non safety equipped shield has. i dont worry about what some internet experts think some judge would say. Judges rule on law and cant make up there own. No differnt then some internet experts saying your going to go to jail because you used handloads or cast bullets. SHOW ME ONE CASE. Its my gun. I can do what i want with it. As long as they cant prove i killed an innocent person because of that saftey being disabled its my business. Now if your the type that thinks you NEED a safety on a ccw gun then theres no talking to you anyway. My safety is between my ears and it communicates with my trigger finger.

02-07-2021, 07:43 AM

02-07-2021, 08:57 AM
I've had a Glock 36 for twenty years. So easy to carry.

02-07-2021, 09:17 AM
In present day and times? $450? You did better than good Lloyd you did DAMN GOOD! I was seeing a girl a couple yrs ago in the mountains of VA, she lived in a trailer between druggies on either side. We went to a gun show in Roanoke and picked up a M&P Shield in 45 ACP that was previously owned by a Roanoke PD officer. It might have had 50 rounds through it, $400 she couldn't rack the slide but she could hang on to it pretty good in live fire. We went our separate ways and I told her whatever you do, DO NOT get rid of this gun. It is in your name, you filled out the 4473, it is legally and lawfully yours, you keep it at all costs. I told her not to leave it in the trailer when she goes to work for the crackheads to break in and then come back and rob her with her own gun on payday. If she never listened to anything else I said, I hope she listened to that.

I was favorably impressed with it, it takes a man's forearms to load it, her son can see to that for her, I told her not to limp-wrist it either, learn to grip it properly, and shoot it often, you will get better the more you shoot it.

Lloyd Smale
02-07-2021, 05:53 PM
put 300 rounds of cast round flats pc coated today and it didnt miss a beat. I did though. Cold enough that my heart stopped a couple times i think. 4 below on the truck temp guage when i pulled into the pit. Load 3 mags in the truck get out blast them and get back in and reloaded and warm up. Picked up another new one a 3rd smith 9mm shield and a second lcp yesterday. they are going to wait for warmer weather. BUY GUNS AMERICA. SHOW BIDEN WHERE WE STAND!

02-07-2021, 06:47 PM
You actually super-glued the safety on your carry pistol? Wow.

I think where I live here in NH, I might have a somewhat unique perspective into the gun industry. My favorite LGS is less than 5 min from the Mass border. EVERY drop tag on EVERY firearm in the place is marked MA or non-MA compliant. My .45 Shield has no external safety. Never had one from the factory. Perfectly fine for me on this side of the border, but forbidden for purchase on the MA side.

02-07-2021, 09:13 PM
I think where I live here in NH, I might have a somewhat unique perspective into the gun industry. My favorite LGS is less than 5 min from the Mass border. EVERY drop tag on EVERY firearm in the place is marked MA or non-MA compliant. My .45 Shield has no external safety. Never had one from the factory. Perfectly fine for me on this side of the border, but forbidden for purchase on the MA side.

Not sure what that has to do with someone super-gluing a safety, which is the funniest thing I have seen on a gun forum in years.

02-07-2021, 11:09 PM
It sure is gratifying to read a thread that mostly reinforces my own opinion of S&W Shields. Back when S&W was giving out rebates I bought 4 of them, two 9's and two 45's. Kept one 45, gave one to my older son, gave one 9 to my younger son and the second 9 to my younger grandson. His father(older son) had already bought one for the older grandson. None of them ended up costing more than $200 each.

One thing I found was a necessary addition was a Uplula magazine loader. I could never get the last round in either of the furnished magazines. I gave both grandsons loaders I bought from Midway but I know now why it was so cheap. I'm going to get them Uplula's too.

Ed K
02-07-2021, 11:21 PM
Don't have an issue putting 200 or 500 rounds of ball through a shield to prove reliability if that's the consensus. Is anybody really doing this with 500 rounds of $1-2/shot top end carry ammo?

Day 1: Buy shield pistol for $400
Day 2: $900-$1400 total invested in pistol - yikes!

02-08-2021, 12:13 AM
If I may butt in, What exactly makes the S&W M&P Line of pistols stand out from your standard bunch of polymer pew-pews like the Glock and more recent polymer entries from CZ?

I've taken a look through the M&P Catalog and it looks like there's an M&P model for any taste or style that you could want. It's pretty obvious they are designed from the ground up for contract production, but what makes the difference?

I suppose having a domestic firearm doesn't really count.

02-08-2021, 01:07 AM
I suppose having a domestic firearm doesn't really count.

I'm not sure what you are asking. As I posted, I bought 4 of the Shields because of cost after rebate. That decision was reinforced by comments I read after the fact. After shooting my Shield 45, I was convinced further.

One thing that bothered me at first, I asked DougGuy about reaming the throat. He informed me that S&W hardens their barrels to the point that it ruins a reamer in short order and he couldn't afford to do it. I've shot cast in mine and haven't noticed a problem yet.

02-08-2021, 02:40 AM
Same issue in my .45 Shield (and coincidentally just got a nicely-reamed CZ75 9mm barrel back from DougGuy) - so I have to load my 230 RN PC'd boolits a little deeper; not a big deal, I don't really plan to shoot it that often (yet).

I think DougGuy *can* do the hardened barrels now, he just charges a bit more.

02-08-2021, 03:58 AM
Not sure what that has to do with someone super-gluing a safety, which is the funniest thing I have seen on a gun forum in years.

The point being that the thumb safety doesn't make the Shield safer. On the Shield, the sole purpose of the thumb safety is to make that model saleable in MA. And maybe Mich.

Lloyd Smale
02-08-2021, 05:57 AM
Not sure what that has to do with someone super-gluing a safety, which is the funniest thing I have seen on a gun forum in years.

keep trying. Someone else might join you in your constant attacks

Lloyd Smale
02-08-2021, 05:59 AM
If I may butt in, What exactly makes the S&W M&P Line of pistols stand out from your standard bunch of polymer pew-pews like the Glock and more recent polymer entries from CZ?

I've taken a look through the M&P Catalog and it looks like there's an M&P model for any taste or style that you could want. It's pretty obvious they are designed from the ground up for contract production, but what makes the difference?

I suppose having a domestic firearm doesn't really count.

probably bang for the buck. A shield is at least 30 percent and sometimes more cheaper then a glock and runs just as well and the bigger guns fit a guys hand better then the bigger glocks. I wont bash glocks. I have more of them then anything but bang for the buck an M&P is hard to beat.

Lloyd Smale
02-08-2021, 06:04 AM
Don't have an issue putting 200 or 500 rounds of ball through a shield to prove reliability if that's the consensus. Is anybody really doing this with 500 rounds of $1-2/shot top end carry ammo?

Day 1: Buy shield pistol for $400
Day 2: $900-$1400 total invested in pistol - yikes!

up to now ive put 313 round through the 45 all cast except for one mag of hps. Hasnt missed a beat. Ive got another new 9 shield now too but i about froze shooting the 45 and the 9 is for my challenger car gun and the challenger aint comming out till spring anyway so that gun will wait. Put two clips through it out the back door and it ate them but the real tests will wait with that one. but I will say this. Ive got two other 9 shields and they have a few thousand rounds each out of them and non of my sheilds have ever missed a beat. Thats 90 precent cast bullets.

02-08-2021, 06:07 AM
I'm not sure what you are asking. As I posted, I bought 4 of the Shields because of cost after rebate. That decision was reinforced by comments I read after the fact. After shooting my Shield 45, I was convinced further.

One thing that bothered me at first, I asked DougGuy about reaming the throat. He informed me that S&W hardens their barrels to the point that it ruins a reamer in short order and he couldn't afford to do it. I've shot cast in mine and haven't noticed a problem yet.

I was wondering what made the M&P line stand out from the rest of the Polymer Wonders these days.
I've tried out the grip profile of a Springfield .45 pistol, but I really didn't like the ergonomics or its style of grip safety. I've adored the ergonomics and handling of my bro's Rock Island 1911. I'd have to say I was impressed at Hi-Point's fare in terms of ergonomics, with the exception of that darn safety wasn't nearly as positive as the 1911's. I'm not a fan of Glocks from a safety perspective, but my friend's Glock 40 was comfortable in the hand. I'd like to try out an M&P or anything in the CZ line of products but they seem to be fine addition to people's collections.

I was just trying to eliminate country of origin as a factor in your purchase over other factors. If you got a rebate on them, that's quite the deciding factor!

Lloyd Smale
02-08-2021, 06:10 AM
The point being that the thumb safety doesn't make the Shield safer. On the Shield, the sole purpose of the thumb safety is to make that model saleable in MA. And maybe Mich.

either is allowed in MI. I just dont like safetys and feel the best one is between my ears. I guess some are equipted with that one. Dont bother arguing with him. He follows my posts just to take cheap shots all the time. Must have hurt his feelings on a post sometime in the past. [smilie=l:

Lloyd Smale
02-08-2021, 06:14 AM
I was wondering what made the M&P line stand out from the rest of the Polymer Wonders these days.
I've tried out the grip profile of a Springfield .45 pistol, but I really didn't like the ergonomics or its style of grip safety. I've adored the ergonomics and handling of my bro's Rock Island 1911. I'd have to say I was impressed at Hi-Point's fare in terms of ergonomics, with the exception of that darn safety wasn't nearly as positive as the 1911's. I'm not a fan of Glocks from a safety perspective, but my friend's Glock 40 was comfortable in the hand. I'd like to try out an M&P or anything in the CZ line of products but they seem to be fine addition to people's collections.

I was just trying to eliminate country of origin as a factor in your purchase over other factors. If you got a rebate on them, that's quite the deciding factor!

made in america is a big plus. but price is the major thing. You get glock quality at near high point prices. At least used to before shtf in the gun world. Ergonomics play into it too. At least for me a mid or full sized (especially the full sized) M&P are one of the best feeling in the hand guns out there at any price. Now i have to admit the shields are ok but i prefer the feel of my 43 and if had to choose by ergonomics for a small gun it would be between a hellcat and one of the new little sigs. But there as expensive as a glock. So it really comes down to bang for the buck. probably no gun on the market provides more of that in a ccw gun then a shield.

02-08-2021, 03:36 PM
I was wondering what made the M&P line stand out from the rest of the Polymer Wonders these days.
I've tried out the grip profile of a Springfield .45 pistol, but I really didn't like the ergonomics or its style of grip safety. I've adored the ergonomics and handling of my bro's Rock Island 1911. I'd have to say I was impressed at Hi-Point's fare in terms of ergonomics, with the exception of that darn safety wasn't nearly as positive as the 1911's. I'm not a fan of Glocks from a safety perspective, but my friend's Glock 40 was comfortable in the hand. I'd like to try out an M&P or anything in the CZ line of products but they seem to be fine addition to people's collections.

I was just trying to eliminate country of origin as a factor in your purchase over other factors. If you got a rebate on them, that's quite the deciding factor!

As Lloyd stated, the M&P 45 just feels right (I have the 45c). Very similar to the SA Mod 2's (I have the 10mm). If you can try the Sig Sauer you may be really impressed. I have a P229 in 357 sig that fits me beautifully and love oh she hits. I do not care for the feel of a glock. Everyone is different. Good luck.

02-08-2021, 03:50 PM
made in america is a big plus. but price is the major thing. You get glock quality at near high point prices. At least used to before shtf in the gun world. Ergonomics play into it too. At least for me a mid or full sized (especially the full sized) M&P are one of the best feeling in the hand guns out there at any price. Now i have to admit the shields are ok but i prefer the feel of my 43 and if had to choose by ergonomics for a small gun it would be between a hellcat and one of the new little sigs. But there as expensive as a glock. So it really comes down to bang for the buck. probably no gun on the market provides more of that in a ccw gun then a shield.

I honestly don't like the prospect of a little, hard to use ccw firearm to rely on in a dire emergency. While S&W Airweights are pretty cool, I doubt that little fella would be as straightforward to put on target as my full-sized Model 10-5.

To me, the M&P line seems like a good middle ground between a Glock and your standard full sized handgun. Not to mention, I really like that you CAN have a safety with it. One huge benefit compared to a Glock.

Ed K
02-08-2021, 05:58 PM
I've tried out the grip profile of a Springfield .45 pistol, but I really didn't like the ergonomics or its style of grip safety.

There's a more competition now but until the early 2000s a guy wanting a polymer double stack 45 had the Block 21. Then came the XD45 with ergonomics to blow it out of the water. Yes, things have changed I agree the M&P line has excellent ergonomics.

BTW the opinion here is that Glocks are excellent - probably even the 21 if you're 6'8" and 275lbs!

02-08-2021, 08:18 PM
There's a more competition now but until the early 2000s a guy wanting a polymer double stack 45 had the Block 21. Then came the XD45 with ergonomics to blow it out of the water. Yes, things have changed I agree the M&P line has excellent ergonomics.

BTW the opinion here is that Glocks are excellent - probably even the 21 if you're 6'8" and 275lbs!

Hey! I like the Glock 21. I've had it since 1994. I can't say I've put thousands of rounds thru it but I still like it. It is not a carry gun but I think it is an excellent home defense or truck gun. And, I'm only 6'2" and 195 but I am 78.

02-08-2021, 08:18 PM
I honestly don't like the prospect of a little, hard to use ccw firearm to rely on in a dire emergency. While S&W Airweights are pretty cool, I doubt that little fella would be as straightforward to put on target as my full-sized Model 10-5.

To me, the M&P line seems like a good middle ground between a Glock and your standard full sized handgun. Not to mention, I really like that you CAN have a safety with it. One huge benefit compared to a Glock.

Actually what first drew me to the M&P 45c was no safety. None of my carries have one. I carry one in the chamber and ready but that is my preference.

Ed K
02-08-2021, 11:03 PM
Hey! I like the Glock 21. I've had it since 1994. I can't say I've put thousands of rounds thru it but I still like it. It is not a carry gun but I think it is an excellent home defense or truck gun. And, I'm only 6'2" and 195 but I am 78.

Like I said: Glocks are excellent. You must have very big hands. You should put a M&P 45 in your hands one day just for the experience.

Lloyd Smale
02-09-2021, 05:59 AM
As Lloyd stated, the M&P 45 just feels right (I have the 45c). Very similar to the SA Mod 2's (I have the 10mm). If you can try the Sig Sauer you may be really impressed. I have a P229 in 357 sig that fits me beautifully and love oh she hits. I do not care for the feel of a glock. Everyone is different. Good luck.

i was shooting both the 9 and the 45 yesterday a bit and found that the very small differnce in size makes the 45 feel much better in the hand. Where the 9 without an extended mag feels to small for my hand the 45 feels just fine without an extension. It does weight a bit more though. Especially when loaded. But i cant see the small bit of extra size and weight being a problem for every day carry. Still weights less then my all steel springfield emp 40 that ive been carrying which by the way is a very cool gun too. I have nothing against the 9s. probably have more 9mm handguns then any two other calibers combined. but i feel better with a bit more. 9s to me are nice convinent little guns. I keep them in my vehicles for the times i dont have a gun on me and decide at the last minute i need one. Or just have to grab one out of the glove box for right now. I also love shooting them because there fun and cheap to shoot. but when i know im going somewhere that its prudent to have a gun and choose before i leave the house its going to be a 40 or 45. I dont buy into that bs about the 9 being just as effective because of modern bullets. Those same bullets are available in all three calibers. In what world is a 120 grain 355 gold dot going to do the same job as a 451 200 grain gold dot. Velocity is your argment? A 40 will shoot a 180 as fast as a 9 will shoot a 130 and its starts out about the same size as a 9 expands to. 357 sig is another good one. Its what the 9mm always wanted to be. Even if you talk mag capacity and shields the 45 is the clear winner. What would you rather face a bad guy with 7 rounds of 45 200 grain gold dots or 8 rounds of 9mm gold dots.

02-09-2021, 07:52 AM
Lloyd, have you tried the 357 sig? As I said before I am extremely impressed with the way she fits my hand and shoots. Figure the round was good enough for the professionals a few years ago. I also don't care for the fit in my hand that the 9's offer. I had picked up an EZ in 380 for my girlfriend to try which was still a lil big for her. I liked its fit better than the EZ 9 and it fits in my bottom right cargo pocket in my Duluth firehouse cargo pants. Perfect when seeing a doc for an appointment and not worrying about printing and such.

02-09-2021, 11:05 AM
Like I said: Glocks are excellent. You must have very big hands. You should put a M&P 45 in your hands one day just for the experience.

I have never consider my hands to be "big". I've always had plenty of hand strength up until the last couple of years. This past year has been especially bad for maintaining fitness. I haven't fired the FA Casull or the .475 Linebaugh in over 2 years. If I ever do again it will probably be with mid-level or lower loads.

The toughest thing about getting older is realizing that you can't do many of the things you have done all your life and there are many things you had hoped to do someday and can't look forward to any longer.

Lloyd Smale
02-09-2021, 12:44 PM
Lloyd, have you tried the 357 sig? As I said before I am extremely impressed with the way she fits my hand and shoots. Figure the round was good enough for the professionals a few years ago. I also don't care for the fit in my hand that the 9's offer. I had picked up an EZ in 380 for my girlfriend to try which was still a lil big for her. I liked its fit better than the EZ 9 and it fits in my bottom right cargo pocket in my Duluth firehouse cargo pants. Perfect when seeing a doc for an appointment and not worrying about printing and such.

never owned a 357 sig of any kind. Shot quite a few and have no excuse why i havent got one other then its just another caliber to load for and you have to lube cases. Heck i think i even have a set of dies out in the shop someone gave me. Dont care for the ez's. I sure dont have a problem racking a slide and why they made the larger then the regular shields is beyond me and i detest that ugly useless grip safety on them. But that said i shot one in 380 my buddy bought for his daughter and it was a good reliable gun.

02-12-2021, 09:24 AM
Same issue in my .45 Shield (and coincidentally just got a nicely-reamed CZ75 9mm barrel back from DougGuy) - so I have to load my 230 RN PC'd boolits a little deeper; not a big deal, I don't really plan to shoot it that often (yet).

I think DougGuy *can* do the hardened barrels now, he just charges a bit more.

I throat the M&P Shield barrels yes. They are salt bath hardened necessitating carbide reamers. Believe it or not, carbide reamers actually have a very short service life throating pistol barrels! I might get 10-12 barrels out of a new reamer before it has to be sharpened or replaced and they cost a LOT more than HSS reamers. This is why hardened barrels cost more to throat.

02-12-2021, 10:38 AM
I have small hands and bought my first M&P due to the ergonomics. But that's getting better with many gun manufacturers. Walther feels real good in my hands as does the HK VP9.

What really irks me though is the universal desire for 1911 manufacturers to insist that everyone wants a long trigger in their 1911. I have small hands and a long trigger just doesn't work for me. What's up with that bit of foolishness? I just don't get the reluctance to fit a gun to the users hand. So I replace the triggers with ones that fit me better. But you'd think they could install different triggers at the factory. Maybe it results in too much inventory?

07-23-2024, 10:16 PM
How do you like the Sig?

07-23-2024, 10:32 PM
Not sure what that has to do with someone super-gluing a safety, which is the funniest thing I have seen on a gun forum in years.

On the other hand, I know a gun owner or two who should have their safties permanently superglued on SAFE.

07-24-2024, 07:21 PM
Wonder how Lloyd is doing these days.

07-24-2024, 09:16 PM
I've been carrying my Shield in 45acp for more than 2 years now. I find it easy to conceal even with shirt tails out. Mine is the no safety model. It fits my hand well and points easily. Sights are good even with my trifocals. I found recoil surprisingly managable in proportion to the weight of this weapon.

07-24-2024, 10:07 PM
Wonder how Lloyd is doing these days.

um, I think he went to banned camp, Last Activity: 01-21-2024 05:56 AM

Texas by God
07-24-2024, 11:18 PM
I have the .40, my better half has the 9mm. Both of ours have safeties and it’s not a handicap. For us. We both are 1911 muscle memory folks.
This is at ten yards with 180gr fmj carry loads.
I like the Shield so much, I’m thinking of a M&P Compact .22 a lot lately.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-25-2024, 07:59 PM
um, I think he went to banned camp, Last Activity: 01-21-2024 05:56 AM

Exactly the reason for my post.

07-25-2024, 08:32 PM
I wonder if notification emails still go to banned members, if they are subscribed to the thread?